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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. She said I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.
  2. The Power of God Compels Me to introduce you to Belgian Ales and good whiskey. Either that or I can save a lot of money buying you drinks.
  3. This is a strange post. The OP said he wasn't old enough to know about the Brands' high school career. He did not claim they were hyped. He asked if they were hyped. And then precisely no one claimed they were hyped.
  4. Oh, a new topic. Not feeling good about your last choice of topics?
  5. Yes, there were many dumb requests in those days. Let's not forget he also denied the President's unconstitutional request.
  6. Pence did the most consequential thing ever, even though many other VP's did the exact same thing before him. He opened the certificiates and counted the votes.
  7. The wrestlers left for Paris today. @nhs67 can crack the Captain.
  8. The wrestlers left for Paris today. Time to get excited.
  9. Something Taylor said in one of his post-trials interviews made me feel like he had a mild case of HEW. He referred to his motivation in training, I believe. I will see if I can find it. It felt like the OSU job came along at the perfect time if that is the case. Of course, there are 1,000,000+ reasons per year why any time would be the perfect time to take that job.
  10. Exactly. What is Hunter up to the next 4 to 8 years? Oh, yeah.
  11. And what capacity would he be willing to accept? Volunteer assistant? That he is unemployed may very well have to do with none of the available jobs being up to his liking. He already took one step down in rank for a chance to grasp the brass ring. After he failed at that, I imagine another step down is just too much to take.
  12. That is a silly standard. I stipulate that Trump never once had a direct conversation with a single person who stormed the capital. He was never on the phone with one, never in a room with one, and probably never so much as exchanged a pleasantry with one.
  13. Nothing in your video does anything yo exonerate Trump for what he did on and around Jan.6
  14. That is some messed up thinking. While it certainly would have been better if more law enforcement was present, that does not exonerate the President for inciting violence. It would have been best if Trump did not attempt to foment insurrection. It continues to stun me that so many are willing to give him a pass for this. This is my third rail. I cannot/will not vote for someone who attempts insurrection.
  15. I was going to say capacity to delude yourself, but that is not exactly what he demonstrated with that particular post. It is, however, what you are demonstrating with this post.
  16. It never ceases to amaze me about your capacity to ignore the events of Jan. 6. Only the Republican Party has lied, destroyed, and endorsed violence to retain power.
  17. It is the right thing to do at the wrong time. But I am of two minds on this. He erred tremendously by not allowing for a viable candidate to emerge from the primary process. Whoever winds up as the Democratic nominee will likely need to address whether they are legitimate. On the other hand, I am not a huge fan of the extended nature of our elections. Perhaps the Democrats will benefit from a shortened process, whatever that process winds up being.
  18. I assume they are paying these guys monthly, or twice a month, or something like that rather than a lump sum. Then they can just dock their NIL payments for the amount of the fine.
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