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Everything posted by mspart

  1. With the revelations regarding Hillary and her and DNC handling of the Steele Dossier, and her email catastrophe, I think the vote for Trump was correct. JRoss hit the high points. What Trump said and tweeted was not always good. What he did as policy decisions benefited the country for the most part. It was predictable that Biden would not benefit the country and that has been borne out by the news. If anyone thinks the country is in a better place now overall, than 4 years ago, there is some extreme ostrich head in the sand action going on. 40 year high inflation, Afghanistan military evacuation horrible, the amount of clout the US has in the world right now has dropped (he cant even get Saudi to give us oil), war on domestic petroleum production, debacle with baby formula, complete abrogation of responsibility at the border. More and more deficit spending that was called non-inflationary. An "Inflation Reduction Act" that was not. This is what we have after only 2 years of Biden. Should be tempered with the House in control of the opposing party. Split government is good, as generally nothing but the most important things get done. Even those that wanted Biden and voted for him are rethinking because neither he nor his vice president can make a coherent argument about what they are doing. Hunter Biden's laptop is becoming bigger news now with CBS finally saying "it was a real story" and with Twitter now releasing documents showing the collusion with certain folks in the FBI that wanted Trump out. Why is this happening now? To set the stage to allow Biden not to run again and bring someone in who doesn't have the mental deterioration and baggage that he has. You think Kamala will be the one to move forward? Remember the D primary in 2020, when she got zero traction and was forced out before the first primary. She had zero democratic support. It will be someone else. But the stage is being set. mspart
  2. You know you could be right eh. Only a hoser like you would say something like that eh. mspart
  3. I made an educated guess. mspart
  4. So is Spencer Lee . He will remain so for quite some time. mspart
  5. By George, he got it. mspart
  6. Tough way to make a living that's for sure. mspart
  7. I agree. But it is an interesting thought. mspart
  8. Good for MN. Maybe they will be able to do well this year after so many years not doing as well. They were a premier team a few decades ago, winning the national championship a few times. mspart
  9. True that. mspart
  10. I have no ill will for Cox. But he is perfectly positioned at 92Kg. Why the Oly's only allow 6 weights is incomprehensible and a crime. Yes I know they want to limit the medals and the time spent on the mat, those are not good reasons in my opinion. Thankfully, UWW added the other 4 weights back for off Oly year competition. He has medalled every time he has made it to the big dance and that is saying something. I just do not give him much chance in beating Snyder much less medalling at 97Kg. Too many horses there. But who knows, maybe he will be the new Horse. But I honestly don't think so. mspart
  11. With this I agree. Cox has the tools, sometimes underperforms. Snyder has the tools and hardly ever underperforms. I can see working a full year on getting to size and all that. Everyone has their own way of looking at things and he obviously thinks he can be successful at 97Kg so kudos to him for making the move. I just don't see him being successful at it barring a Snyder injury or lack of focus (which rarely happens). mspart
  12. Interesting idea. He completely dominated college wrestling as a coach for years. He may have done better these days but his mindset of nose to the grindstone doesn't sit as well these days with youngsters as much as having fun. Maybe having fun is all in the attitude. Obviously the PSU guys grind it out but they think it is fun. Perhaps Iowa's guys think it is hard work. Both are the top 2 teams in the nation with two different philosophies. Cael somehow has made it work and made it work fairly quickly. Prescient he was padawan. mspart
  13. The Huskies did very well. mspart
  14. Not my strongsuit, counting five. mspart
  15. Discuss. For me, I have heard this, but don't know for sure. If he does, who will take the 92Kg spot? He wrestled head to head with Snyder and lost 5-5 and 7-1. I think I would go for another world crown and wait until 2024 to give it a go. No sense losing the chance at going to Worlds next year too. Arguably, Snyder is top 2 in the world with The Tank being #1. I just don't see Cox's chances of taking out Snyder as all that high. Tough being an Olympic Tweener with the world Champ above and below you in weight class. mspart
  16. My response is above in RED (for my commentary) and blue (for quotations and web links). mspart
  17. Even bums need to make money. The question is why is there a guy that has a record of 3-21 still in the game? mspart
  18. mspart


    Back to PSU, the current PSU team might not place in a Senior World Championship, but they do quite well at an NCAA level. We should not expect college age folks to do well at senior worlds. But, we do have some outliers that have done well. But generally speaking no. PSU has put together the NLWC which has attracted half the world team. They must be doing something right. Maybe they have more fun there. mspart
  19. Why was Lindland let go? mspart
  20. Very interesting. The Hunter story appears to have been "deleted" from Twitter based on hacked info, yet they could not determine that it was hacked info. READ: It was not information they wanted on their social media platform. mspart
  21. I don't believe you. Who is against equality? Please name some. Please expound on equity and what it means. Level the playing field is not a definition. Do you want equity in sports or do you want the best there is in sports? Does equity mean people with not as much skill should play on pro teams rather than those with the most skill? mspart
  22. mspart


    Better training coaches and partners? mspart
  23. Yes, this is true. mspart
  24. When a fact is known and taken as one thing by one group and another thing by another group, the worth of facts becomes diminished and the search for truth much more difficult. mspart
  25. I think you would have a hard time finding anyone, including Willie, who would be opposed to equality and respect for others. Equity is a different animal. Please define equity so that we are all on the same page. mspart
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