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Everything posted by jross

  1. Epstein is apples and oranges, but it applies to the potential for significant consequences to powerful people. JFK is a closer comparison. Similar to the JFK assassination, the Election Fraud conspiracy suggests government involvement in a deliberate change of leadership (at worst) or a concealment of facts (at minimum).
  2. Trump managed to convince 57% of democrats? Wow! Those suckers fell for it. /s
  3. I’m thinking about the JFK files as context to withholding information. Epstein files are a more recent example.
  4. This opinion data surprises. The survey of 1,000 U.S. Likely Voters was conducted on February 26-28, 2023 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/biden_administration/61_believe_feds_helped_incite_capitol_riot Is humanity easier to maintain when the majority of folks agree on concern?
  5. Let’s imagine there is evidence of election fraud. Like say for example this was proven true. Should the government admit it? Would it admit it? 48 Laws of Power (book) has the answer.
  6. Guess who's here BB appears Frustrated by the facts, it's clear.
  7. This isn’t difficult to find. https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/biden_administration/81_million_votes_nearly_half_say_no_way
  8. Haha. Just reported in quotes what Democrats took credit for. Read it yourself.
  9. In between waiting… https://www.meatchurch.com/blogs/recipes/texas-twinkies Smokers early thanksgiving. Grateful for the luck of being born in the USA, the resilience to overcome hardships, a wife that gives everything to our family, and my in-laws for great times. My kids are like thankful for… blah me:
  10. There is a lot in there. Democrats take credit in their own words. “a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.” Republicans call it rigging the election while Democrats call it fortifying the election. To me, it’s an admission to the strategy behind what we saw with big tech and media controlling information… amongst other questionable activities to help Biden win.
  11. It’s his brother. The video is 11 years old. I posted because the special move is entertainment.
  12. Remember? https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/
  13. Regardless of presentation, delicious! https://www.meatchurch.com/blogs/recipes/smoked-shotgun-shells
  14. It took 30 minutes or less to gather context and discern meaning, but the 'professional' press will not do it, and some of y'all are reluctant as well. Why is that?
  15. It's a bad post regardless of context. The Hitler part is easy to dismiss since Eric doesn't talk about Hitler in the actual tweet, and this is further supported in the tweets surrounding it. Example: https://twitter.com/breakingbaht/status/1725208466036294013 https://twitter.com/breakingbaht/status/1725210514530119928 Where is the word 'all' in front of Jewish Communities? The context of which Western Jewish Communities is in the surrounding tweets. Examples below.
  16. Enthusiastic is the wrong word choice. The post is dismissive and critical.
  17. The total number of votes did not follow historic patterns... We've had high-stakes elections before. We've had political mobilization before. So what caused such a high number of votes? Were there more citizens? [ yes ] Were there more registered voters? [ yes ] Did a higher number of registered voters actually vote? [ yes, by ~5% compared to 2016!] During a pandemic where citizens are told it is unsafe to be around people, more votes than ever before were cast by a wide margin. Built from https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2022/demo/p20-585.pdf According to Rasmussen Reports, 49% of voters agree with the statement, "There is no way Joe Biden got 81 million votes in the 2020 election. Perhaps the most surprising revelation was that those who agreed with the statement included 31% of Democrats and 45% of voters who chose not to identify with any political party, compared to 72% of Republicans. It is not surprising that the Rasmussen Reports conducted a survey of 1,051 U.S. Likely Voters on June 25-27, 2023... found that 66% of Likely U.S. Voters are concerned that the outcome of the 2024 presidential election will be affected by cheating.
  18. Bad post, yes. Bad to agree with a heated post, yes. antisemitism? No. It is a criticism of actions from some, rather than all Jews. The CNN leopard can’t change its spots. Twist and smear.
  19. Distinctly, Eric has no compassion for those opposing antisemitism while harboring anti-white sentiments. Read what Eric and Musk say on their Twitter timelines and they will tell you what they mean. They both criticize the ADL specifically... in later tweets.
  20. Charles Weber says To the cowards hiding behind the anonymity of the internet and posting "Hitler was right"... You got something you want to say? Why don't you say it to our faces… Formerly Eric says Okay.... <criticizes Jews for behavior> ... You want truth said to your face, there it is. Criticism Part 1: Jewish communities have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them. Criticism Part 2: I'm deeply disinterested in giving the tiniest shit now about western Jewish populations coming to the disturbing realization that those hordes of minorities that support flooding their country don't exactly like them too much. My words Eric tells his truth to Charles' face. I understand Eric's truth as Part 1: Some Jewish communities push white hatred while against people pushing Jewish hatred. Part 2: Given the double standard, Eric has little empathy for the Western Jews who supported mass immigration... and is now bothered by an increase in proximal immigrants who hate Jews... Eric's 'truth' is not expressing support for Hitler. For you lawyer types... 'okay, he will tell the truth,' but it's not about Hitler. You have to read the context to understand that... Musk agrees with Eric and continues The ADL unjustly attacks the majority of the West, despite the majority of the West supporting the Jewish people and Israel. This is because they cannot, by their own tenets, criticize the minority groups who are their primary threat. It is not right and needs to stop. You are right that this does not extend to all Jewish communities, but it is also not just limited to ADL And, at the risk of being repetitive, I am deeply offended by ADL’s messaging and any other groups who push de facto anti-white racism or anti-Asian racism or racism of any kind. I’m sick of it. Stop now. I am not defending Eric's insensitive communication. I am saying that his comment does not support Hitler and neither does Musk. Doing a little timeline viewing confirms Eric's support for Jews, Israel, etc. https://twitter.com/breakingbaht/with_replies
  21. Did you know you are the 'Eric' of the Israel thread? Readers do not understand you. Readers assume you have positions that are not true. Some life rules apply... like Musk didn't become successful by being a shithead... and his gig is to make humanity better... which he does... so perhaps it's worth 'hard work' to help discern truth from bullshit. From previous conversations, I have a lot of respect for the other Bernie member. In my confusion about member names, while baffled at some of your comments in the Israel thread, it was easier for me to want to understand better what you were and were not saying. Other Bernie earned it, like Musk has earned it. We(I) should give the benefit of the doubt to most everyone. Communication is hard, and words are Tyranny.
  22. Have you or any of the 'interpreters' read Eric's tweets before this tweet, his tweet replies... and did the news companies call him before blasting Musk for agreeing with him? Hey chatbot, what say you?
  23. In both scenarios, there are people who do and do not believe the media narrative. Question 1. Does any angle of truth justify the violence? The numbers above are lopsided... but let's also consider that 27 of the 30 cities with the highest murder rates in 2022 had Democratic mayors. Prisoners correlate to serious crime, so let's consider this study's findings that Democrats would benefit from allowing prisoners to vote. New York Prisoners | 62% Democrat, 9% Republican North Carolina Prisoners | 54.6% Democrat, 10.2% Republican New Mexico Prisoners | 52%Democrat, 10% Republican I am not labeling all Democrats as violent. Rather, the data suggests a higher incidence of violent behavior among those who tend to vote for Democrats. Let's get back to J6. Imagine an upside-down world. Republicans hated Biden as much as Democrats hated Trump. Biden committed all the behaviors you dislike about Trump. Biden's events had thousands of supporters, while relatively few supporters attended Trump's events. Blue Build Back Better flags were visible everywhere in public. Biden had the highest number of in-person votes compared to any previous candidate in the United States. News stations showed live Biden vote counts reduced in real-time on screen... without explanation. The vote counting stopped, and you went to bed with Biden still in the lead. The next morning shows Trump won states nobody thought he would win. There are many reports, video evidence, etc., about corrupt behavior, rigging, etc., and all of this was dismissed, and everyone reported "Most Secure Election Ever." Question 2. How much damage and violence would there be if we swapped Biden and Trump in the previous timeline, with Trump coming out victorious? Question 3. How many violent protests occurred as a result of a police officer shooting the J6 protestor? Question 4. Did you know there is more recent evidence that Floyd was not murdered? Warning. This is no reason to excuse Chauvin's behavior, so don't say I'm saying that! During Chauvin's trial, the pathologist Andrew M. Baker told Chauvin's attorney that if Floyd had been found at home in his locked residence, and the only autopsy finding was his fentanyl level, "then yes, I would certify his death is due to fentanyl toxicity." The autopsy found no life-threatening injuries. It did report heart problems and multiple drugs in the system. Floyd's Fentanyl level was 11 ng/mL, while > 3ng/mL is a fatal level. In a later court case, while referencing Chauvin, Amy Sweasy Tamburino, a prosecutor in Hennepin County, shared comments from Baker "He called me later in the day on that Tuesday, and he told me that there were no medical findings that showed any injury to the vital structures of Mr. Floyd's neck." "What happens when the actual evidence doesn't match up with the public narrative that everyone's already decided on? "This is the kind of case that ends careers."
  24. Wrong interpretation. Eric does not express agreement with Hitler. I believe 'people' are pushing agendas that white people interpret as anti-white, and some of these people are Jewish. DEI, etc. initiatives that focus on outcomes based on color rather than merit is racism. People, including many Jews, support immigration to America. Some of these immigrants are anti-Jewish. Why would a Jewish person support the proximal immigration of people who hate them? The behavior is thought-provoking, if not worthy of criticism. Nothing I've said here makes me a supporter of Nazis, and it is mental sickness if someone was to imply it did. Explain 'white guilt' in this video.
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