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Everything posted by KCMO2

  1. He's been wrestling pretty well lately, wrestling some good guys close but never quite able to get that signature win. He's the #4 pre-seed though with 4 AQ's, so it's not like he has a mountain to climb.
  2. Jeez you guys are sensitive. I'd say the same thing about Mizzou if they scheduled such a weak non-conference opponent for their last home dual, so don't get your panties in a wad.
  3. Why is Penn St. wrestling a bad non-conf. Clarion team for their last home dual of the year?
  4. I died 7 minutes just reading this thread.
  5. This used to be the night before the state wrestling tournament in Columbia, so a lot of the wrestlers and fans in town would head over and watch. The state tournament changed to Wednesday through Saturday of next week though. I assume Mizzou's schedule was already set, or they didn't want to move the dual closer to Big 12's.
  6. No reason for O'Toole and Carr not to wrestle. Win or lose, their potential championship match at the Big 12's should determine the 1 seed for natties.
  7. I'm not an insider, but on the flip side of your example I'd be willing to bet that's why Jacques doesn't have more offense for Mizzou. If he's wrestling Mauller and O'Toole in the room, they're both probably scoring off of 90% of his shots, so he becomes less sure of his offense there which probably carries over into matches.
  8. No, that's Bob Dole.
  9. You're partially correct. Past credentials are taken into account. The Dan Hodge Trophy is based on seven criteria including record, number of pins, dominance, past credentials, quality of competition, sportsmanship/citizenship and heart.
  10. Cox wasn't bad either. 3x champ at an upper weight, and it took a world and Olympic champ to keep him from getting 4. Also won an Olympic medal himself while still in college. His bonus rate wasn't as impressive because of his wrestling style, but 136-4 college record (28-0 his senior season) wasn't too shabby.
  11. I think this might have been the best thing for Elam. I don't think he really earned a #1 ranking, but I think he could definitely win it all (along with about 5 other guys). Hopefully this brings him back to earth and helps him refocus heading into the post-season.
  12. Mizzou can't finish shots when they get in deep. Jacques can't, Hart has a hard time finishing shots against decent guys, Hawks has no leg attacks, and Rocky (who should not have been ranked #1) had a hard time with it.
  13. No extras, just 10 guys? I'd hope he at least brings a couple of back-ups, just in case.
  14. This is all assuming MU wrestles their normal lineup vs both teams, which knowing Smith is improbable. I've seen him rest guys and lose duals as a result (SDSU, UNI).
  15. What if........he hadn't destroyed his knees trying to win titles for Brands. Russians and Iranians won't hesitate to attack those hard, and if he can't make it through college without all of those injuries there's no way he'll make it long in international.
  16. And the video is on page 2
  17. Joe Gilbert pinning Tom Brands
  18. "I just want some ice cream man. I just want some ice cream." -Kyven Gadsen
  19. Not sure what Smith's rules are, but O'Toole's 21.
  20. .
  21. Nobody is injured, they're all ducking. Source: ionel
  22. I've seen guys who could just about break your ribs with a tight waist, that doesn't make it illegal. Bow and arrow is a tough move, but the refs can stop it any time they believe it becomes dangerous.
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