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Paid Letter: The truth about Tim Walz. Just a few issues with his military record. Was only a Master Sergeant.

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9 hours ago, RockLobster said:

That's already been debunked. It's BS. By the transitive property of BS - your post is also BS.

National Guard Command Sgt. Maj. Doug Julin was Tim Walz's military superior.

Please provide evidence where Doug Julin's direct comments have been debunked. Extensive searches for counters to Doug Julin's statements have not yielded any results.

Tim Walz was aware of an upcoming deployment to Iraq and informed Doug Julin that he intended to deploy with the Battalion.  Doug Julin claims that Tim Walz later retired through a process that bypassed standard procedures, going over Doug Julin’s authority to more senior leadership (without talking to Doug).

While Tim Walz had been informed of the deployment, he had not yet received direct orders that trigger stop loss (too late to retire).

The timing of Tim Walz's retirement, perceived by many as abandoning his team when they needed leadership, is likely why his team viewed his departure as ‘quitting.’ While it’s understandable that few would willingly choose to go to war, this sequence of events has contributed to a perception of Walz as untrustworthy and undependable.  Some would say 'coward.'

With that context, and with how Tim Walz has repeated projected his background, the claims on stolen valor is understandable.

  • Bob 4
  • Poopy 1
5 hours ago, scourge165 said:

Oh yeah, I'm LOVING the unverified but...uhmm..."Twitter man says!"- Type of posts😅🤣

Who was talking in the video?  What relationship was he to Tim Walz?  What did he say?

Tell me you didn't watch the video without telling me you didn't watch the video... "Twitter man says!"  

Why would I listen to what Twitter man says when I can listen to the source, do my own thinking, and form my own opinion?

  • Bob 2
  • Clown 1
7 hours ago, scourge165 said:

For the people questioning Walz, lets hear from JD Vance....what does HE have to say about Trump? Lets compare VPs...(they actually seem to agree on many issues as it pertains to Trump). 

"America's Hitler."



i said all of those things

along with the idea he is a clinton crony and lifelong democrat


but when i look at the other options... 

3 hours ago, jross said:

Who was talking in the video?  What relationship was he to Tim Walz?  What did he say?

Tell me you didn't watch the video without telling me you didn't watch the video... "Twitter man says!"  

Why would I listen to what Twitter man says when I can listen to the source, do my own thinking, and form my own opinion?

they think that videos of people speaking on twitter are not the people speaking...but what the poster wants them to say

2 hours ago, jross said:

Oof.  (listen to the word exchange in the video)



This is the point.  It doesn’t matter what the football players think of him, they can be wrong, but it’s easily proven that he lied on many occasions about important matters.  His accomplishments as governor are just as nefarious.  The real problem is the top of the ticket. 

  • Bob 2

For those who are interested in what JD Vance’s duty was in Iraq.  To be chosen for this role he had to score very high on the aptitude test.  

“But Cullen Tiernan, who served alongside JD Vance in Iraq as a fellow combat correspondent, told The Independent the role was not without danger.

“When we first landed, we got mortar and rockets from Baghdadi, the neighboring town. That was definitely a shock,” he said. “It’s odd to me that people would try to negate or put down what combat correspondents do. When you’re walking in patrol, or when you’re flying in a helicopter that goes into the sandstorm, or when you come upon an IED, and see people who have been blown up, you’re having the same exact experience. You just also have a camera and an obligation to document it.””



  • Bob 1
5 hours ago, Offthemat said:

This is the point.  It doesn’t matter what the football players think of him, they can be wrong, but it’s easily proven that he lied on many occasions about important matters.  His accomplishments as governor are just as nefarious.  The real problem is the top of the ticket. 

Trump praised the hell out of him for what he did as the Gov of Minnesota!


All the noise, the guy retired after 24 years and the right, running a guy who calls vets "suckers and losers," and asked, 'what's in it for them,' is trying the same shit Bush did with Kerry. That's it. That's all it comes down to. 

  • Fire 1
1 hour ago, scourge165 said:

Trump praised the hell out of him for what he did as the Gov of Minnesota!


All the noise, the guy retired after 24 years and the right, running a guy who calls vets "suckers and losers," and asked, 'what's in it for them,' is trying the same shit Bush did with Kerry. That's it. That's all it comes down to. 

Only chumbolones believe that trash.  There are too many instances of him showing his affection for the military to believe that.  If you want to recognize the kind of guy that has those feelings, he’ll be the guy who says he’s with you while he’s secretly going through back channels to avoid going, he’ll be the guy that claims he was a higher rank than he was, he’ll be the guy that wears the crest of an elite unit that he was never part of, he’ll be the guy who ran like a coward but claims he went to war.  That’s the kind of guy who’ll think combat soldiers are suckers and losers, because of everything that’s in it for him. 

  • Bob 1
  • Haha 1


this is tim on 9/11/21

first off bagram is in afghan. but he clearly is trying to make it look like he was there

this was probably about him when he went to visit as an elected official... but the first sentence is used to make it appear he served there 

  • Bob 1
  • Brain 1
11 hours ago, jross said:

National Guard Command Sgt. Maj. Doug Julin was Tim Walz's military superior.

Please provide evidence where Doug Julin's direct comments have been debunked. Extensive searches for counters to Doug Julin's statements have not yielded any results.

Tim Walz was aware of an upcoming deployment to Iraq and informed Doug Julin that he intended to deploy with the Battalion.  Doug Julin claims that Tim Walz later retired through a process that bypassed standard procedures, going over Doug Julin’s authority to more senior leadership (without talking to Doug).

While Tim Walz had been informed of the deployment, he had not yet received direct orders that trigger stop loss (too late to retire).

The timing of Tim Walz's retirement, perceived by many as abandoning his team when they needed leadership, is likely why his team viewed his departure as ‘quitting.’ While it’s understandable that few would willingly choose to go to war, this sequence of events has contributed to a perception of Walz as untrustworthy and undependable.  Some would say 'coward.'

With that context, and with how Tim Walz has repeated projected his background, the claims on stolen valor is understandable.

Are you really that bad at maneuvering about the internet? That surprises me. You post as if you are savvy. Hmmm.

One of the many reputable sites where the claim that Walz retired after learning of deployment was debunked:

Fact-checking attacks on Walz’s military record by Vance and other Republicans | PBS News

The very fact that a 24 year veteran was called out based on rando Twitter is utter bullsh**. 

  • Ionel 1
49 minutes ago, scourge165 said:

Trump praised the hell out of him for what he did as the Gov of Minnesota!

What is the full story?  When did Trump say it and why?  What was Trump saying before about leadership and governor response?

  • Jagger 1
  • Clown 1
10 minutes ago, jross said:

What is the full story?  When did Trump say it and why?  What was Trump saying before about leadership and governor response?

But at the time, Trump expressed support for Walz's handling of the protests, according to a recording of a phone call obtained by ABC News -- telling a group of governors that Walz "dominated," and praising his leadership as an example for other states to follow.

"I know Gov. Walz is on the phone, and we spoke, and I fully agree with the way he handled it the last couple of days," Trump told a group of governors on June 1, 2020, according to a recording of the call, in which he also called Walz an "excellent guy."

"I was very happy with the last couple of days, Tim," Trump continued. "You called up big numbers and the big numbers knocked them out so fast it was like bowling pins."

  • Fire 2
1 hour ago, gimpeltf said:

But at the time, Trump expressed support for Walz's handling of the protests, according to a recording of a phone call obtained by ABC News -- telling a group of governors that Walz "dominated," and praising his leadership as an example for other states to follow.

"I know Gov. Walz is on the phone, and we spoke, and I fully agree with the way he handled it the last couple of days," Trump told a group of governors on June 1, 2020, according to a recording of the call, in which he also called Walz an "excellent guy."

"I was very happy with the last couple of days, Tim," Trump continued. "You called up big numbers and the big numbers knocked them out so fast it was like bowling pins."

He praised  the National Guard for how they stopped the mayhem, he congratulated   Walz for finally calling them in.  He didn’t commend Walz for delaying calling them in for several days, allowing the rioters to burn the city. 

  • Bob 1
12 hours ago, jross said:

What is the full story?  When did Trump say it and why?  What was Trump saying before about leadership and governor response?

The full story? He said Walz did a great job...better than other Governors and he said it at the time.

That's the context. 

Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Offthemat said:

He praised  the National Guard for how they stopped the mayhem, he congratulated   Walz for finally calling them in.  He didn’t commend Walz for delaying calling them in for several days, allowing the rioters to burn the city. 

He quite literally did though. 

"Tim Walz is on the phone and....uh....we spoke. I fully agree with the way he handled it the last couple of days, and the whole world was laughing, I spoke to other Governors on the phone and I think he's an excellent guy, 

Tim is on the phone now, I was very happy with the last couple of days Tim, you knocked them out the last couple of days like bowling pins...."


Walz-Speaks, talks about mobilizing the entire National Guard;

"But Tim, it showed the INCREDIBLE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN YOUR GREAT STATE(speaking over each other)...


He says it, trying to paint the interaction differently is just not honest. You can listen to what he said.


Edited by scourge165
Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, Offthemat said:

Only chumbolones believe that trash.  There are too many instances of him showing his affection for the military to believe that.  If you want to recognize the kind of guy that has those feelings, he’ll be the guy who says he’s with you while he’s secretly going through back channels to avoid going, he’ll be the guy that claims he was a higher rank than he was, he’ll be the guy that wears the crest of an elite unit that he was never part of, he’ll be the guy who ran like a coward but claims he went to war.  That’s the kind of guy who’ll think combat soldiers are suckers and losers, because of everything that’s in it for him. 

Ok...so John Kelly is lying?

The man literally came out and confirmed that among other things. 

We heard the man say John McCain isn't a hero with the 'I like people who weren't captured.'



As for the "type," of person you're talking about...again, just a bunch of noise. Spent 24 years serving, retired a couple months before he even knew he was going to Iraq, they weren't deployed to Iraq for another...what year? He DID attain the rank, that's BS, he didn't continue with the qualifications AFTER getting promoted and he retired at a lower one.


But it's amazing he's the type of person to think that DESPITE a decorated General having SAID Trump said that(as well as his former Chief of staff). 


Not to mention...Walz ACTUALLY served. Trump said he had bone spurs and asked "what's in it for them," to those who did. But suuuuure...Walz is the "type," to say what Trump actually did. 

Again, just like Kerry and the Swift Boat nonsense. 

Edited by scourge165
  • Brain 1
9 hours ago, RockLobster said:

Are you really that bad at maneuvering about the internet? That surprises me. You post as if you are savvy. Hmmm.

One of the many reputable sites where the claim that Walz retired after learning of deployment was debunked:

Fact-checking attacks on Walz’s military record by Vance and other Republicans | PBS News

The very fact that a 24 year veteran was called out based on rando Twitter is utter bullsh**. 

The comment has red flags:

  • It engages in Monday morning quarterbacking by referencing an article published after my original comment.
  • It dismisses the CNN video showcasing simply because it was visible on Twitter.
  • It overlooks the broader issue, including Walz's lies and criticism from bad blood with multiple people who served with him.

While there is support from his peers 

  • Al Bonnifield --- "“He was asking what would be best for the soldiers,” Bonnifield recalled. “His feeling was, where can I do best for my soldiers? He thought he could do more in Congress than he could do if he stayed with the unit. He went on for half an hour or more, talking to us, trying to figure out what to do.”
  • Jeff Bertrang, outranked Tim (link) --- "Tim had a go-get-em attitude."
  • Joseph Eustice, served under Tim (link) --- "He was a great soldier,” Eustice said. “When he chose to leave, he had every right to leave."

Who has called out Tim Walz?  His peers...

  • Doug Julin, Sgt. Maj. -- Tim Walz's military superior -- Would have likely said no to his retirement request if not backdoored due to the timing.  Was completely caught off guard that Walz was retiring after Walz had already confirmed he was staying after notified of potential deployment in March.
  • Thomas Behrends, Command Sergeant Major -- Tim's replacement (link) --- "He quit earlier than he was supposed to after he was aware his unit would be deployed."  "Coward" "Traitor" "Deserter"
  • Paul Herr, Command Sergeant Major -- Tim's unit (link) --- "He's used the rank that he never achieved in order to advance his political career" "He quit"
  • John Kolb, Lieutenant Colonel -- Unit's battalion commander (link) "I do not regret that Tim retired early"
  • Tom Schilling, Vet -- Tim's unit (link) --- "Its a character thing"  "Stolen Valor"
  • Corey Bjertness, Captain -- Tim's unit chaplain (link)  --- "Coward"
  • Kathy Miller, Mother of Kyle Miller - Tim's unit member killed in Iraq (link) --- "Coward"

Additional callouts from peers

  • Tom Hagen, Minnesota National Guard (Judge Advocate) and War Vet (link) --- "Lie by omission" (from 2006) 
  • David Thul, War Vet (link) --- "Federal crime for stolen valor" (from 2009)

Questionable behavior

  • Implying combat experience with his words: "We can make sure that those weapons of war that I carried in war is the only place where those weapons are at."  Tim Walz
  • Implying combat experience by holding a sign proclaiming: "Enduring Freedom Veterans for Kerry" (https://i.ibb.co/qxmZC3N/image.png) - Tim Walz
  • Press Release on March 20, 2005:  "Walz Still Planning to Run for Congress Despite Possible Call to Duty in Iraq -- "As Command Sergeant Major I have a responsibility not only to ready my battalion for Iraq, but also to serve if called on. I am dedicated to serving my country to the best of my ability, whether that is in Washington DC or in Iraq." (https://i.ibb.co/C2qjg5Y/image.png) - Tim Walz
  • How he misused his rank for politics
  • “fast and loose” with his word choices at times in describing his service.
  • Fire 2
  • Wrestle 1
  • Poopy 1
16 hours ago, jross said:

What is the full story?  When did Trump say it and why?  What was Trump saying before about leadership and governor response?

Adding some context that there was criticism before praise.

 May 25: (Monday) George Floyd dies.

May 26: Protests and riots begin in Minnesota.

May 27: Protests intensify, with more looting and property damage in Minneapolis.

May 28: (Thursday)

Despite Governor Walz activating ~500 National Guard, the 3rd Precinct is burned down by rioters.  Trump implicitly criticizes Governor Walz and explicitly Mayor Frey, calling them weak and threatening to send in the Guard if the situation doesn't improve.


I can’t stand back & watch this happen to a great American City, Minneapolis. A total lack of leadership. Either the very weak Radical Left Mayor, Jacob Frey, get his act together and bring the City under control, or I will send in the National Guard & get the job done right.....

....These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you!

- Trump Tweets


May 29th: (Friday)



Senate Majority Leader Sen. Paul Gazelka, a Republican, lambasted Walz, calling his inaction until late Thursday “a failure of leadership” that shifted focus away from obtaining justice for Floyd’s killing.

“Instead, it’s the city up in smoke because the governor didn’t take the right action,” Gazelka said.

“He needs to be responsible for this, not just from today moving forward, but from the beginning as all this unfolded,” he said. “To watch our cities burning – there’s no excuse for that.”

Walz acknowledged that questions about his early inaction were a “valid critique.” But he also said he worried that sending an additional police presence into a community that was already protesting police violence would further inflame tensions.

He said he had been deferring to local mayors and police, until it became clear Wednesday night that rioting had grown beyond their control.

- CNN article https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/30/politics/tim-walz-minnesota-george-floyd-killing/index.html



May 30:

The increased and fully mobilized National Guard presence begins to calm things down, but tensions are still high.  Trump is still critical.


The National Guard has been released in Minneapolis to do the job that the Democrat Mayor couldn’t do. Should have been used 2 days ago & there would not have been damage & Police Headquarters would not have been taken over & ruined. Great job by the National Guard. No games


May 31:

Multiple tweets about Law and Order, congrats to the National Guard, it shouldn't have taken so long, but Great Job.

https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/tweets-may-31-2020 (note: timestamps do not show for local time zone)

  • Bob 3
  • Brain 1
  • Poopy 1
18 minutes ago, jross said:

Adding some context that there was criticism before praise.

 May 25: (Monday) George Floyd dies.

May 26: Protests and riots begin in Minnesota.

May 27: Protests intensify, with more looting and property damage in Minneapolis.

May 28: (Thursday)

Despite Governor Walz activating ~500 National Guard, the 3rd Precinct is burned down by rioters.  Trump implicitly criticizes Governor Walz and explicitly Mayor Frey, calling them weak and threatening to send in the Guard if the situation doesn't improve.


May 29th: (Friday)


May 30:

The increased and fully mobilized National Guard presence begins to calm things down, but tensions are still high.  Trump is still critical.


May 31:

Multiple tweets about Law and Order, congrats to the National Guard, it shouldn't have taken so long, but Great Job.

https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/tweets-may-31-2020 (note: timestamps do not show for local time zone)

Finally a voice of reason in regard to this topic!

  • Bob 1
  • Jagger 1
  • Poopy 1
  • Clown 1
18 minutes ago, Bigbrog said:

Finally a voice of reason in regard to this topic!

He certainly brings the detail.  It probably won’t affect a scourge, though. 

  • Bob 3
  • Clown 1

@jross  If you have no answer, try to pile on bullsh**t. That was one giant pile of BS you've assembled above.

Here's my post again - with the part that is the most important that you failed to address. The fact-check...

On 8/11/2024 at 9:33 PM, RockLobster said:

... One of the many reputable sites where the claim that Walz retired after learning of deployment was debunked:

Fact-checking attacks on Walz’s military record by Vance and other Republicans | PBS News

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