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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. Nice job . thanks.
  2. He counts. He was the Mr. October of college wrestling.
  3. Andy Daniels1978 118 lbs Ohio University. Unseeded . He beat Gene Mills 15 to 7 in semi's. Then beat John Azevedo by pin in the finals to finish 1st. In Ohio if I remember correctly, he was a one-time state placer 6th his Senior year at 98 lbs. Pretty remarkable career.
  4. The second component is an exit-tax structure that allows the wealth tax to be applied for several years after the taxpayer leaves California. This is crazy.
  5. That one kills me. Do you believe that is what is being taught in the university's?
  6. Can you imagine the work force it would take to evaluate all the art work, furniture,stocks , gold ,silver and jewelry? I guess they will stop the moving trucks at the border and collect before you can leave and set up an annual payment plan.
  7. California is hoping to collect 21.6 billion dollars from this new tax. Get the U-Haul trucks ready.
  8. How long will it take before the millionaires and billionaires to pack up and leave. I believe I read that even if you leave they can still keep taxing you. Is that even legal? What is your thoughts.
  9. Take the snow mobile.
  10. I live in a pretty good area in central North Carolina. 2 hours from the beach and 2 hours from the mountains. We have about 25 golf courses. Did you have any particular area in mind? Property Taxes here are extremely reasonable.
  11. Yes. 2 acres of it. But I live in North Carolina and my lawn goes dormant when we don't have enough rain during the summer. Then it rains for a for few days, and it comes right back. Very strange.
  12. Thank you. Thank you. I would just like thank all my fellow posters who have enlightened me to the practical truth.
  13. That would be ZERO. Those are good paying jobs that Americans can fill without any problem.
  14. Thanks. Now I have time to spend with my 14 grandchildren and do other things.
  15. I completed step 1 ,13 years ago .Step 2. 12 years ago. Step 3 , Kid's (5) were already through school college and all debt paid. Step 4 , 5years ago. step 5 . I call it prepare to retire. I could have done better had I started earlier. But ok. My step 6 . was to retire. I did 2 years ago. My step 7 giving back . I've been doing that for the last 25 years. I actually had started my goals about 4 years before I had heard about Dave Ramsey.
  16. I wonder if the transfer portal will see some activity. I wonder if some of the recruits will decommit. It will get interesting.
  17. When Harbaugh first got to Michigan he came off as a very stuffy. Very unlikeable. I believe it really affected his coaching and his teams. But he seems to have made a transformation for the good. It has showed up in his team's success. But I believe he will be heading back to the NFL.
  18. I'm aware of such an emojis poster . I was wondering if we could get him to go on the Dr. Phil show.
  19. The " D's " use tax the rich, pay their fair share because it plays well to their gullible base . Then all the wealthy democrats, Congressman and Senators, run and find the best tax lawyers and tax accountants that money can buy. They spend a great deal of money trying to avoid paying taxes. So this is a load of bull----.
  20. There are quite a few lies entangled in all those words. It will be nice to have a real Jan. 6 th hearing when we have a real President in office and a honest DOJ.
  21. When whomever Republicans elect for president gets in office, I hope the Attorney General they appoint gets to the bottom of all this. It would really be nice have justice served. I think most Americans in general are little tired of all the corruption in Washington DC.
  22. They did a great job putting this together.
  23. The people who denied adequate security really should be held responsible, The Chief of the Capital Police requested it weeks in advance yet was turned down by multiple times. A 5th grader would know that you have to have the security in place before the protests. If you have to call in security after the fact you have miserably failed your responsibility. Anyone who had half a brain would have known to have adequate security because of the political temperature at the time. Had the powers that be had just done their job we would not be having this conversation. The question we would like answered and investigated is why thy refused to protect the Capital.
  24. Don't you have be under 20 for all 2024 to be eligible u20? Or 19 for all of 2024.
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