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Everything posted by mspart

  1. Mike, I say the same to you that I said to Le Duke. If you don't want to say anything, don't. But saying what you did shows a callous disregard for a helpless man's life and a callous disregard for equal justice under the law, and supporting the evil jerk that perpetrated that crime. It pretty much gives a pass to the evil jerk murderer. If that was not your intent, then your response above does not much demonstrate your intent. Again, if you don't want to comment, then don't. mspart
  2. What it has to do with is murder is not prosecuted even when filmed and premeditated. It is a about equal justice that apparently is not happening. I have no problem with the sentences the Jan 6 folks get, but I do have a problem when a worthless jerk beats a man to death (even though the death was later) just for kicks. Threads ebb and flow. Many times people have to reset by referring to the subject. To get out of responding to this atrocity by saying, look at the subject thread, is a cop out. It shows that unequal justice is just fine and murderers are ok to do their thing. I hope that is wrong, but that is the impression given here. mspart
  3. Well, these mayors are on the record decrying the influx of illegal aliens into their communities. Not too hard to research. In fact the mayor of NYC is busing them to other places in NY that don't really want them. The problem with that is NYC is a sanctuary city and has opened their arms. But the arms apparently aren't wide open. mspart
  4. I'm not assuming he wrestles in the Olympic Trials. mspart
  5. Yep, there was a lesson not learned. https://nypost.com/2023/05/26/target-gave-2-1m-to-group-that-urges-schools-to-hide-kids-gender-from-parents/ https://www.reuters.com/business/retail-consumer/target-remove-some-lbgtq-merchandise-after-facing-customer-backlash-2023-05-23/ mspart
  6. Mike, you are not angry about this? Charges dropped on a man who beat up an elderly man while in bed? Anger is only impotent when folks like this routinely pay no penalty for their murderous actions mspart
  7. I thought you were saying he was making something similar to Dolly bills. Trump Bucks. mspart
  8. How applicable is the Constitution to today? Emminently applicable. The Founders were students of human nature and wrote the Constitution to ensure, as long as was possible, a representative form of government that would ensure the liberty of their posterity. They did a pretty good job. No doubt there have been folks that have tried to circumvent the Constitution all the way to Presidents doing Executive Orders in lieu of the legislative process. Nobody blinks at those, but those are exactly the kinds of things that the Founders warned against with this document. Too much power in one theater is too much power wielded. We certainly are at in imbalance of power as designed by the Founders. I agree, I don't see how the 14th Amendment helps out the current debt crisis. mspart
  9. I address some of these above in RED. Most are ridiculous. mspart
  10. I have to say, the Mayor of NYC does not seem to be a fan of all the furriners. And for that matter, neither is the mayor of WASH DC or Chicago. Funny that. mspart
  11. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/bud-light-sales-decline-sends-abinbev-shares-sliding-195946845.html Bud Light sales decline sends ABInBev shares sliding Bud Light sales declines are accelerating, and shares of parent company Anheuser-Busch InBev (BUD) are falling alongside them. New data from Nielsen revealed Bud Light sales declined 24.3% year-over-year in the week ending May 20 while Budweiser sales were down 20.4% during the same period. Last week sales were down 21.6% and 17.6% respectively. mspart
  12. Never said demise. But I ask you the same I asked of Bob. Would you be praying for their continued great health? Yeah Right! I overstated. It doesn't have to be an injury, but something that keeps them from competing. Else why have the #3 spot on the team? Why do they have such a position on the team? You tell me. I know, they have the #3 guy there because that guy doesn't want to be on the big stage. Not at all. Nope, he's hoping he never had to go there. Content to be in the shadows. mspart
  13. Would you be praying for their continued great health? Yeah Right! I overstated. It doesn't have to be an injury, but something that keeps them from competing. Else why have the #3 spot on the team? Why do they have such a position on the team? You tell me. mspart
  14. https://finance.yahoo.com/m/b9550b18-9333-3928-8069-65bbd018c992/bud-light-boycott-already.html Another group is getting burned by Anheuser-Busch's (BUD) controversial Bud Light promotion: Its investors. But analysts insist the sting of the boycott on the company's popular beer will dissipate. The market value of Anheuser-Busch InBev, whose fourth bestselling brand is Bud Light, dropped $15.7 billion since April 1, based on a conversion to U.S. dollars by Investor's Business Daily using data from S&P Global Market Intelligence. That's the day Dylan Mulvaney, a TikTok influencer and transgender woman, pitched the Bud Light brand during the NCAA March Madness tournament. Meanwhile, the other major publicly traded global beer brands have added $3.2 billion in market value during the same time. The Bud Light backlash to the promotion was almost instantaneous. Conservative consumers called for a boycott of the beer. Bud Light sales are down more than 23% as of the week ended on May 6, said Jared Dinges, beverage analyst at JPMorgan Chase in a note to clients Tuesday, citing data from NielsenIQ. "We believe there is a subset of American consumers who will not drink a Bud Light for the foreseeable future," Dinges said. "We believe a 12% to 13% volume decline on an annualized basis would be a reasonable assumption." Bud Light Brouhaha Anheuser-Busch's stock shows just how significant the boycott has been. With shares down 11.9% since April 1, the company's investors are suffering while most other beer companies are trending higher. The biggest winner from the Bud Light situation is Molson Coors Beverage (TAP). Shares are up more than 20% from April 1. That's added more than $2.2 billion in market value to the stock. Overseas brands are also benefiting. "Shares (Of Anheuser-Busch) have underperformed EU Beer peers by 15% since the start of April," Dinges said. "We believe this is due to U.S. uncertainty, as investor focus has shifted squarely to the potential impact from the Bud Light controversy." Analysts Not Worried Damage to Anheuser-Busch's business isn't just swift, but significant. But analysts think the sell-off is overdone. While Anheuser-Busch is based in Belgium, the U.S. is its largest source of revenue accounting for 25% of the total in 2022, Dinges said. And Bud Light was the company's fourth bestselling beer, accounting for 7% of volume sold in 2022. It only trails Budweiser at 11%, Corona at 8% and Brahma at 7%. And the damage from the boycotts is lasting. JPMorgan thinks U.S. beer volumes for Anheuser-Busch will drop by 12% this year and knock down earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization by 23%. "We do not expect the lost sales to be recovered in fiscal year 2024," Dinges said. But Dinges still sees upside in the shares. His price target on the U.S. ADR shares is 76 a share. That would mark 29% upside to Tuesday's close. And he's not alone. Analysts' average target price is 73 a share. And analysts still think the company will maintain 9.6% long-term growth. Anheuser-Busch's adjusted earnings per share is seen shrinking less than 1% this year and growing again in 2024 by 18%. How can analysts be so bullish on the stock when the business is softening? Simple. "This appears priced-in," Dinges said. Investors pushed the stock down so much they're pricing in a 45% drop in earnings before interest and taxes. But Dinges says the company's cash flow is only likely to fall by 4%. The 26% drop in U.S. cash flow is offset by "upgrades in the rest of the business." "We believe risk-reward is favorable from here," he said. So what did I get wrong? AB lost value to the amount of close to 16 Billion. Yes, for sure this major loss is all priced in, ha ha. mspart
  15. https://finance.yahoo.com/m/b9550b18-9333-3928-8069-65bbd018c992/bud-light-boycott-already.html Bud Light Boycott Already Costs Anheuser-Busch $15.7 Billion Again, this will be a case study in colleges for years to come of what not to do. Perhaps Target is following suit. mspart
  16. I would like to be the first to say that I hope your prediction is wrong. I hope they all show up. That's just me being greedy I know. I think the money is short sighted as a main viewpoint on this. You make #3 then you can hope and pray the other two guys get hurt and you are up!!! Not so much if you don't show up. mspart
  17. Nashon beat ADS 10-0, and he beat Fix 12-4. At lest Fix scored on Nashon. Based on this I say Fix beats ADS. We all know how that works. mspart
  18. So those are interesting stats. Her are Biden's numbers. If 400k died because of Trump, then 1,127,152-400k died because of Biden. That's 727,152 that died because of Biden. That's the same metric you are using. https://covid19.who.int/region/amro/country/us Official estimates from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) show that, since January 2021, legislation signed by President Biden has set in motion a record $3.37 trillion in new spending, surpassing Trump's previous record of $3.28 trillion during the 116th Congress. https://reason.com/2022/11/29/bidens-spending-spree-is-unprecedented/ In 2021, Biden introduced a 6.1 Trillion dollar budget. So that's roughly a 50% increase in spending over the 2021 budget. https://www.thebalancemoney.com/u-s-federal-budget-breakdown-3305789 As noted, the inflation rate was stable between 2008-20202 with very near 0% interest rates. Obviously that did not cause the inflation you are speaking of. You trying to say Trump is bad, only shows that Biden is worse. Inflation started with the massive spending increases Biden introduced immediately after taking office. Inflation was tamed before that. It is such good news that inflation is now down from the highs but still way higher than it was before. Good job Mike. You made a point you didn't think you were making. mspart
  19. Well, he went to WTTs. He took 2nd. He must be healed up. At least enough to fight at final X if he had prevailed. Plus, I'm thinking he can't stand the thought of Austin DeSanto being ahead of him on the chart. But I might have it all wrong. I don't like ADS but I have to admit he has been doing much better on the FS circuit than I would have given him credit for. I do admire his tenacious attitude, just not his vindictive attitude. I hope he has left that behind. mspart
  20. All in an effort to keep Zahid out? Seems kind of like a weird effort for anyone to do. If Brooks did that, then he gives up his Final X spot and Zahid could go to WTT at 86 and Brooks would be at 92. I don't think it would work out well, just thinking out loud. Brooks knows he was gunning for Taylor. Zahid did a Taylor by moving weight classes. Smart move as it turns out. He'll have another shot now at getting on the team. Better to be on the team than not. mspart
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