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Everything posted by jross

  1. The conspiracy with evidence is that the CIA could have prevented it, messed up, and covered up their blunders.
  2. That's a yes, I got it. This sheds light on your trolling—or, should I say, misrepresenting, passing judgment, making accusations, labeling, dodging, and doubling down on your errors. I'm curious about who awaits behind door number 3. The self-important persona behind door number 1 and the one auditioning for the role of the third Krassenstein brother behind door number 2 are both rather insufferable. I bet that the wrestler behind door number 3 is a decent person. The guy behind door number three doesn't need parenthood or a 30th birthday to show maturity.
  3. A man who knows nothing about wrestling flew thousands of miles and spent thousands of dollars to ask his wife a question she could not answer, about a song that no one knows, that was played for a world champion who represented no country. How has the experience been so far @Wrestleknownothing?
  4. I don't recall Dake exposing Sidakov even once during the exchange that netted him 4 points on the first challenge. It was baffling.
  5. That Dake match score was baffling. Sidakov was jobbed but it did not change the outcome.
  6. MidwestUSA. My turn. Are you childless and under the age of 30?
  7. It’s the masses that we worry about. Not ourselves.
  8. A reminder of Google's political bias against conservatives, censorship, & the use of blacklist. https://web.archive.org/web/20201227235023/https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1343342658949804033.html
  9. Vito should bulk up and take on the sucked down 65kg guys.
  10. Amine looks undersized and should try something other than a whizzer… and then he did.
  11. This means that the news has propaganda and one should consume multiple sources of information. It is not only printed lies to watch it for, it is also what is not printed.
  12. Well the CIA has executed shady actions against their own country in the past. That is where the trust issues derive from (“if they did not plan”). As far as what “they allowed” with 911, read the signed affidavit from Guantanamo military commission investigator Don Canestraro. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23787466-att-b-2021-07-20-donald-canestraro-declaration-dated-20-july-2021 The affidavit outlines the investigation by Canestraro into Saudi and CIA complicity in the terrorist attacks. Here is one article to to get familiar with the content and concern. https://jacobin.com/2023/05/cia-fbi-911-hijackers-cover-up-bush-media
  13. Let us stop this discussion in the international wrestling topic.
  14. China can report facts and a patriot can acknowledge fault in their country. Have some wisdom... I love my kids and yet am aware of their flaws. I gather feedback concerning their behavior from outside my family. Who would have thought that this natural behavior can apply to one’s homeland? The facts in the link are verifiable and should not surprise those that are curious and well read. You can separate the fact from opinion and gain awareness with an open mind…
  15. Either you do not know the definition of war crimes or you do not know USA history.
  16. If referencing Putin is cringe-worthy, why did you first reference Putin in this topic (Putin praised Musk sooo...)? Since we both voiced that Putin is bad, your comments are an enigma.
  17. A self-declared centralist cannot understand the bullshit with how the judicial system is applied differently based on partisan politics? If you are blind to the difference in behaviors, you are as left as they come.
  18. The USA doesn't treat countries the way it wants to be treated. Fact. Some derogatory labels/opinions hurt because there is an element of truth to it. Like certain cities in California, some developing countries are indeed shitholes. I've been to shithole countries multiple times and never want to go again. I'm talking about places where you shit in the river you shower and drink from. Where a girl getting raped on public transportation is her fault because how dare she be outside past 6 PM with her boyfriend to travel home. Where mothers rent out their babies to beggars. Where the sewage and trash are not maintained and you hold your breath as long as possible. Where your driver gets pulled over because they have an American in the car, and the driver must bribe the cop for onward travel. The citizens are kind, capable, smart... but the country is currently a shithole that the citizens want to leave. Personally, I'm more concerned about the actions of the United States in terms of its military, economic, and political influence over other nations than I am about the use of insensitive descriptions for countries.
  19. Why did you point out that Putin praised Musk? Soooo... will you clarify your intention behind this? Your response appears to stem from my repetition that X is better, along with a quote from Musk regarding his intentions. MSPART mentioned feeling positively about X if Musk's statements are true. In response, you brought up Putin's praise of Musk (specifically, Starlink). Later, you state there is no need to defend a wealthy individual like Musk and comment on the weirdness of idolizing him. These remarks are unusual and suggest that your initial comments were meant to undermine Musk. The topic here is X being better than Twitter. Yet, you've brought up unrelated stuff, like the discussion about Starlink, creating an enigmatic connection to Musk (for X). You assert that this was not an 'attack,' but rather a 'fact.' Will you be more clear in your communication and avoid ambiguity to convey your points?
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