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No ID required. License to steal.

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8 hours ago, fishbane said:

I am talking about today, but that link said nothing about requiring ID and I said nothing about underage drinking.  I'm not talking about 20 years ago.  I don't know any state that requires an alcohol sellers to check an ID before selling alcohol.  Penalties I am aware of are for actually selling alcohol to minors.  I think some States remove liability for the establishment if the patron provided a valid ID.  This is also why some store will scan all IDs this way they have a record.  I personally hate buying alcohol at these places because I don't want my information stored in their system and potentially in another data breach.  I try to give ID as infrequently as possible.  

Secret shoppers are over 21, but may appear to be under 21.  There is usually not a legal penalty for selling to one without checking the ID because you haven't broken the law.  The shopper will tell the manager though and the employee that made the sale may be disciplined.

I am sorry to inform you that you should consider your information breached multiple times over.  We all should.

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1 hour ago, Scouts Honor said:

my son had surgery today. 

needed his ID

went to pharmacy... i needed ID

he went to fill out paperwork for his new job.. needed his BIRTH CERTIFICATE

Glad he's doing well after surgery.  ID at a pharmacy will depend on the state and also potentially the pharmacy and drug being prescribed.  The last prescription I had filled did not require ID.  A lot of the things might require ID some places but not universally, similar to voting.

  • Bob 1
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27 minutes ago, fishbane said:

Funny, but a passport is not the issue for those crossing illegally at the souther border, it’s getting a visa.

That’s exactly the point. Get a passport. Come in legally and then become a citizen the right way. Shouldn’t be that funny. 

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