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Everything posted by mspart

  1. I remember when Carter introduced what he called a Lean and Austere budget at $500 Billion. People thought he was out of his mind. mspart
  2. I will add this. Without a sense that there is a God and that we are accountable to him, these questions cannot be truly answered. When we lose our mooring from what is eternal truth, then there is all sorts of rationalizations that occur that take us away from base truths. Personal Accountability starts with how that applies to our relationship with God. If there is a God, then it seems pretty clear what our personal accountability is. You do what is right and there is no question of what is right and what is wrong. If there is no God or we choose not to believe in God, then it seems pretty clear that there is no personal accountability in the same sense. It is whatever you think is right or wrong and how you keep yourself accountable to that. But with no serious spiritual mooring, this can be anything an individual wants it to be. And therein is the rationalization of human behavior. That's my opinion. mspart
  3. Yes good stuff. Thank you. mspart
  4. Gable used to be able to get more out of his guys than they thought they had. He had a psychological way of looking at his guys and getting them to go where he needed them to go. The Brands are good coaches no doubt, but they are no Gable. Dan brought something intangible to the job and dominated for decades. Cael has done that same thing I think and has dominated. Cael, and maybe his brother and Casey have that intangible quality to get inside their wrestler's heads and get them to where they need to be. For the most part Gables guys overperformed. Caels guys do that now. Brands guys do not. I have said many times I was excited when Zalesky took over OSU years ago. He did nothing with them and finally got canned. Brands is pretty much in that same situation and I think AgaveMaria has a good line on this. Tom and Terry need to figure out how to get to the next level rather than doing the same old thing and getting the same old results. Having one guy in the finals is not doing it. I'm not an Iowa fan but was with Gable. I'd like to see them succeed. I would like to see someone challenge PSU. mspart
  5. Again, as I said, you see these things politically. You just proved it. mspart
  6. Last I heard 2 people were recovered and 6 were unaccounted for. Is that still the case? mspart
  7. Let's say the new news is that he guarantees he is the 65kg Olympian this year. Now that should start a conversation!! mspart
  8. Poor Letitia - she's reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy disappointed. The idiots on MSNBC are beside themselves. I have said all along that the Judge Engoran had it in for Trump from the beginning and that was apparent in his ruling and the appeals court blew the whistle on that foul. They did not absolve him of the bond, but reduced it by a lot, thus not agreeing with Engoran's judgement. There is no question this is the case. I have heard that the appeals court cited due process grounds for their ruling but I cannot find that. I cannot find any article that discusses the decision in detail anywhere but on NYT which I do not pay for. Now the appeal can proceed and I believe that it will succeed as this was a travesty in the first place. mspart
  9. Johnson party affiliation doesn't matter. Clinton - D Trump - R Majorkas - D Yes very predictable. I just wondered where you draw the line. It is apparently at the political divide of R and D. You could tell me I'm wrong but I'm guessing you don't think Fani should be booted from the prosecution in GA and you think Letitia James' conduct laughing at Trump via social media after the Engoran decision is totally acceptable. On the other hand, investigation into Hunter is wrong and is a farce. And any of the things found that point to Joe are equally farcical. I would expect as a lawyer you would find their conduct disgraceful and unprofessional. I really hope that's the way you feel but because it involves Trump, I have my reservations. I would love to be proved wrong. The charges on Hunter are real and he admits to most all of them in his book. All has been quiet after Bobulinski testified last week (without HB who wanted his public hearing but did not show up) because why? He said things that are not helpful to the Biden cause. So no real mainstream media coverage of that. What he said was blistering and he had the receipts to prove what he said. But still I'm sure you think it is a farce because of who Hunter is, and not what he has, of his own accord, admittedly done. mspart
  10. That's what I figured. Completely partisan and predictable. I threw in Johnson as a joke figuring you weren't there at the time. I assume that was a good guess. Turns out all were farces because none got convicted. mspart
  11. To the first bolded statement - Mueller found no evidence of collusion. Period, end of story. To the second - Maybe they didn't but JFK did. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/02/07/1960-electoral-college-certificates-false-trump-electors-00006186 mspart
  12. Methinks that needs Congressional approval. So it may not happen that way. Or, the feds could pay for it as a loan for Baltimore/Maryland to pay back over time. This would be more palatable to me. Use the interest payments to bring down the debt to start that conversation. mspart
  13. Were you like minded with the impeachments of Trump Vak? Of Clinton? Of Johnson? mspart
  14. Oh yes, it was intentional. There is very little doubt about that. No one is saying it wasn't. And I would say that is impeachable if you had 67 Senators that were like minded. If you don't, there is no reason to waste the time. Impeachment is nothing unless you have the numbers. Then it means something. mspart
  15. I ahven't heard that Gable has signed up. Unless, that info comes in, he's committed to WWE and not USAWrestling. mspart
  16. I assume Gable did not sign up for the OTTs by yesterday. So Taylor, Snyder, Parris mspart
  17. There are a lot of hammers at 57kg. Tough to really predict who will be the Trials winner. mspart
  18. Probably Iowa will not win another while Cael is at Penn State. What if Cael decided he needed another challenge and picked up and went somewhere else? mspart
  19. It is stupid to impeach without like mindedness in the Senate. Sure a message is being sent but it is an empty action. Unless they have something that both sides HAVE to condemn, no good comes from it. The Ds tried it twice. It didn't work either time. So what good did it do in the end? In fact they tried to remove him from office just days before he left office. What an idiotic thing to do. mspart
  20. Here you go RV. Now you can say you have heard of this from liberals. Wiki, NBC, WP, TheHill, NPR LATimes. Quite cherry picked. The idea of the impeachment of Trump started in December before he took office. Why? Because he wasn't legitimate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Efforts_to_impeach_Donald_Trump https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/meet-the-press-70-years/john-lewis-trump-won-t-be-legitimate-president-n706676 https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/hillary-clinton-trump-is-an-illegitimate-president/2019/09/26/29195d5a-e099-11e9-b199-f638bf2c340f_story.html https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/334972-poll-dems-dont-accept-trump-as-legitimate-president/ https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/nov/08/donald-trump-illegitimate-president-rebecca-solnit https://www.npr.org/2019/06/28/737008785/jimmy-carter-says-he-sees-trump-as-an-illegitimate-president https://www.denverpost.com/2018/12/14/president-trump-2016-election-legitimacy/ https://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-heffernan-trump-illegitimate-20180728-story.html mspart
  21. mspart


    Does Crookham survive tonight or is this the time Vito gets his revenge? I have to say that Crookham has not looked dominant this whole tourney while Vito has. My heart says Ryan but my head says Vito. mspart
  22. mspart


    Bracket as of 3rd session: mspart
  23. You know with laws as they are, if he could get in, he could do it. Many people do. mspart
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