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Everything posted by jross

  1. It means get out of my face. http://teamcoco.com/video/ice-cube-friday
  2. Belated one year forum celebration.
  3. Express gratitude in five words.
  4. I have thick enough skin to shrug off the punches and share my views. Abortion, environment, voting, and LGBTQ rights were covered in the first response. It is of little value to weigh in on abstract concepts, and I’ll say please again… what are OP views? Voting rights act of 1964 100% support. Separately on voting, I haven’t thought deeply through nuance considerations around age, civics knowledge, societal contributions, etc. I am pro citizen proof. As the father of teenagers, I question youthful maturity. Should the citizen have a developed brain of a 25 year old to vote? As a responsibility/contributor guy, should the non retired citizen have held a job for some period in the previous year? Should the voter have passed the same civic test the legal immigrants citizens do? I want to make it as easy as possible for qualified citizens to vote. Multiple voting days. Voting holiday should be the biggest celebration of all holidays. Environmental protection Super necessary, depending. Incarceration of low level non violent offenses Lengthy incarceration for low level offenses can make a bad situation worse. Often a bad use of my tax dollars. Example situation. There is no need to incarcerate someone for doing drugs that only impact themself. When the crime impacts others, incarceration may be necessary. What nuanced situations are you thinking about? Policing in the US Needs to be much more heavy handed and funded in the worst blocks of the most violent neighborhoods. Broken windows policy… ——- My views originate with the golden rule. I don’t need to infringe on you/others unless you/others are infringing on the rights of me/others. The government and others should treat me the same way.
  5. Please kick the conversation off with your views as a sign of good faith and to set the bar.
  6. Ah, but do you grasp the essence of my statements regarding J6? There is a difference between expressing a nuanced viewpoint and actively sympathizing with or endorsing criminal behavior. The differentiation is important, and the meaning is large. Concerning conspiracy, I hope we can all acknowledge that people sometimes conceal the truth. Who do you instinctively mistrust due to their secrets? Why do you mistrust them? What if this person was in power? Or perhaps they already have power? Many people (not just Democrats) suspected irregularities in the 2000 and 2016 presidential elections. I confess. I believe there are irregularities in the 2020 election data, and my suspicions heightened due to the perceived lack of transparency.
  7. Hawaii's citizen population changed by 0.6% between 2016 and 2020. The percentage of Hawaiian citizens registered to vote increased by 27%, the percentage of voters increased by 37%, and the percentage of registered voters who voted increased by 7%. While Hawaii had the highest percent increase in registered voters and actual voters, the highest count increase went to California at 1.9M (registered) and 2.5M (voted). The state with the largest increase in registered voters that voted was Washington State at 9%. Idaho had the highest citizen population increase at 13%.
  8. Numbers are interesting. Arizona ------------- The state flipped from red to blue by 10K votes. The percent of voting citizens increased by 32%. (880K) The percent of registered voters increased by 23%. (733K) The citizen population increased by 10%. (490K) The state allows family members, household members, or caregivers to return mail ballot. Any unauthorized person who knowingly collect ballots is subject to felony charges (Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 16-1005). It used to be legal to return mail ballots on behalf of citizens. That led to scenarios like this (link). Georgia ------------- The state flipped from red to blue by 12K votes. The percent of voting citizens increased by 15%. (642K) The percent of registered voters increased by 7%. (341K) The citizen population increased by 5%. (352K) Citizens are automatically registered to vote. State allows relatives, household members, caregivers, or jail employees for voters in custody, to return mail ballots. Any person is prohibited from assisting more than ten voters in an election (Ga. Code Ann., § 21-2-385). Sources: Reported Voting and Registration for States: November 2020 [<1.0 MB] https://www.census.gov/data/tables/time-series/demo/voting-and-registration/p20-585.html Reported Voting and Registration, for States: November 2016 [<1.0 MB] https://www.census.gov/data/tables/time-series/demo/voting-and-registration/p20-580.html
  9. Something to behold. Vivek shows how to share views while maintaining respect.
  10. Good conversations and shifts in thinking can happen anywhere. Be friendly, open to new ideas, and a good listener. Discussing views with folks who share your love for wrestling is great! It's a middle ground between strangers and family—having a common interest creates trust and a (somewhat) comfortable space for non-wrestling discussion.
  11. MJ released the J6 videos that show undercover cops in the J6 crowds. Read this article and stay patient to determine what is confirmed over time. "Go, Go, Go!" https://justthenews.com/accountability/congress-has-obtained-bodycams-undercover-cops-who-conducted-surveillance-jan-6
  12. My view of the forest. 4D chess. The deep state and FBI leadership are anti-Trump and pro-establishment. Trump has the huge support of anti-establishment people. There are not enough crazy people in this developed country to actually reinstate Trump as president through violence. By influencing the events and propagandizing 'violent insurrection,' the deep state continues its aggressive attempts from removing Trump to never allowing him to run for president again.
  13. The FBI has people in it, and people are partisan. Search "FBI is not a political arm of the White House" What do you see? "The FBI Wasn't Supposed to Be Political—But It Has Been Since the Beginning"
  14. This was declined in NY ...but what? Attempting to allow noncitizens to vote? It is already allowed in some places!?!? https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/judge-says-new-york-city-cant-let-noncitizens-vote-in-city-elections
  15. Angelo Carusone of Media Matters. Blog Links from his 20s. Of course! About Him Tranny Paradise ( derogatory to ethnicity and appearance ) Kyle's mom is a b* ( insensitive to Jews ) Basketball in Japan ( insensitive to Japan ) Should he be forced ( insensitive to Jews )
  16. --------- --------- Angelo Carusone says "Musk confirmed our report was accurate." Which while technically true, is absolutely disgusting in the manner that MM manipulated it to occur. His satisfaction with MM's behavior and the outcome of fewer advertisers is gross. No authentic users saw the ads. And then smears Musk over another comment taken out of context. A horror-drama movie indeed!
  17. Yes. I thought you would appreciate me using Nancy's explanation of Republican behavior (an ack. to criticism by using the video fact check rather than the contextless clip) ...we ( Media Matters / left ) can use wrap-up smear too! ...see our work with X
  18. Correct due to unexplained red flags. A large, unexpected increase in registered voters and the percentage that voted (5% higher / shared before) during a pandemic is a red flag. Consider the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic The pandemic was bad but had largely died down by the time of the 1920 election. (source) The male population increased by 2 million when comparing 1916 to 1920. (source) The male voter count decreased by 6-21% when comparing 1916 to 1920.* This is further surprising given the war from 1914 to 1918 would cause my assumption that voting in 1916 would be lower than in 1920. *Context 1916 saw 18.5M male voters (source) 1920 26.7M voters, newly including women. (source) Women voters estimated to have turned out at a 35 to 45 percent rate (compared with 68 percent of men voters) source Assuming citizens are mostly evenly distributed, the male voters ranged from 14.7M to 17.4M. When comparing 2016 male voters (18.5M) to 2020 male voters (14.7M - 17.4M), the data indicates a 6-21% reduction in male voters. Uniformity in voting patterns is a red flag. Keep an eye on this Fulton County Case No. 2020CV343938. Read the linked fraud concerns testified under oath. pre-printed 100% marked for Biden suspicious identical markings ballots never folded ballots came from drop boxes Read attached how the judge dismissed the case because the petitioners lacked standing due to a lack of a particularized injury. This means that the court did not address the case's merits or the substance of the allegations. Instead, it dismissed the case because it concluded that the petitioners did not sufficiently demonstrate a direct and personal harm that would give them the legal standing to bring the claims before the court. Read the press release from May of 2023. (link) On December 20, 2022, VoterGA Petitioners in a counterfeit ballot case won a confirmation of standing from the Georgia Supreme Court which forced the Court of Appeals to remand their case back to Superior Court where Petitioners could open discovery and proceed with the inspection of 2020 Fulton County mail-in ballots. Today, Petitioners, who expected Judge Brian Amero to resume the case, announced a motion to recuse newly assigned Judge Robert McBurney for bias. The inspection was delayed for over two years after Judge Brian Amero’s false ruling that Petitioners had no standing. Once Amero’s ruling was overturned, he transferred the case to McBurney who accepted it in a surprise move that Petitioners claim will obstruct an inspection. The media says "No fraud detected" when the judge dismissed in 2021. The current status is that the evidence of fraud has not been allowed for review. favorito-order-10-13-2021.pdf
  19. To be clear, There is Republican rigging too. It is unacceptable. Individuals have been convicted for voting for their dead parents, their neighbors, their children, hundreds of absentee ballots… year(s) after the fact. There are still legal situations playing right now. Folks are not exactly cooperating… Counting again in private while refusing accuser ballot inspections… shady… I don’t mind being called an idiot but I do mind the lack of transparency and actions that bring confidence to election integrity. Every election people and presidential candidates are crying fowl… how can that stop?
  20. let me say it again. One can condemn j6 without condemning everyone there. One can acknowledge violence at BLM protests without dismissing the large amount of peace.
  21. I've largely thought about J6 as predominantly peaceful, a march or protest that became violent. The initial videos of boomers walking around waving flags seemed peaceful... the crowds were not much different, albeit smaller, than the Superbowl and World Series parades with tens or hundreds of thousands of supporters. Like many large groups of people, some violence occurs... in this case, enough to say there were pockets of riots in the form of vandalism, some looting, and some fighting with police. $1 million in damages is now $3 million in property damages. That's some riot activities. I didn't think about it being an attempt to overthrow the government. There were too many smiles, too many grandparents, not enough buildings on fire, and it seemed the most well-armed citizens forgot to bring their guns. Even without pitchforks and lanterns, it would have been easy for the crowd to have taken control of the capital had it been organized and wanted to. The J6 behavior differed significantly from what I'd seen repeatedly in the city protests and riots for BLM. The establishment talked out of both sides of its mouth, encouraging BLM supporters to 'fight' for the cause while it and its media kept describing riots as peaceful protests. $2 billion in damages, guns, murders, and so on. This set a baseline for 'peaceful' to me. Had this been condemned and called what it was, I might have been more initially open to the later narrative of J6 as a violent insurrection. I am sure some nutjobs would have liked an insurrection. But this was a relatively small group and, as we later learned, rioting was incited by both Trump and non-Trump supporters. The twist and smear were immediately displayed across the media and establishment, broadly labeling everyone who attended the event and trespassed as a domestic terrorist... which is a more unethical lie to me than the wrongness of the violence. My understanding will continue to change as more of J6 is revealed. This video and the comments at 4:30 are thought-provoking about incited violence. Do you know what closes off my listening? Folks who refer to J6 as a violent insurrection while refusing to acknowledge the nuance of it being predominantly peaceful... and those that recognize BLM as predominantly peaceful while refusing to acknowledge the total sum of violence it brought.
  22. TL;DR Imagine a world where the richest citizen buys a social media company and allows an unrestricted flow of information. What would the establishment and their powerful allies do? "Unveiled Agendas" In a world of opulent wealth and clandestine power plays, a twist of fate unfolds when the wealthiest citizen, a charismatic mogul with a penchant for risk, takes center stage in the digital realm. The stage is set for "Unveiled Agendas," a gripping horror drama that explores the collision between transparency and the establishment's grip on control. As the curtains rise, our protagonist, the richest citizen, unveils a daring plan to open up a social media company for an unrestricted flow of information. The establishment and their powerful allies, a shadowy cabal of influential figures, watch with trepidation as the narrative unfolds. The establishment, a complex web of interests, faces a moral crossroads. Some members find themselves torn between welcoming the newfound accountability and trust that transparency promises, while others fear the loss of their tight grip on controlling narratives that have subdued the population for so long. As the tension rises, questions loom in the air. Will the establishment value an open and participatory society, allowing diverse voices to be heard, or will they perceive it as a threat to their carefully curated order? The richest citizen's bold move has inadvertently exposed the underbelly of power, leaving the establishment vulnerable to the unsettling prospect of their unethical behaviors being thrust into the spotlight, threatening both their power and their wallets. The establishment mobilizes its forces, using political influence to craft legislation that ostensibly controls information in the name of safety and national security. A campaign is launched, painting the unrestricted flow of information as dangerous for the common people, exploiting fears of chaos and misinformation. Economic leverage becomes a weapon of choice as the establishment deploys its vast resources to pressure the daring citizen and the citizen's companies. Legal battles ensue, creating a high-stakes chess match between the establishment and the champion of transparency. In an attempt to maintain control of the narrative, the establishment orchestrates a media blitz, discrediting the citizen's intentions and labeling the maverick as a threat to society. Rumors swirl, alliances shift, and the line between truth and manipulation becomes increasingly blurred. As the tension reaches its climax, the audience is left on the edge of their seats, wondering whether the richest citizen's gamble for openness will prevail or if the establishment's machinations will snuff out the flicker of transparency before it becomes a roaring flame. "Unveiled Agendas" takes viewers on a rollercoaster of suspense, moral quandaries, and unexpected alliances, leaving them eagerly anticipating the resolution of this captivating tale of power, trust, and the battle for a society's soul.
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