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Everything posted by mspart

  1. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/seattle-city-council-rejects-giving-city-attorney-power-to-prosecute-drug-cases/ Is this too anecdotal for you Rasta? Perhaps Seattle is alone in this. Perhaps not. It certainly does not align with the way most of the other areas of WA feel, so it may be isolated yes. Here is some more anecdotals for you. https://nida.nih.gov/research-topics/trends-statistics/overdose-death-rates https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/issue-briefs/2022/02/drug-arrests-stayed-high-even-as-imprisonment-fell-from-2009-to-2019 Seems like drug abuse is everywhere as these last two are national stats. But this is just anecdotal keep telling yourself. Remember, City of Seattle just voted not to hold individuals criminally liable for possession or use. mspart
  2. OK ljb, show me how the CDC is wrong. I provided you what the CDC says about weed addiction. It seems you are the one being told what to believe. That's ok that you have an opinion. But that doesn't mean it is factual. CDC and NIDA are both government agencies and both say weed is addictive. Here are the articles. Show where they are wrong. https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/marijuana-addictive https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects/addiction.html https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-medication/cannabis/health-effects/addiction.html Here are some more: https://americanaddictioncenters.org/marijuana-rehab/is-it-addictive https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/10/well/mind/weed-addiction.html https://www.hazeldenbettyford.org/addiction/marijuana-symptoms https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/25/health/marijuana-potency-addiction-study-wellness/index.html https://mcwell.nd.edu/your-well-being/physical-well-being/drugs/marijuana-or-cannabis-sativa/quitting-marijuana-a-30-day-self-help-guide/myths-and-current-research/ https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/4392-marijuana https://iprc.indiana.edu/training/courses/marijuana/a_04_02_01.html You can read them or not, but by continuing to say that weed is not addictive, you are going against scientific findings. mspart
  3. Gilman will win. I'm sorry for Zane but I don't think Gilman is done yet. Of course, I said that about Gutches back in 2000, and was wrong. So take that for what you will. mspart
  4. Gilman got it handed to him in that match with Abakarov. He provided a great lesson on how to neutralize Gilman. mspart
  5. I agree with this. I think there will be some with 3 matches. 57 maybe, 61 maybe, and 92 maybe. mspart
  6. They aren't worried about it? Not worried at all, want to strike down laws prohibiting it or strengthen those laws? Not sure what the left is not worried about. mspart
  7. Why would these people need to be celebrated? Perhaps we should leave them alone. Perhaps they should do the same and leave others alone. What was once kept behind closed doors is now out in the open. Are we better for it? We have now come to a place in time where a man is celebrated as being woman of the year. Men are better at being a woman than a woman is. That is what that is saying. Does this boost women? It diminishes them. It is wrong for men to supplant women, when they physically cannot. There is no scientific reason or biological reason to believe in this masquerade. People can do what they want, but that does not mean they can do it to minors. It does not mean they can afflict others to agree in their delusion. It is delusionary to know you are a man but pretend to be a young girl. Are we to now financially support a man who says he is a 6 year old girl because he can't take care of himself? That is coming I'm sure. Men in women's locker rooms and bathrooms because they say they are a woman is now ok? And real women who complain about this are the ones who are punished. When did we lose our way? mspart
  8. A week later. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/bud-light-sales-keep-slipping-in-another-very-weak-week-155036783.html Anheuser-Busch InBev stock (BUD) is down more than 17% since the Bud Light parent company reported earnings on May 4 as the Dylan Mulvaney controversy continues to weigh on the beer giant's sales. The company, though, saw some slight improvement. In the week ending May 27, Anheuser-Busch InBev said Bud Light sales dropped 23.9% from a year ago — a smaller decline than the week prior, down 25.7%. Volumes were slightly improved slightly better too, down 27.8% the week of May 27, compared to down 29.5% the week of May 20. That's according to data from Bump Williams Consulting cited in an Evercore ISI note to clients. "Another week of very weak trends for Bud Light indicates that tracked channels may be reaching a point of stabilization, albeit at significantly lower levels for Anheuser-Busch InBev than prior to the controversy," Evercore said. mspart
  9. So this makes his legal opinions wrong? The question you were attempting to answer was that he was wrong in one of his legal opinions. You still have not shown that. You are attempting to show he has low moral character. Does that mean his legal opinions are wrong? I'm not saying he has never been wrong, but he is held in high esteem as one of the great legal minds of our time. There must be a reason for that. mspart
  10. Yep, just come on down south of the border in Mt. Vernon, (not THE Mt Vernon), just off I-5. That would be the closest one. You won't be disappointed. A visit to Pt Roberts, WA would also be fun. You can't drive there from here without going into Canada. It is west of Blaine. I've never been there, but almost went on my way to Victoria. It is on the way to the ferry terminal in Tsawwassen. They are essentially part of Canada except for the Customs border station right there. I have no idea what they do there but it is there. mspart
  11. So what you are trying to say is that any lawyer would have been wrong to represent Epstein. That is patently wrong. But this has no bearing on his opinions on matters of the day. If you could show where he said X but it turned out that Y happened, that is what I am looking for. mspart
  12. You won't be sorry. They are mostly in Seattle area, with one in Mt Vernon up north. Also one in Mill Creek just south of Everett. MMMMMM tasty!! mspart
  13. Well, I have not read the entire article, but it appears I am wrong because he defended a guy like lawyers do. You might as well say John Adams was wrong to defend the Massacre guy and got him acquitted even though he didn't want to take the case. This doesn't say Dershowitz was wrong about anything unless I missed something. Please show me if I missed something. I take it you think he was wrong to defend someone. That doesn't mean he has been wrong on his opinions on legal matters. Apples and hamsters. mspart
  14. I had a double double at In and Out based on the enthusiastic reviews of a co-worker. Needless to say I was not impressed and have not eaten at one since. We don't have them here in Seattle WA, so I only get the opportunity if I travel. It's not a boycott per se, I just was really not impressed. Now if their milk shake had been something to write home about, I would go there just for that. Here we have Burgermaster - And they are the best around, plus monster good shakes. https://burgermaster.com/ mspart
  15. It seems the same construct is used against Dershowitz. I don't know him or his work, but I believe he is held in high regard for his expertise in these kinds of matters. I don't know that he has been wrong about anything. Maybe he has, but I would think his luster would have diminished if he had been. mspart
  16. It seems there is a difference of opinion here. And it is all subjective so indeed, it is just opinion. mspart
  17. https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/01/politics/biden-us-air-force-academy-trip/index.html mspart
  18. It looks like Seattle and Portland. https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/public-transit-new-drug-den-whats-being-done-keep-you-safe/X6GLQLCLXZGOXOH655KPJ23RJM/ KING COUNTY, Wash. — Lurking inside countless King County Metro Transit buses and trains is growing frustration over dangerous fumes from America’s deadliest drug. According to several Metro Transit drivers and the union representing thousands more, blue counterfeit M-30 oxycodone pills — commonly laced with fentanyl — are openly smoked or “freebased” by riders aboard buses and trains, exposing riders and operators to fumes often described as “sickening.” https://publichealthinsider.com/2022/04/05/its-safe-to-give-help-questions-and-answers-about-secondhand-fentanyl-exposure/ How could one get indirectly exposed to fentanyl from another person? Could you absorb it through the skin? Or through the air? The risks are very low. When someone smokes fentanyl, most of the drug has been filtered out by the user before there is secondhand smoke. It doesn’t just sort of float around. Studies have looked at fentanyl concentrations in the bloodstream after someone has had secondhand fentanyl exposure from smoke. The levels are extremely low or not detectable. So, there’s no real risk for the everyday person being exposed to secondhand opioid smoke. So the lesson from this is ride the bus, don't worry about the people smoking fentanyl, it won't hurt you, don't worry what the bus drivers say. Oh and the people that smoke it are not being guided off the bus, not being kicked off the bus. No, because you can't do that. And no one will prosecute it except they will prosecute the driver that kicks them off the bus or anyone else that does so. That's what it looks like. mspart
  19. And Heaven knows we need another schmuck in the WH!!! mspart
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