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Posts posted by PortaJohn

  1. 21 minutes ago, Tigerfan said:

    I gotta say, I’m surprised by all the love for Buchanan. Elam beat him in their most recent match up, and he clearly was hampered by undisclosed injuries all year. If Rocky is healthy, he’s your champ. 

    He'll be a contender but I think '97 next year will be similar to '25 this year.  Cardenas took 6 losses on the year and placed 4th.  You can also throw Little's name into the mix

    • Brain 1
  2. I think Cael vs AB is much closer to a toss up than what most would like to believe.  The year prior down at 184 Cormier gave the mythical Cael quite a scrap and got a takedown in the 3rd to make it a 1 point match prior to Daniel having a brain fart and giving up the reversal.  If Cael wrestled AB in their primes 10 times I wouldn't be surprised if they split.  AB is going into WTT as an underdog to DT and although unlikely most won't or shouldn't find it shocking if he pulled off taking the spot.  That's how good he is

  3. 15 minutes ago, Truzzcat said:

    149: Henson (True sophomore will still be making jumps)

    157: Meyer improves on bottom doesn't keep getting concussed and improves his tank

    165: MM I don't think he loses again

    Henson goes 157.  MM and Haines swap weights

  4. 23 hours ago, TNwrestling said:

    I got this list from Flowrestling. Its their most recent set of freestyle rankings. Also, Chance is up to 86kg and currently ranked 4th at the weight. 


    They hold more water than you. Sorry. 

    Nolf is the only other US wrestler ranked internationally with Dake at 74kg.  Chance is ranked at #11 at 86kg.  But, I agree with your overall points on the matter.  Bo is being over the top

  5. 51 minutes ago, Wrestleknownothing said:

    This is what we have so far.

    First the answer to the original question, who transferred then won a title?


    Great stuff.  Nick Suriano should be on there twice...

    edit: Never mind.  Didn't scroll down far enough

  6. 2 minutes ago, jackwebster said:

    Really? I did not know this. Could you tell us more? Like, were all parties ok with this?

    I was a youngster during this era so I don't know all the details.  But, Kolat did make the short 30 min drive to practice with PSU while at Lock Haven and he and Fritz have a good relationship.  According to Kolat he only left because Fritz wouldn't allow him to redshirt for the '95 season. 

    • Bob 1
  7. Article Below:


    As the digital sun rises over Cesspoolia, casting its glow upon the bustling community, whispers of excitement fills the virtual air. The forum is abuzz with anticipation as the 2024 presidential election season looms large on the horizon.

    Among the contenders for the coveted role of President of Cesspoolia stands Ionel, a stalwart figure known for his integrity, wisdom, and unwavering commitment to the community. With a vision of inclusivity, progress, and unity, Ionel throws his hat into the ring, ready to embark on the campaign trail and vie for the highest office in the land.

    But Ionel's path to victory will not be without its challenges, standing in his way is none other than Bob Dole, a formidable opponent and a respected figure in the forum's halls. Bob Dole's candidacy is backed by a legion of supporters, drawn to his charisma, experience, and bold vision for the future.

    As the campaigns unfold, Cesspoolia will become a battleground of ideas, with Ionel and Bob Dole engaging in spirited debates, impassioned speeches, and tireless outreach efforts to win over the hearts and minds of the community.

    Ionel, fueled by a deep sense of purpose and a burning desire to serve his fellow posters, will crisscross the digital landscape, connecting with voters, listening to their concerns, and articulating his vision for a brighter future. His message of inclusivity, fairness, and progress will resonate with many, inspiring a groundswell of support from all corners.

    But Bob Dole is not to be underestimated, mounting a formidable campaign of his own, rallying his supporters with promises of stability, innovation, and bold leadership. The competition between Ionel and Bob Dole will grow fierce as the election draws nearer, each candidate leaving no stone unturned in their quest for victory.

    • Bob 1
    • Haha 3
    • Jagger 1
    • Ionel 3
    • Ban Basketball 1
  8. 2 hours ago, AgaveMaria said:

    I think getting pinned by a Double Grapevine would be more embarassing.

    A bit more rare than a spladle and many on the mat haven't seen one in competition.

    For me the ultimate most embarrassing way to get pinned would be the Saturday Night Ride.  Especially if your opponent wanted to top it off with jazz hands

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