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Everything posted by mspart

  1. With regard to Abortion, the Ds want 9 month abortion where most Americans can see 1st trimester but acceptance after that drops significantly. 80% of Americans don't want 3rd trimester abortions legal. If a D Congress fixes abortion, it will be for a full 9 months. So it goes both ways. With regard to trans kids. I don't think anyone is against trans kids. What they are against is chemicals such as puberty blockers that have long term effects that are not desirable and not fully irreversible? Why not irreversible? Because puberty is a process that happens at a certain time. It doesn't happen after that. And surgical methods of affirming trans is irreversible. Anyone advocating either of these do not have a kid's best interest at heart. The kids are kids, they hardly know what they are doing and don't think through things very well. That's why we don't let them drive until 16 when they have some semblance of recognizing deadly consequences for behaviors. But what kid thinks much about the future and long term consequences? None that I know of. Remember the Alice Cooper Song 18, "don't always know what I'm talking about," applies here. We don't give a minor in school an aspirin without a parent giving it to them. But by golly we can provide body altering chemicals etc to them and tell no one. That is what everyone should be against. The fact that there are some that think it is ok doing this to a kid who is easily moved in different directions is criminal. Let them do it when they are 18 or 21, when they have a capability to really know what they want and can weigh the consequences of their decisions. mspart
  2. Wow!!! Nice throw and totally legit in Folkstyle rules. mspart
  3. Uncle Bernard is right. Rs should have slam dunked this one. The economy, the covid, the inflation, the debt, etc should have tanked the Ds. But my point remains, Ds and Is are deathly afraid of Trump or anyone associated with him. Some Rs are too. Trump is toxic and I think the result we have with this midterm is directly related to Trump. I don't know how all of his candidates did, but high profile ones didn't do well. I heard a guy on the radio saying that anyone that is R running for office will do the will of Trump no matter what. I think there is enough of that sentiment that it tanked the Rs tsunami. mspart
  4. Hey BB, I'm glad you listened to the Frank Marino stuff and liked it. There is a lot more on Youtube if you found it interesting. mspart
  5. Yes, a 215 or 230 weight class makes sense. mspart
  6. A little physical pain, and a big payday!! mspart
  7. Yes it is for entertainment, but all pro boxing matches are. They are there also to make money. If Paul pays them to take a fall, then this is not boxing, it is fixing. But if not, they are boxing, although on a rudimentary basis. And making bank doing so. mspart
  8. Duty complete!! mspart
  9. I only wrestled HS but was asst coach in HS for a long time. In WA never had an issue with cauliflower ear. In MN, practices were tougher and my ear started to hurt. All of the kids wore headgear but I did not. I think it was their headgear that got my ear. Anyway, I have a nice little puffy in my ear that is not too noticeable but there nonetheless. mspart
  10. They raised the weights due to a weight cutting issue. That is now gone. I think going to 118 is fine because of the strictures of how much weight is cut and all that. I don't think unlimited should be tried. You go go to 320 I suppose but those guys are football players anyway. I say just add 118. mspart
  11. My opinion is that this should have been a rout for the Rs easily. But for Trump hanging over everything, I think it would have been. Rs did not do well because of Trump. That's my opinion. D's, I's, and some R's don't like Trump and would not vote for those he endorsed. mspart
  12. Got it. Thanks, mspart
  13. Yeah, I can see where you're coming from, especially after your list. Frank Marino is not everyone's cup of tea. But being a 40 year aspiring guitar player and still not very good, he is absolutely amazing. He is blazing fast, but melodic at the same time. mspart
  14. No he isn't a real pro boxer. But he makes money at it so that could be a justification for the term. He is at best an amateur boxer and probably would not do well in that circuit. mspart
  15. Ain't that the truth. mspart
  16. That's a good one RYou. mspart
  17. 5 years is not too long to graduate. If I'm not footing the bill that is. mspart
  18. I graduated in 5 years, but did an engineering major that required more than the traditional amount of credits plus I double majored in Spanish. So I was dawdling and didn't do sports. But my foray into Spanish set me back a bit. I also did a Masters Degree in Engineering that was more because i was not done playing flag football, Ultimate Frisbee, softball, or wrestling - all intramural. I had a great time with the Master's degree but actually stayed because I was not done playing. Got a good job at the end and found my wife also so it was a good decision. mspart
  19. He makes money at boxing so I guess he could call himself a professional boxer. Everyone knows he is not really a pro boxer. It is all about the appearances and not about reality. Does he need to fight anymore with the money he's made. Probably not. He has marketed himself really well and has lived the dream. I hope he invests as well as he promotes. mspart
  20. You got booted for mentioning that? That's ridiculous. Did they ever ban anyone else for mentioning some other wrestling forum? That's just beyond the pale. mspart - I've been asked before. So here it is for all to see. When I first got onto the internet and email and stuff, I was in Minneapolis/St Paul area, living in Apple Valley. My first name is Arthur but I go by Art. The airport code for Minneapolis/St Paul is MSP. And there you go. mspart
  21. OK, what is tipping with regards to pitching? mspart
  22. Here is another that shows his virtuosity. A guitarist's guitarist. Not many better, faster, more technical, or more melodic. mspart
  23. To watch Frank Marino is an awesome experience. He no longer plays, apparently has some issues with one of his arms that is locked up and very painful. mspart
  24. Yes, that's true. Those that fight him and lose win anyway. mspart
  25. No hitter - one pitcher. No exceptions. Do I look like I'm kidding!!!! mspart
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