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Everything posted by mspart

  1. Wondering why you have Snyder at Silver and not Gold? Is Sadulaev scheduled to be there? If not, I would say Snyder is the odds on favorite. Just my $0.02. I think Dake is Gold, Taylor is Gold, and Snyder is Gold. Steveson could be Gold but I'm hearing he is not completely 100% training FS. But that could just be rumor. I think the rest have the potential to medal. But probably won't. mspart
  2. But do they smoke up real nice, that's the question. mspart
  3. That would probably become a reality show and net those two millions in cash!! mspart
  4. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/burger-king-must-face-lawsuit-144728305.html Burger King must face lawsuit claiming its Whoppers are too small By Jonathan Stempel (Reuters) - A U.S. judge has rejected Burger King's bid to dismiss a lawsuit claiming that it cheated hungry customers by making its Whopper sandwich appear larger than it actually is. U.S. District Judge Roy Altman in Miami said Burger King must defend against a claim that its depiction of Whoppers on in-store menu boards mislead reasonable customers, amounting to a breach of contract. Customers in the proposed class action accused Burger King of portraying burgers with ingredients that "overflow over the bun," making it appear that the burgers are 35% larger and contain more than double the meat as the chain serves. Burger King, a unit of Restaurant Brands International, countered that it wasn't required to deliver burgers that look "exactly like the picture," but the judge said it was up to jurors to "tell us what reasonable people think." In his decision made public on Friday, Altman also let the customers pursue negligence-based and unjust enrichment claims. He dismissed claims based on TV and online ads, finding none in which Burger King promised a burger "size," or patty weight, and failed to deliver it. Burger King and its lawyers did not immediately respond to requests for comment on Tuesday. The plaintiffs' lawyer was not immediately available for comment. Earlier efforts to mediate a settlement proved unsuccessful... I don't care for Burger King really, hardly ever go there. But I thought this was interesting. How big should a Whopper be? I guess if it is pictured on the menu, it should be proportional to the size depicted. In this day and age, I will not be surprised if a jury hands over a yuge award to the suckers who bought a Whopper and were disappointed. Just their fries are a disappointment. mspart
  5. Of more importance than trial dates is Biden sending email under alias names while being VPOTUS. Why would he do this? Why would he lie about his having no knowledge of Hunters international business dealings? Usually when a person lies it is because they are hiding some truth they don't want discovered. The truth he does not want discovered appears to be his participation in Hunter's business that might shed bad light or send criminal charges his way. I doubt he is concerned about criminal charges but he is concerned about optics. And the optics are not good or conducive to a re-election campaign. mspart
  6. He wouldn't have played HS football in most districts in WA. Must have 2.0 GPA to do sports. mspart
  7. The wikipedia says: Oher's initial low grades were a barrier to his acceptance to an NCAA program. He raised his 0.76 grade point average (GPA) to a 2.52 GPA by the end of his senior year so he could attend a Division I school, by enrolling in some 10-day online courses from Brigham Young University. Taking and passing the online courses allowed him to replace Ds and Fs earned in earlier school classes, such as English, with As earned via the Internet.[8] This finally raised his graduating GPA above the required minimum. So inferring from this that the Tooeees probably helped him get in touch with the BYU program and helped motivate him to do the courses so he could get into college. Is there reason to suspect this was not the case? mspart
  8. You mean they are actually going after car thieves. Where did you get that idea? mspart
  9. The VOAnews states: new orleans — U.S. President Joe Biden’s announcement that he will run for reelection in 2024 has left voters in his own Democratic party divided and generated far less immediate enthusiasm from the party faithful than bids by other recent presidents seeking a second term. If you read further you will get interviews with various folks and polling data to show that D's are not behind Biden in this. But go on and not read. The NYT is a link to the Ezra Klein show: A recent AP-NORC poll found that just a quarter of voters, including only around half of Democrats, want to see Joe Biden run for president again. Many voters are concerned about his age in particular. That’s a problem for Biden, but it’s not as unusual as it might seem. In 1982, only 37 percent of voters wanted Ronald Reagan, another older president, to run again; he then won the 1984 election in a landslide. And Biden also has a lot going for him: a better-than-expected midterm performance, an impressive record of legislative achievement and a track record of defeating Donald Trump. What are Biden’s chances in 2024? How does he stack up against Republicans like Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis? What has his campaign focused on so far, and what should they focus on over the next few years? Jon Favreau served as Barack Obama’s head speechwriter from 2005 to 2013, played a key role in both of Obama’s presidential campaigns and currently co-hosts the podcast “Pod Save America.” So I asked him on the show to talk through the cases for and against Biden in 2024. We cover the concerns over Biden’s age, the strength of Vice President Kamala Harris, the key takeaways from the 2022 midterms, the surprising effectiveness of Biden’s lay-low media strategy, why voters tend to trust Donald Trump’s management of the economy more than Biden’s, how Biden’s bipartisan credentials could help him in 2024 and much more. We all know both Jon and Ezra are Biden deniers and hate his guts and can't stand D's in general. So not much here admittedly but you might catch some interesting things you haven't considered obviously. Now that PBS right wing rag is a different story. WASHINGTON (AP) — A majority of Democrats now think one term is plenty for President Joe Biden, despite his insistence that he plans to seek reelection in 2024. ... “I, honestly, think that he would be too old,” said Sarah Overman, 37, a Democrat who works in education in Raleigh, North Carolina. “We could use someone younger in the office.” AGain more interviews and polling data. But don't believe PBS because they are biased you know. Please read to find more info you might be dismissing. And finally TheHill, your favorite rag when you were alive, has the following about polling data. A majority of Americans said in a new CNBC All-America Economic Survey that they don’t want President Biden to run for a second term in 2024. The survey, published on Friday, found that 70 percent of those polled said they don’t want Biden to run, largely citing his age. Nineteen percent of respondents said they would support a Biden reelection bid. Now just for you Bob, I will teach you how to read between the lines a little. Consider it a post mortem gift. Those polled are of all stripes and stuff. So roughly 33% are D, 33% are Rs, and 33% are I's. So 70 percent said they don't want Biden to run, you can bet 33% of R's said so, and half the I's said so maybe, so that is roughly total 49%, and then some unknown about of D's. But wait, 19% of respondents support Biden. So that would be made up of the D's and I's. But 19% is not 33% it is less than 33%, so that means that there are a lot of Ds that don't want Biden to run. Now if we assume that some I's want him to run, that means even less D's want him to run for that number to be true. See how this works. There's a little lesson for you to practice your deductive and inductive reasoning abilities. There, I spelled it out for you and you will next say, thank you now you don't need to read the articles. Figured as much. Just proves you are not really wanting to learn here, just misdirect so you can change the focus. Great tactic. mspart
  10. But if I do will you? Not holding my breath or I'll end up like you. mspart
  11. Bob you're type of reasoning is the leading cause of not reading between the lines, picking up social clues, and understand one's surroundings I can think of. You display it above very well. If you have a point other than to badger me, please feel free to make it. But if this is just a mission to badger me, it is a shallow endeavor and equally a waste of people's time. mspart
  12. Not many who say things like this count themselves as one of the 30 percernters. It kind of goes with the territory. mspart
  13. Not being a real smoker dude, I ran out of mesquite and had to use the apple. I'm rectifying that later tonight. mspart
  14. You might read them and learn something from them buddy. But no, that would take too much effort and might dissuade you from your current thought process. Don't want to go challenging yourself too much these days, being dead and all. mspart
  15. I'm glad you are amazed. There's hope for you yet. mspart
  16. I asked you a simple question in return, for which you have not provided an answer. Indeed, you have added nothing to the conversation, and pecadillo you so readily accuse me of. You are in the position of rationalizing the stealing of cars because of what or wasn't written in a single article is the only answer possible. I know you've been dead for quite some time, but you seem fairly well versed in modern politics. To deny that cities are condoning more crime in the name of racial justice, inclusiveness, and equity is a lie that is on everyone's mouths these days. I only condemn democrats because they have run these cities, like Chicago, for decades and now find that they cannot provide the security and safety for their citizens anymore because they lack the will to incarcerate the perps. It is that simple. I don't need Fox news to tell me that, I can see it in Seattle any day of the week. Just to help you out, Chicago mayor said this the other day regarding the teen mob violence in the city: https://nypost.com/2023/08/04/chicago-mayor-slams-reporter-for-calling-riots-mob-actions/ Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson reportedly snapped at a reporter for calling young rioters a “mob,” insisting they were just “large gatherings” — and that labeling the riots “mob actions” was inappropriate. “That’s not appropriate,” the newly minted mayor said in response to a reporter’s question about trends like “mob actions” the city has endured. “We’re not talking about mob actions. I didn’t say that,” Johnson barked back. “These large gatherings … it’s important that we speak of these dynamics in an appropriate way.” Hundreds of rioters flooded Chicago’s South Loop late Sunday, when teens took over the area for the second time in just a few days — and looted a local convenience store, Fox News Digital reported. The Chicago Police Department charged 40 “disorderly” people – 32 who were teens – with misdemeanors, for allegedly fighting, damaging vehicles, smashing a window and trying to loot a nearby store, according to the report. You won't find the above in the article but does that make it any less relevant. You want to look at one item and pull infinite truth from it. Where did the mayor say he is not pursuing car thieves you ask me. I ask you where in that article does he say he is. You say I'm dumb for not answering your question while you refuse to answer mine. It is a game not worth playing Bob, and who knows how long you will be allowed to continue to post on here before the Almighty puts a stop to it for you. Bob you have an example above of a mob action that the mayor does not want to call a mob action. People, teens, were arrested for all kinds of property damage and thievery, yet we must be careful in what we call these people. It was a large gathering is all. If you read the article you will see that guns were also present, in a city which has essentially outlawed guns for most. The mayor should have come down on this crowd will all power at his disposal so as to dissuade it from happening again, and do it again and again with real consequences to stop the behavior. We have allowed this to go on for far too long. I'm concerned that it is endemic to big city civilization. Crime has always been part of the mix, but the brazen way in which it is now happening is a new phenomenon and is ridiculous. Excusing it will not make it go away and the social compact between city and resident has been broken. If you like that, then good. I do not. mspart
  17. It isn't a crime to steal a car. Apparently. WKN - That is what you are saying, intended or not. Who cares about the people who owned the car. The car company is at fault if it gets stolen. And of course the person who stole the car is not at fault, just couldn't help himself. It was ripe for the taking, he just counldn't resist the urge to steal that car. Dang, I'm guessing car thievery would go down if car thievery laws were enforced. But I live in a dream world where criminal law means nothing anymore but I wish it did. mspart
  18. https://www.voanews.com/a/biden-reelection-bid-prompts-concerns-among-many-democrats/7073903.html https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/16/opinion/ezra-klein-podcast-jon-favreau.html https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/most-democrats-dont-want-biden-to-seek-a-2nd-term-poll-says https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3771024-poll-70-percent-of-voters-dont-want-biden-to-run-for-a-second-term/ With just an easy googles search, I came up with these four right wing media outlets reporting that D's don't want Biden to run in 2024. So either I am into conspiracy theories or I am not. You be the judge. mspart
  19. Hi buddy, What substance have you added to this conversation? mspart
  20. Why are you so invested in regulating my behavior? And why are you so concerned if you are safe with your mask and booster? If you have a mask which you say protects, wear one and be happy. If you get a booster which you say protects, get one and be happy. My droplets really shouldn't be a bother to you nor should you feel the need to regulate my droplets if you are so well protected. That is unless, you feel the mask and booster are really not protecting you. They you have a different problem. mspart
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