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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. Your inability to understand (repeatedly) does not make the comment stupid. I will use more words so hopefully you will understand. This report about a crime does not demonstrate that crimes are not being reported to the authorities. Nowhere in the article is there a claim that this crime was not reported to the police. The article is mute on the point. The only claim Newsom made in this dubious story is that a retail clerk failed to stop a crime. He fails to point out he did nothing to stop the crime either. More likely is this is something he made up to make a point. Either way it still does not prove, or even attempt to prove, the negative.
  2. Reporting on a crime does not demonstrate under-reporting of crime.
  3. Not the country, but certainly the Republican Party. There have been other attempts by the Republican Party to do the same in other states, but it has not passed the legislature. Meanwhile, you want to offer Biden's attempted, but failed, waiver of student loans as radicalization of the Democratic Party.
  4. The tax code favors investing, as it should. As a result more people should be saving and investing instead of blaming the tax code.
  5. Re: taxes You are blending two different things. When people talk taxes and tax rates, they are almost always talking about income taxes. But virtually every wealthy person has gotten their wealth from investments. Wealth disparities are an inevitable outcome of a free market. If you are 10% better at farming in an agrarian economy, you will be modestly better off than your fellow farmers. But in a free market economy you borrow money to buy out all the other farmers, run their farms more efficiently, and become wildly wealthy when you capitalize that income stream and sell it to investors. In exchange, we all get more efficient food production. This is an argument you will often hear Warren Buffet make.
  6. Not sure, but in college he was never more than a qualifier, going 1-6 in three NCAA tournaments. Edit: I just looked it up and had a good chuckle. "By virtue of being the only entry at 92 KG at the Bill Farrell International, Reenan won the 92 KG title. And with that win has qualified himself for the World Team Trials." Woody Allen had it right. 90% of success in life is just showing up.
  7. Using the real Big Board (aka Willie's Big Board), Ayala was #4. As for how #4's have done, it is a mixed bag. For every Jason Nolf there is a Nick Reenan.
  8. I think they changed it so there is no second opening on the portal for wrestling.
  9. Being condescending while being dumb is a bad combination. The only reason we are discussing 1 and 4 is because of 2 and 3. They are inextractably linked.
  10. I think the consensus is a combination of 1.) McCain put himself in harms way, 2.) while Trump avoided military service, 3.) Trump treats his capture as a fault, 4.) while McCain was shot out of the sky on a bombing mission fracturing both arms and a leg making evasion impossible, 5.) and for his efforts McCain was tortured. Being shot down by a missile while on a bombing run certainly fits your definition of hero.
  11. What is the reason for sympathy? It seems like he rolled the dice and lost. He left a head coaching job for the chance at a different head coaching job. I know some have theorized he was promised the other head coaching job, but others have theorized he was not promised. I am not aware of any claim by Scott that he was promised the job. So absent any promises, he just miscalculated.
  12. Democrats have painted themselves into a difficult corner. Either proceed with a clearly diminished Biden, or move forward with a candidate that was not chosen by voters
  13. When used in reference to time, this indicates current or next. So, both.
  14. My daughter turned me on to a podcast that is doing an in depth review of The Power Broker. Each month they go through a few chapters at a time in detail. I have been loving this podcast. https://99percentinvisible.org/club/
  15. To be fair, my criteria was completely arbitrary. I am sure there are plenty of HOFers who do not meet it.
  16. I thought this was @ionel's job. Don't let the union foreman find out.
  17. They oughta put that guy in the HOF for his views on stalling alone.
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