I’ve always been impressed with Lee since he showed up in my radar. Have never been a big fan though. Not sure why.
That said, I find myself incredibly happy to have him on the team. Such a long road filled with injuries. Very glad that he seems to be healthy enough to really show up and let it rip.
Congrats to him. Glad he is our rep and will have the job of getting us qualified. Best of luck to him. And may health be upon him!!
The moment you equated staying home to be there for his family, as a new child was being born, to ducking, you showed your bias. Hard to take your story as an objective retelling of what happened.
This board seems to be in the process of getting overrun by bitter and classless people that like to troll and otherwise complain and belittle. Less and less actual substance.
More and more attempts to insult or think they are insultingly ‘funny’ … I expect driven by some deep down insecurity.
Overall, these finals matches tonight are pretty boring. Not good. Feel like there has been a lot more fun in the past.
Ahhhh, we are missing light weight mens … that may be a lesson learned. Need them … way more activity.
Seeing Nolf backing and not pulling trigger is so surprising and abnormal. Dake positioning and hand fighting must be awesome. Agree that Nolf needs a new strategy.
Final session. Can’t see score boards … angled so that I see from side .. their edges. Big screen showing match —- started with scores on bottom but now on bottom of match is a banner saying US Olympic Trials. Ummm, we all know what this is. SHOW THE FREAKING SCORE UP THERE!!!
Fundamentally PISS POOR thinking on the setup here.
His great interviews. His intelligence and insights. His interaction with and appreciation of international fans. Creating an international fan base. His commitment to excellence.
There was a brick thrown and a review done. Official said no conclusive proof that call was wrong so the 2 point award was kept. Videos didn’t have a good angle or were too far away to show in detail. Hoping someone near side on the arena has a more conclusive video they can show.
A positive note - they have done something to speed up reviews. They have usually occurred pretty quickly with a clear explanation of the decision. Kudos to this improvement. Hoping it continues.
I think Penn State fans are in the moment and in the moment are passionately behind their guy. And their guy was often against JB this tourney. Lots of fan emotions.
Penn State fans are rightly pointing that out.
Interestingly, I don’t think many of them saw it that way when they historically trashed Iowa fans for behaving the same way. (Get ready for the yells of ‘it isn’t the same!’)
I had peacock on my phone. Was able to rewind and watched it a few times. Never saw the singlet pull. Must have been a super fast situation. Inadvertent? Material impact? We will never know.
Can anyone post proof of the singlet pull?
Zahid not accepting the brick seems damning. But I want to see this. Ref was super adamant about it. Seems like side judges decided to trust him.
@oldschool- you here? This is a Penn State crowd. They are pulling for MM big time. They were the ones booing. Those not Penn state fans around me were observing the events or favoring JB.