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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. I assume they are paying these guys monthly, or twice a month, or something like that rather than a lump sum. Then they can just dock their NIL payments for the amount of the fine.
  2. With CrowdStrike messing up my morning I decided to waste some time with a little HOF research. I had previously asked the question: should all single digit guys be in the HOF? A single digit guy is defined as someone who AA four years where the sum of their finishes is between 4 and 9 (The Number). But before I can answer that question I thought I needed to understand that nature of the people in the HOF (I am talking Distinguished Members category). Of the 211 Distinguished Members only 23 of them were four time All-Americans in college. This makes sense as there are a lot of ways to get to the HOF that do not rely solely, or sometimes even at all, on college results. Women's wrestling, coaching, and international acclaim are just some of the ways to make it. And of course, there are a number of entrants from the non-freshman eligible era. Of those 23 four-timers, 18 of them have a single digit. The five who do not Joe Williams (10), Barry Davis (10), Randy Lewis (11), Kevin Jackson (15), and Coleman Scott (16) all have either World or Olympic (or both) medals to their name. It seems like the path to the HOF if you do not have a single digit requires some international success. But if all you have is that single digit, is that enough? I don't know. But here is the list of single digit guys who are NOT in the Distinguished Members section of the HOF: I sorted the list by the number of titles rather than "The Number". It seems like that should be a good tie breaker. There are 17 two-time champions / four-time AA's who have a double digit, but are not in the HOF (some are not eligible yet). Is that a better resume than the one-time champs who came oh so close the other three year (Goldman {7}, Howe {8}, Heskett {8}, Heffernan {9}). Waiting in the wings, there are also 21 single digit guys who are not yet eligible due to the five year waiting period.
  3. This schtick is getting tired. You act like Scott has no agency and could not have decided to stay at that primo position. He does, and he could have. He made a big boy decision and it was the wrong one.
  4. More in from the NIL front via The Athletic: College Basketball Average NIL Budgets Low-Majors: $80,000 Mid-Majors: $291,687 Mid-Major+: $750,000 High-Majors:$3,525,000 So, for a 13 man roster a high-major (defined as Big Ten, SEC, Big 12,ACC, and Big East) would have an average annual NIL payment of $271,150. My guess is a #1 scoring option would get about $1,000,000 to $1,500,000 of that budget. A #2 option is probably in the $750,000 to $1,000,000 range. That leaves $1,775,000 to $1,025,000 for the other 11 guys. I have expressed my skepticism that wrestlers are getting $250k or more per year. This only makes me more skeptical. On the other hand, almost all of the basketball payments are coming from collectives. That allows for central(ish) planning and less control by any one individual donor. If wrestling NIL is driven by a single donor, then maybe there are a handful of big deals available to a select few depending on just how passionate that single donor is. And by passionate I mean rich.
  5. This thread is heating up nicely. Great off season topic, @Kerouac
  6. So this is all just about building a colony on Mars? "Musk, 53, has directed SpaceX employees to drill into the design and details of a Martian city, according to five people with knowledge of the efforts and documents viewed by The New York Times. One team is drawing up plans for small dome habitats, including the materials that could be used to build them. Another is working on spacesuits to combat Mars’s hostile environment, while a medical team is researching whether humans can have children there. Mr. Musk has volunteered his sperm to help seed a colony, two people familiar with his comments said. The initiatives, which are in their infancy, are a shift toward more concrete planning for life on Mars as Mr. Musk’s timeline has hastened. While he said in 2016 that it would take 40 to 100 years to have a self-sustaining civilization on the planet, Mr. Musk told SpaceX employees in April that he now expects one million people to be living there in about 20 years. ... Mr. Musk is so wedded to the idea of creating a civilization on Mars — he once said he plans to die there — that it has propelled nearly every business endeavor he has undertaken on Earth. His vision for Mars underlies most of the six companies that he leads or owns, each of which could potentially contribute to an extraterrestrial colony, according to the documents and the people with knowledge of the efforts. The Boring Company, a private tunneling venture founded by Mr. Musk, was started in part to ready equipment to burrow under Mars’s surface, two of the people said. Mr. Musk has told people that he bought X, the social media platform, partly to help test how a citizen-led government that rules by consensus might work on Mars. He has also said that he envisions residents on the planet will drive a version of the steel-paneled Cybertrucks made by Tesla, his electric vehicle company." The bit about his sperm is a bit weird, but otherwise...cool.
  7. Read a story on The Athletic about the Georgia collective fining players for driving violations. Georgia football coach Kirby Smart: "But if people go say 'Well, it falls on deaf ears, you got to discipline someone.' Well, we have, and we will continue to do so. If the actions require that, we'll do what's necessary to do that. But I do think the effective way in curtailing some things is when you go to their wallet and you fine them because these fines have been substantial, and it'll make you think twice about the mistakes you make." What fines can we set up for wrestlers? Failing to finish a shot will cost ya $10. Didn't secure the riding time point? Another $10. Can't get off bottom? That's $15.
  8. Makes sense as they were likely seniors academically. If you do not know if they are coming back, given them their day.
  9. Anyone else notice that it is now called Hawkeye Beacon? An improvement over Go Iowa Awesome.
  10. They heard Bo "Knows Wrestling" Connell was in town.
  11. What did you think when Trump thought Nancy Pelosi was Nikki Haley?
  12. how handy are you? what year was the house built?
  13. I am a fan of spray foaming the joist bays formed where the floor joists meet the rim joist. Close down the bug superhighway.
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