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Posts posted by PortaJohn

  1. 29 minutes ago, JimmyBT said:

    I was referring to his view that countries (Syria, Lebanon) are refusing to take refugees for fear that Hamas would start working with in those camps and would be come targets for Israeli air strikes.  Different from your take. My bad. 

    I read his comment. I think myself and Uncle B are pretty much on the same page on that issue.  But Iran not being discussed in this conversation is a real failure in understanding the current situation.  The latest figures reported (estimated) was $300 million from Iran to Hamas.  The idea that peace would come if Israel just packed up and left is nonsensical.  Iran is hellbent on creating as much chaos and conflict in the region.  Currently the Ayatollah is the root of the problem

    • Bob 1
  2. 1 hour ago, uncle bernard said:

    yeah but there’s no scenario where the us wouldn’t support israel and defend it against destruction. it’s a nonsensical scenario. 

    the question is how the us can help them secure a sustainable peace. you guys think endless war which hasn’t worked for 75 years. i think there’s another way. 

    Kudos to you for taking on all posters.  Here is the big piece of the puzzle you and this board are not addressing.  This is a Chess match between the US/Israel vs Iran.  Palestine is a pawn on the board.  Despite some grandstanding you might see from these nations the truth is the Saudi's, Jordan, & Egypt are also siding with the US & Israel.  Palestine's peace will only come with it's divorce from Iran.  Look into Jordan and Egypt's refusal to take in any Palestinian refugees.  There's a real fear militants would set up shop in their countries launching attacks on Israel from within their own countries causing more chaos.  If Israel capitulates Iran will now know that it's blueprint to set up proxies and cause chaos is the recipe for success   

    • Bob 2
    • Brain 1
  3. 44 minutes ago, Formally140 said:

    While this is true.. don't use it as a cop out if the fact Dake without a doubt had a mental edge

    How is what I said a cop out?  Seems like you're just trying to start a a fight

  4. 20 minutes ago, Hammerlock3 said:

    Taylor's losses were in the ultra nitty gritty side of the mental. If you had to put a word on why dake never lost to him, it's "present". Dake could jump on the half second per match taylor was relaxed. Taylor being so dominant probably contributed to this problem, like spencer lee but not nearly as bad, he was just not that inexperienced in a chess match and dake wasn't.

    Dake also had the ability to pull off wrestling positions that you'd teach every other kid not to do because it's fundamentally wrong.  There are things Dake did back in college that defied the laws of wrestling physics

  5. On 5/7/2024 at 7:42 AM, nhs67 said:

    How does this look at Beaver Stadium?

    125 - Spratley VS Lilledahl (Davis)
    133 - Cannon (Hughes) VS Nagao (Davis)
    141 - Jamison VS Bartlett (Evans)
    149 - Alirez VS SVN (Kasak/Evans)
    157 - Parco VS Sealey (SVN)
    165 - Fish VS Mesenbrink
    174 - Hamiti VS Facundo
    184 - Plott VS Barr
    197 - Carroll VS Starocci
    285 - Pindrickson VS Kerkvliet

    Is it wild or recency bias that makes me believe that is an actual dual?  Does this make Coach Caelingharner keep Haines down at 157 and Starocci at 174 as a precautionary?

    Everything that's been projected for '24-25  to this point is Mesenbrink to 157 and Haines to 165.  Star to 184 or 197.  @Husker_Du might have some insider info but this scenario has been the most consistent 

  6. 1 hour ago, pokemonster said:

    Fun fact: David Taylor is Stiebers lone loss in high school as a freshman (DT was a soph).

    Also, this isn't the "other OSU" but THE OSU. Don't believe it? Look at the .edu email addresses for all of the supposed "OSU" schools:

    Oklahoma State: @okstate.edu

    Oregon State: @oregonstate.edu

    Ohio State: @osu.edu

    I arrest my case. 

    How does one arrest their own case? @VakAttack???

  7. 1 minute ago, Le duke said:


    Parco is a great wrestler but he’s not in the KOT beating David Carr realm. He’s not a U20 world champion running into another U20 champ.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    You should never take what Ionel says seriosuly.  Don't fall into the quicksand 

    • Poopy 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Truzzcat said:

    I think its just the m2 ties I think Ryder is the only guy that may go personally and maybe Duke or Perry flip but thats about it and I don't have high confidence in any of those things.

    This.  Have been on the record Ryder might go with the log jam at PSU and PJ Duke wouldn't surprise me either.  Everyone else either than Facundo is staying

  9. 17 minutes ago, 1032004 said:

    165: Haines or Kasak

    What'a up with the Haines Kasak rumors?  They're PA kids who are already on the roster and will start.  Their family is within a mornings drive to campus.  You fellas are getting a little crazy

    • Stalling 1
  10. 5 minutes ago, CowboyYe2024 said:

    Really?? SVN is a great wrestler, but Parco training at OSU with the magic man as hc. Give me Parco. It could go either way.

    That's wishful thinking.  Both SVN and Kasak beat Parco.  Parco has a ceiling.  Hamiti on the other hand is a wrestler every Okie State fan should be excited to watch with DT at the helm.  He definitely hasn't reached his full potential

    • Bob 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, CowboyYe2024 said:

    OSU 141 if Alirez Comes, 149 if Parco comes, 174, 184 (If Carter goes 184), 197

    PSU 125, 133, 141 if Alirez isn't a Cowboy, 149, 157, 165, 285

    5-5 maybe 4-6 3-7. Depending on where Starocci goes, IT IS NOT GOING TO BE 10-0 PENN STATE DIPSHIT!!!!!!!! 



    Parco is not beating SVN 

    • Bob 1
  12. 8 hours ago, Threadkilla said:

    Why would a NY kid and 2 AWA kids go to OK state after comitting to PSU?


    8 hours ago, Hammerlock3 said:

    not supporting the theory but because taylor is still a workout parnter

    Ryder is a M2 kid.  I don't think it's crazy to think he'd go with Taylor and company  considering the log jam of middle weights at PSU

    • Bob 2
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