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Everything posted by mspart

  1. We shall see. I was very surprised at Lee's effort at Final X. Good luck to him. mspart
  2. And this is based on what exactly? He lost in 2020 and left. That should be a clue to how dumb of an expert Ruth is. mspart
  3. sum are moor dumberer then other. mspart
  4. I live in the Seattle area, even today, we have no sun to generate electricity. However, we bought a new house on Oahu when we moved there years ago and I put up a solar water heater on the roof. It worked great but had to be careful in the shower as the water was 140F. If I lived where it is sunny, I might consider doing solar. But solar also has it's environmental costs so it is not actually free energy. But Eastern WA, Eastern OR, Nevada, Idaho and parts towards the Mississippi, all could do solar and be good. Except where it snows. You'd have to be on the roof sweeping the arrays or have "windshield wipers" for them!! mspart
  5. Kudos to Chance for busting it up with JB. Kudos to JB for the last decade of stellar wrestling. Good luck to Chance in Belgrade. mspart
  6. JB has been a boon for the sport. He has been a great ambassador for Wrestling. I am sad that he did not make the team like I expected, but perhaps he can now concentrate on other things. He's had a great run, I congratulate him on all his success, and wish only the best for him and his family. mspart
  7. If I understand this correctly, you are saying a step out deserves par terre with the guy that went out defending? I think that is an awesome idea and would put ground wrestling back in the mix. FS lacks that as a whole. mspart
  8. Mike What do you doubt? Mandates will get pushed out? The infrastructure will not be there? Not sure what you doubt. Electric cars, in my opinion, will not replace regular cars for those that need to travel long distances, need trucks to haul stuff, etc. It will not be popular at all. But for those that only commute to and from work, it might work out for them ok. But will they choose to take that car on a 500 mile trip? Nope. Having to charge up overnight in the middle of the drive is not that appealing. Charging up faster damages the battery from what I understand. So the fast speedy charge would ultimately be counter productive. mspart
  9. Hey Plasi - You are identifying a beauty pageant as a sporting event. This is by far one of the funniest things you have said. As far as the winner of Miss SF, you are in the right place. As for your comment about girls beating boys, top girls can beat mediocre boys. Top girls will very rarely if ever beat top boys in a sporting competition unless it is a beauty pageant. Then is when the true luster of men win out over women. It is a proud day for sure. I notice you are not arguing my point about no women have beaten men in top tier sports at the highest level. But I can give you various examples of the reverse. Lia Thomas is but one example, 463rd ranked male swimmer, becomes an NCAA champion in women's swimming in the first year of him competing in women's swimming. Recent weight lifting competition in Canada where a guy won the women's division. https://www.foxsports.com.au/more-sports/bearded-man-smashes-womens-weightlighting-record-held-by-trans-lifter/news-story/92986fdec0b7e855b8b6f6271d938e8d US women's soccer just lost a 45 minute friendly to Wrexham AFC. That's 24-nil in a 90 minute standard game that usually is not that kind of a blowout. https://www.cbssports.com/soccer/news/u-s-women-bring-fun-and-brave-perspective-in-12-0-elimination-loss-to-wrexham-in-the-soccer-tournament/ Yes it was fun and brave to lose so horribly. At least they kept it to 12. In addition, US women's soccer lost to a U15 boys team in Dallas. https://www.cbssports.com/soccer/news/a-dallas-fc-under-15-boys-squad-beat-the-u-s-womens-national-team-in-a-scrimmage/ Oh they weren't serious. The boys apparently were. That is just plain embarrassing. https://www.sportskeeda.com/tennis/news-the-williams-sisters-vs-karsten-braasch-the-world-no-203-destroyed-serena-williams-venus-williams-battle-sexes Oh, and lets not forget Serena and Venus Williams losing 6-1 and 6-2 respectively to Karsten Braasch ranked 203 in men's tennis, prompting Serena to say about playing Andy Murray "Andy Murray has been joking about myself and him playing a match. I'm like, 'Seriously? Are you kidding me?' Men's tennis and women's tennis are two completely different sports," Serena Williams said. "If I were to play him, I'd lose 6-0, 6-0 within 10 minutes. Men are a lot faster, they serve and hit harder. It's a different game." Please provide examples of women beating men where the men are at the highest level of their sport, not including beauty contests. mspart
  10. I would amend that to "mostly having a crazy progressive woman Governor). I believe it has less to do with her gender than her ideaology. If you had someone reasonable in there, it wouldn't matter if the Gov was male or female. We have plenty of examples around the country to choose from. mspart
  11. I think these mandates will get pushed out. The infrastructure will not be there to make them viable. If we keep moving toward wind and solar, and removing coal, Nat gas, and dams, and not using nuclear, there definitely won't be enough reliable energy to charge all the cars. That is my thought on it. mspart
  12. Now you are identifying a beauty contest as a sporting event? Dude!! I'm not sure anyone will follow your lead but you go man. I haven't noted any women beating males in an NCAA or pro event, have you? So in answer to your question, No, I don't. Next time a woman beats a man at Mr Olympia let me know. mspart
  13. I wasn't kidding. Men are better at being women than women are. https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/transgender-miss-san-francisco-make-history-miss-california-pageant/ Transgender Miss San Francisco to make history at pageant for state title SAN FRANCISCO -- When beauty queens from across the state compete in the Miss California pageant next month, this year's Miss San Francisco will make history when she takes the stage. She will be fighting for more than just a crown and a title. It's a moment Monroe Lace will never forget. Earlier this year she was crowned Miss San Francisco. "It felt like a dream, because it's been a dream that I've had since I was a child," Lace explained. "Even though I am Miss San Francisco, I know my impact is much greater than that." Monroe is the first transgender woman in the Miss San Francisco pageant's 99 year history. The crown and sash are more than just accessories. "Every time I put on the sash, the weight of it reminds me of the weight of my job; of the responsibility I have to make a difference for young children," Monroe said. He is simply a better woman than the rest. mspart
  14. Oh my goodness. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/joe-biden-allegedly-paid-dollar5-million-by-burisma-executive-in-pay-for-play-bribery-scheme-fbi-document-reveals/ar-AA1cjhZ2 Joe Biden Allegedly Paid $5 Million by Burisma Executive in 'Pay-for-Play' Bribery Scheme, FBI Document Reveals President Joe Biden was reportedly paid a whopping $5 million by an executive from the Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings — in which his embattled son, Hunter Biden, sat on the board, RadarOnline.com has learned. The revelation came on Thursday, with sources telling Fox News Digital that a confidential human source told the FBI about the alleged exchange. The FD-1023 form was dated June 30, 2020, and reportedly outlined the FBI's interview with a "highly credible" source who detailed several meetings and conversations the tipster allegedly had with a top Burisma executive over many years, beginning in 2015 when Biden was Vice President. According to Fox News Digital, the form included allegations of a criminal "pay-for-play" bribery scheme between Biden and a foreign national that influenced U.S. policy decisions. It's important to note that an FD-1023 form is a routine document used by the FBI to record unverified information given to agents by confidential sources. The Burisma executive allegedly asked the confidential source about gaining the rights to U.S. oil and how to get involved with a U.S. oil company. The executive also reportedly discussed Hunter's role on the board, revealing the now first son was "dumb" when asked by the source why they needed his or her advice if they had connections to Biden's son. The Burisma executive allegedly told the source that Burisma was to "pay the Bidens" because Burisma was being investigated by Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin. When the confidential source suggested the Burisma "pay the Bidens $50,000 each," the Burisma executive allegedly responded that the amount was "$5 million," "not $50,000." An insider told the outlet that the $5 million payments seemed to be a reference to a "retainer" that Burisma planned to pay the Bidens. Sources revealed they believed the payments to Joe and Hunter were paid "through so many different bank accounts" that investigators wouldn't be able "unravel this for at least 10 years," based on conversations with the Burisma executive. The FD-1023 form allegedly referred to "the Big Guy," which is believed to be Joe. The confidential source revealed the Burisma executive told the insider he "didn’t pay the Big Guy directly." President Biden addressed the allegations on Thursday, calling it "a bunch of malarkey." Please note that Biden "joked" at first by asking "Where's the money?" and then stating it is "a bunch of malarkey." https://time.com/6286027/biden-calls-bribery-accusations-malarkey/ Asked for his response to the bribery allegation, Biden quipped, “Where’s the money? I’m joking. It’s a bunch of malarkey.” Interesting that he "joked" about where the money was. Part of the issue here is the network of LLCs the Bidens created. Where's the money? Perhaps the web of LLCs played some part in this, you think? His first reaction was to ask "Where's the money?" as if he is daring anyone to find the money that has been well hidden. Weird. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/house-oversight-republican-report-biden-family-accusations/ After reviewing thousands of records subpoenaed from four banks, the House Oversight Committee said in an interim report that some Biden family members, associates and their companies received more than $10 million from foreign entities, including payments made during and after President Joe Biden's vice presidency. But the White House countered that GOP investigators could not point to a "single Joe Biden policy" that was unduly influenced. The 36-page interim GOP report, released by Oversight Committee chair James Comer, a Kentucky Republican, accused some Biden family members and associates of using a "complicated network" of more than 20 companies, mostly LLCs formed when Mr. Biden was vice president, and used "incremental payments over time" to "conceal large financial transactions." Notice the bolded statement is not a denial. Very clearly it is not a denial that this occurred. Oh, yeah, interesting that this is not really newsworthy and that the indictment of Trump came out just in time to overshadow everyone's attention. We are witnessing what is very clearly an uneven use of the justice process. One that depends on who you are, not what you have done. mspart
  15. Maybe. After getting caught shredding classified documents with scissors, that might have been his best play. But that is way worse than having documents. Stealing and destroying classified documents is much more serious than just stealing classified documents. Unless they are alleging Meadows destroyed them. I have no idea about that, this is the first I have heard of it. But even by destroying the documents, you have to admit Berger got off easy. Apparently it is not that big of a deal like most would think. mspart
  16. Any word on whether Fix will be shooting for 3rd? mspart
  17. I wonder what Sandy Berger had to do to get the sweet deal he got. Oh yeah, he was the Clintons' right hand man. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna7351422 Berger pleads guilty to taking classified info Sandy Berger, who was President Clinton’s top national security aide, pleaded guilty Friday to taking classified documents from the National Archives and cutting them up with scissors. mspart
  18. https://www.archives.gov/research/recover/notable-thefts.html Will Meadows get the same treatment? Seems pretty light for stealing classified documents. mspart
  19. You didn't read any of them. Unless you are the speedreader of the universe, because I just posted a host of articles for you a minute ago that you quoted. Go on denying what is right in front of you. You are more the sheep than you think. You have bought into the propaganda. Again, this is your opinion, and facts and data apparently won't change that. mspart
  20. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/seattle-city-council-rejects-giving-city-attorney-power-to-prosecute-drug-cases/ Is this too anecdotal for you Rasta? Perhaps Seattle is alone in this. Perhaps not. It certainly does not align with the way most of the other areas of WA feel, so it may be isolated yes. Here is some more anecdotals for you. https://nida.nih.gov/research-topics/trends-statistics/overdose-death-rates https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/issue-briefs/2022/02/drug-arrests-stayed-high-even-as-imprisonment-fell-from-2009-to-2019 Seems like drug abuse is everywhere as these last two are national stats. But this is just anecdotal keep telling yourself. Remember, City of Seattle just voted not to hold individuals criminally liable for possession or use. mspart
  21. OK ljb, show me how the CDC is wrong. I provided you what the CDC says about weed addiction. It seems you are the one being told what to believe. That's ok that you have an opinion. But that doesn't mean it is factual. CDC and NIDA are both government agencies and both say weed is addictive. Here are the articles. Show where they are wrong. https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/marijuana-addictive https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects/addiction.html https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-medication/cannabis/health-effects/addiction.html Here are some more: https://americanaddictioncenters.org/marijuana-rehab/is-it-addictive https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/10/well/mind/weed-addiction.html https://www.hazeldenbettyford.org/addiction/marijuana-symptoms https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/25/health/marijuana-potency-addiction-study-wellness/index.html https://mcwell.nd.edu/your-well-being/physical-well-being/drugs/marijuana-or-cannabis-sativa/quitting-marijuana-a-30-day-self-help-guide/myths-and-current-research/ https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/4392-marijuana https://iprc.indiana.edu/training/courses/marijuana/a_04_02_01.html You can read them or not, but by continuing to say that weed is not addictive, you are going against scientific findings. mspart
  22. Gilman will win. I'm sorry for Zane but I don't think Gilman is done yet. Of course, I said that about Gutches back in 2000, and was wrong. So take that for what you will. mspart
  23. Gilman got it handed to him in that match with Abakarov. He provided a great lesson on how to neutralize Gilman. mspart
  24. I agree with this. I think there will be some with 3 matches. 57 maybe, 61 maybe, and 92 maybe. mspart
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