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Everything posted by jross

  1. These are women that have not voted because the state is a traditional conservative lock. However, the county is progressive and their crowd is expressing Kamala support because she is a black woman (they don't know or care about her policies). These newly registered voters "are voting so they never have to vote again." Hopefully they keep voting after this year.
  2. I know multiple people registering for the first time, specifically to vote for Trump.
  3. When 20M illegals need a place to live, what impact does that have on renting... including apartments and houses? My 30 year old colleagues are complaining about increased rent prices and can't afford a home. My home values have doubled without doing anything at all in recent years. My Kansas neighbor sold his house for 90K more than asking last year. Less than ten years ago, I remodeled and sold a house that I'd put $40K into improving and didn't get my full return out of it. I did all the labor; overhauled bathrooms, kitchen, flooring, etc. That house recently sold for nearly double what I sold it for. The new owners didn't even repaint the interior or exterior when reselling. Aside. I'm sure your house looks a lot better based on your work... congrats!
  4. This benefits the current home owners, whose home values will increase by more than $25K. Sort of like how my used pinball machine values instantly increased $1K+ when the covid money was distributed.
  5. His house increased in value due to the current administration's impact—high inflation, low supply, and a surge of immigrants needing housing. It’s a case of haves and have-nots: homeowners can sell at record prices but face the same when buying. Those without homes see ownership becoming a distant dream due to rising costs. I have a personal home and rental home... and certainly like the value on paper for me while also understanding how frustrating it is for my young work colleagues. I don't want to think about the costs for my children.
  6. Despite earning significantly more money, and my wife returning to work after a decade off, I find that we can afford less than before. My kids are looking at insane college, insurance, and housing costs. My retirement plan will now need to be extended by a decade to meet my previous goals. I was coerced to covid vaccinate so as not to lose my job. Many of my work colleagues have left the company due to the downstream impact of politician driven policy outcomes. The media I once trusted is influencing public opinion in misleading ways and the public is too blissfully ignorant to understand. The people leading the country try to say what is good is bad and the bad is not happening. The current country trajectory (bigger government, less freedom, more inflation, more unnecessary expense, more spending) is shit and there are too many people that want the status quo. I will be fine and have plenty to be grateful for. You are off target.
  7. Guttmacher.org research indicates 9 STATES AND THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA DO NOT RESTRICT ABORTION BASED ON GESTATIONAL DURATION. And while its rare to have late term abortions, it is legal and does occur annually (10K) even for entirely elective choices (5K) per this fact check by the Washington Post. Sure, actively killing the born baby is illegal... But neglecting a born-alive and allowing it to die is legal. What are words for this? Neglect? Passive euthanasia? It's legal. Look at what Walz (Minnesota) did... (https://www.revisor.mn.gov/laws/2023/0/70/laws.4.56.0#laws.4.56.0). They changed it so the born alive baby no longer is lawfully protected with lifesaving measures.
  8. I don't recall anyone stating Trump is a good character person who never lies. MAGA here wants consistency and objectivity. You can't have the moderators fact check only one candidate, refer to true facts as lies, and then ignore lies from the other candidate. The moderators and their ilk are outrageous, egregious, appalling.
  9. Trump is a bad man. Biden is a bad man. Harris is a bad woman. Quality of life was better (for me) under Trump than the previous four years. Quality of life is worse under Biden than it has been in my lifetime, and the future is setup to be even worse for my kids. Trump's policies are better for USA citizen families now and later.
  10. Words are a trap! What happens if you don't care for a baby after it is born. It dies. There are multiple cases of babies being born alive and the care providers let it die. Believe it or not!
  11. What proposed tax incentives will make it actually affordable to have children? I visited my grandmother last night and she gave me my grandfather's pay stub from 1973. He made $6.43 an hour or about $13.5K annual salary. The avg house cost $32K. Based on inflation today his pay would be $95K and the avg house would cost $230K. The actual average cost is $495K. Trump's idea to create new cities with new housing and deporting the illegals would help balance the housing supply & demand, as well as increase job opportunities. Shrink the government, shrink the taxes. Put more money in the hands of earners. More of this will help...
  12. Once your information bubble bursts, and you see through the media lies and realize how people just repeat them, it becomes clear how much propaganda is at play. Actions speak louder than words. When people spend hours just to hear a politician speak in person, it adds weight to claims about a weaponized DOJ, rigged systems, and other forces working against them.
  13. When I see large, sold-out crowds at Trump events, with even more people watching on screens outside, it reinforces my belief that he has strong support from everyday people. On the flip side, when I notice fewer people at opposition events, it influences my opinion that their support might be lacking. It’s like how Taylor Swift concerts sell out, so she must be good. Meanwhile, nobody goes to Oakland A's games, which makes me think they aren’t doing well.
  14. Yes, Harris was very successful putting Trump on tilt but there were no adults on stage.
  15. It depends on whether you're stuck in a bubble. I can't remember the exact question, and honestly, I don’t want to rewatch it. But I counted Kamala telling five lies in a row as attacks instead of actually answering the question. No one really got the upper hand, and nobody ‘punked’ anyone. It was more like "they said to wear sunglasses at night to save electricity" and "it’s perfectly fine for dogs to drive cars" except in the established lies like "he called bad people as fine people." It's lies that anyone can fact check on their own... but she said it and the moderators didn't fact check it. Then the moderators fact checked and called some things lies on Trump that we can see is true with our own eyes. It was disgusting. CNN did a much better job moderating. Kamala attacked Trump all night and then said "See who he is... all he does is attack and divide." Kamala was prepared. They were both repulsive and the event was a scary representation of our leadership. ***duck** us all.
  16. Kamala didn’t give any real details about her plans, repeated the media’s lies, and twisted Trump’s positions, and low information voters will buy it. Even the fact-checkers were biased. All Trump had to do was talk about what he got done last time, his policies, and his vision for new cities. We should not allow another deep state candidate take office. It’s one thing for a politician to lie, but it’s a whole different level when a group of influencers all push the same lies right in our faces.
  17. Trump's communication is so off-putting that Kamala could easily come out ahead by being truthful and focusing on policies. Kamala comes across as so fake, dishonest, and irritating that Trump should stick to discussing policies and ignore her completely. ***duck** us all, we definitely need better leaders, and we need critical thinkers.
  18. Watching live I thought he should have been allowed to finish his two point take down rather than lose a step out point. I also thought his ankle pick was worth two live. Obviously I was wrong.
  19. TPD is THE bigot of bigotry. Respectfully, The Bigot Brigade.
  20. I have a bias that this topic was created because of someone's bias. When the photos of Trump laying the wreath at Arlington first hit X... my train of thought was Wow that looks respectful by Trump Why is Trump showing respect but Biden is and has not? This was savvy by Trump to counter the suckers and losers hoax, but also this is just for show. How interesting that he was invited by the families; so it isn't just for show. (but its still partly for show) Then the media hit Trump and Harris hit Trump to paint him in a bad light. Kamala you idiot. You should not have said anything at all. Media you idiots. Trump looks like he is doing a good deed and there you go again with negative spin. Then this intermatwrestle topic was created. How do we get people to think critically. Then more of the families show their support for Trump and bash Harris/Biden. Kamala and Media - you idiots. Then intermatwrestle members poking about law. everywere there is short-sighted blinkered buffoons and tunnel-visioned nincompoops with the TDS virus...
  21. I may need to listen to that interview again. I thought he said Churchill was a villain (which he was), not the main villain. He also mentioned that Hitler had earlier proposed peace, which was rejected. He also discussed Hitler being a villain and did not excuse anyone's villainous behavior.
  22. My Golden Retriever rings the bells hanging from the door, jumps on me, and nudges my hands for attention. He’s in-your-face when he wants food, water, to go outside, play, or get affection. He barks from a distance but is warm and friendly up close. When he wants a scratch, he rubs against walls or backs up into me, always with his tongue hanging out. Chihuahua was a mostly good description. Confident, alert, feisty, and harmless. Too tiny in size though...
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