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Posts posted by PortaJohn

  1. 9 minutes ago, scourge165 said:

    I thought the adderall was grandfathered in...that someone Brooks age wouldn't be allowed to be taking it.


    That was my understanding from people calling Simone Billes a "cheat," during the last Olympics...among other things. That she had her exemption going back to when she was first able to compete and....well, yeah, that was it, she was grandfathered into the exemptions, but anyone who didn't already have one was kinda out of luck.


    Apparently that's not the case? You are still allowed to take it? And if it's a filling error, that'd be the dumbest possible reason to disqualify someone...but they are rather anal about that. I was kinda torn on who I wanted to see at that weight, but in the end, it was probably the guy on the incredible run and I wanted to see him finish up his career with another Oly Title and maybe a WC or 2, but at this point, it'd just case a shadow over whatever DT would do from here on out.

    I'm not familiar with the rules on this.  Unfortunately at this time all we have is Mineo which always manages to turn into a shit show of disinformation 

    • Bob 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, Interviewed_at_Weehawken said:

    Maybe Cael will promise to make him Associate Head Coach and a handshake deal that DT will be the next PSU coach when Cael retires?


    1 minute ago, pokemonster said:

    That's what I'm thinking... Why else would he decline it if his goal is to be a college coach? Somehow Cael has everyone convinced that being Robin to his Batman is better than taking the leap themselves. 

    I'm guessing Taylor wanting to continue competing for the time being would be a bigger factor into not taking any head coaching position at this point.  If he's really ready to coach it's silly he'd pass up on this opportunity 

  3. 2 hours ago, scourge165 said:

    I wonder if there's been ANY talk about Cael stepping down. Just ANY at all or if he's even thinking about a timeline or if he wants to just dominate for another 15 years.

    Cael's whole career is about one upping Dan Gable.  He'll retire only after 16 titles

  4. 9 hours ago, wrestle87 said:

    chances are far greater than zero that wherever David goes Dake may go as well after this cycle. 

    Especially with the current crew of Penn State coaches getting on in age, Dake and Taylor are that next crew hitting the "mentorship but can still go with you in the room" stage.  

    The Dake Taylor combo does seem plausible for awhile.  But, it's hard to imagine Dake staying on DT's staff as an assistant indefinitely.  Dake has enough star power to Head a program himself.  

    • Bob 2
  5. 6 hours ago, 1032004 said:

    Askren said on his last FRL that he also wants to coach more senior level athletes.

    Then there was a (mostly?) sarcastic discussion about Flo starting an RTC…

    Askren coaching senior level guys is meh for me.  His results at the youth level is astounding.  I hope his methods and approach catches fire nationwide.  The kids coming out of AWA are phenomenal 

  6. 1 minute ago, ionel said:

    less than 1 cinnabon, what value do you get from 80 punches to the face?

    A gift card for 80 cinnabons from a  GoFundMe for facial recovery? Is this a trick question?

    • Poopy 1
  7. 15 minutes ago, ionel said:

    Sure but an 80 pound bag of flyingcement can do a lot more damage than a cinnabon.  

    You can build some pretty cool things with an 80 pound bag of flyingcement.  What value do you get with 80 cinnabons?

  8. 10 hours ago, wrestle87 said:

    He is, but before those two, how many world-level studs appeared out of maryland?

    I mentally take the average across time since ~1970 and today, and if it gets more crowded than one for every 20 years, not a generational talent.

    I don’t know any Maryland wrestling history prior to snyder.

    Hawkeye's Rico Chiapparelli is name to look up and watch some match videos on youtube.  His approach & style of wrestling was innovative and fun to watch.  

    • Bob 1
  9. 22 hours ago, steamboat_charlie said:

    2) Tacking onto your point about an MMA-style card--the matchups and weights should be fluid.  Maybe we get some cross-weight matchups (has this ever happened? I can't recall).  Wouldn't champs be more likely to toe the line in an exhibition that truly won't matter later in the year--like a Starocci/Keckeisen match.  Or Mesenbrink 165 vs. O'Toole 174.  


    22 hours ago, peanut said:

    The bottom line is that the NWCA all-star meets is stale and reflects a world that no longer exists. An MMA-style "card" with matchups people actually want to see would make so much more sense.

    Like the idea.  And if the UFC would've ran the All-Star classic last year you could for sure bet they'd match Starocci vs Gabe Arnold.  They know how to drive interest and drama sells

  10. 6 hours ago, Dogbone said:

    Exactly, PSU always goes slightly lower than the rumors.   So $399K is the probably the PSU offer with a "I was never offered $400K" denial coming.   He is only coming back because he loves Jesus and wrestling and pissing on graves and spitting on people, but not for the money or to win 5 titles....


    6 hours ago, JimmyCinnabon said:

    *Pissing on graveyards.

    The Tweet didn't even make sense. Dude is out there just spraying random graves left and right.

    Pissing on graves is the 13th Commandment 

  11. 12 minutes ago, Ohio Elite said:

    I'll see you there...

    Don't visit this part of the intermat forum often but I'm surprised I couldn't find anything on AI.  @ThreePointTakedown, @Husker_Du, @JimmyBT etc etc in the near future the concept of minimum wage won't exist.  The concept of a wage will cease to exist.  Our brightest minds at the moment  don't even have a concept of any economic structure/model for the eventual takeover of ASI (which will happen sooner than you think).  ASI is a far more pressing issue 

    • Bob 1
  12. 56 minutes ago, CHROMEBIRD said:

    Who is Iran's 57kg rep?

    Here is the list

    INDIA - #6 Aman Aman (2022 U23 World gold)

    IRAN - Ahmad Mohammadnezhadjavan (2022 U20 World bronze, 2021 U23 World bronze) OR Alireza Sarlak (2021 World silver)

    CHINA - #7 Wanhao Zou (2022 World 5th)

    TURKIYE - #10 Muhammet Karavus (2021 U20 World silver) OR Suleyman Atli (2019 World silver)

    MONGOLIA - Munkh Erdene Batkhuyag (2023 U23 World bronze) OR Zandanbud Zanabazar (2022 World bronze) OR #18 Narankhuu Narmandakh (2022 61 kg World bronze)

    NORTH KOREA - #17 Chongsong Han (2023 Asian Games silver)

    KAZAKHSTAN - Meirambek Kartbay (2023 World 5th) OR Yerassyl Mukhtaruly (2023 U23 World 5th) OR Rakhat Kalzhan (2023 Asian bronze)

    GEORGIA - Roberti Dingashvili (2024 Euro bronze)

    GERMANY - Horst Lehr (2021 World bronze)

    UKRAINE - Andrey Yatsekno (2017 World bronze)


    65 kg

    MONGOLIA - #4 Tulga Tumur-Ochir    (2021 World silver) OR Tsogbakrakh Tseveensuren (2022 World 9th)

    UZBEKISTAN - Umidjon Jalolov (2022 U20 World gold)

    ALBANIA - Islam Dudaev (2022 Yarygin bronze)

    INDIA - Sujeet Sujeet (2022 U20 World bronze)

    BULGARIA - Salim Naim (2023 Euro silver)

    BAHRAIN - Alibeg Alibegov (2021 U20 World silver)

    FRANCE - Timourovitch Arsamerzouev (2022 U20 World bronze)

    TAJIKISTAN - Abdulmazhid Kudiev (2021 Russian Nationals bronze)

    UKRAINE - Erik Arushanian (2022 U23 bronze)

    GERMANY - Kizhan Clarke (UNC 2022 NCAA finalist)

    CANADA - Lachlan McNeil (UNC 2X NCAA All-American)

    KAZAKHSTAN - Maiis Aliyev (2022 U20 World 8th)

    ARGENTINA - Agustin Destribats (2024 Pan Am silver)

    BELARUS - Niurgun Skriabin (2020 Euro silver)

    NORTH KOREA - K Kim (2024 Asian Qualifier 5th)

    CHINA - Shaohua Yuan (2024 Asian Qualifier 5th)

    • Bob 4
    • Fire 1
  13. On 4/21/2024 at 12:43 PM, VakAttack said:

    Fans booing a heated opponent during the match, even if he is one of the greatest champions in our country's history = totally fine.  Fans booing a heated opponent after the match, even if he's one of the greatest champions in our country's history and he may have just wrestled his last match = hmmm, kinda lame but maybe you can let it slide. 

    I actually have a problem with this only because I wish we as fans could leave our tribal college fandom hatred at the door when it comes to our national freestyle team.  It's like jesus fellas, we're supposed to all be on the same team for this one

    • Fire 1
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