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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. It will probably destroy all the plant life within several miles of the plant.
  2. Why would you need an ax? Are there any trees still there?
  3. Thanks you did a much better job with your list. The liberal media is very powerful. Liberals think that we humans are responsible for 70 to 80 percent of the carbon that is released into the atmosphere when it is only 4 percent.
  4. Pennsylvania was a hot mess and Biden only had 11,300 more votes. But no irregularities going on there.
  5. But don't you feel a little foolish now. You voted for Joe .Now you have buyers remorse. We are into 2 proxy wars now. Spending 100's of billions of dollars with know end in sight. I'm sure your 401K is doing really great. Our border is an open sieve. Letting in Fentanyl in by the truck loads. Killing Americans by the 10's of thousand's. As for your comment on irregular voting ,I'm only looking for maybe 50 or 60 Thousand votes. That would be .03% of the 157 million votes cast. Its minuscule . If I was a voter irregularity expert I would give it a shot at finding out what happened. So to clarify I'm looking for .03% of the vote.
  6. Yes. All of those climate folks should turn off their air conditioner's, turn off their gas heaters or heat p, pumps, they should get rid of their cars and ride bikes or walk. Instead of flying either walk or row a boat. The ones with multiple houses need demolish them and live in one small 1200 sq ft house. Any product that requires petroleum to make or build , which is just about everything must be discarded immediately.
  7. It was actually75,000 and 67 electoral votes. Trump only needed 36 of those to win. If he gets Pennsylvania, he needed just needed 2 more states. If not he would have needed 4 states.
  8. I'm sure you are aware that the election was decided by less than 50,000 total votes in 5 key states. Don't take my word for it .It is easy to find.
  9. Really good stuff . I appreciate you sharing your knowledge. When I went to college in Arizona I really had no idea how tough the competition was in Ohio. Everyone in the wrestling room were 2 or 3 time state champs from the surrounding states. I was able to beat all of them. Were you aware how good Ohio was prior to going to college? Back in the day there weren't large tournaments with teams from all over the country. I believe there was only one wrestling magazine. But one thing for certain ,we had the Brakeman report that came out every year.
  10. Maybe give him a break. WKN does a tremendous amount of analytical data work. I for one appreciate that a great deal. Thanks WKN
  11. I remember coaching one of my wrestlers at a youth tournament. It was the first match of the morning. My wrestler loved to scramble so did his opponent The periods were 1 1/2 minutes. The first period was a blur, at the end of the period it was 14 to 12. The ref and the scoring table took 3 minutes to get it straightened out.
  12. Back in the day when there wasn't any tech falls my older brother wrestling in the sectionals wrestled a guy that may had double jointed shoulders . In a 6-minute match the final score was 38 to 1. He went on to place 5th in the Ohio State Tournament. Unfortunately 2 months later he would pass away in a tragic car accident.
  13. In person voting with photo voter ID "ONLY". Only allow military to do absent voting and very few others. Extend early voting to 15 or 20 days if necessary. That the Democrats for some reason think their voters can't get a voter ID amazes me.
  14. You are a very interesting person. Its not the counting of the votes . Its how the votes were cast and who "actually" did the voting. The system we have in place makes it impossible to verify the validity of the votes themselves. So the counting of them proves nothing .Which makes are voting system inadequate. I know you don't agree with me but if you could refrain from your derogatory remarks.
  15. Is America Still the " Shining City on a Hill " ? Its not looking very good.
  16. I believe its more like get the history accurate so we can actually call it history. False or inaccurate history is not history. I will go head and say it for you " PROVE IT".
  17. When you went to MIch. State your freshman year were you 17 and then turned 18 in October.? Is it true you were the youngest NCAA Champion at the time? ( maybe you are still) These days its extremely rare to wrestle your freshman year. I was also 17 when I started college. When you were at Maple Heights did you know just how tough the greater Cleveland area was when compared to the other states?
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