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Grand Jury votes to indict Trump


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"Well now Trump can go to court to prove his innocence" - Nancy Pelosi  Can't make this stuff up.

I guess I have no problem with Trump going to jail if he broke the law.  I do think it is a political hit job but guess we will see.  Also, all the lefties rejoicing over this, a HUGE can of worms has just been opened...so I better not expect you all to be crying in your spritzers when power in the government switches and people like Hilary and other D's get indicted on things you all will claim are minor.

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This doesn't change anything and it doesn't indicate a change in anything.  It is not new. We all heard the perfect call where Trump used the power of the presidency to demand a foreign government  investigate his political rival.

Trump is an easy and unique target for political reprisal.  He surrounds himself with felons and purposefully cultivates enemies as a political strategy.  That is on him and no one else.  Did he expect all those enemies to chuckle and give him a big sloppy kiss?  He can't be that naive.


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11 minutes ago, Plasmodium said:

This doesn't change anything and it doesn't indicate a change in anything.  It is not new. We all heard the perfect call where Trump used the power of the presidency to demand a foreign government  investigate his political rival.

Trump is an easy and unique target for political reprisal.  He surrounds himself with felons and purposefully cultivates enemies as a political strategy.  That is on him and no one else.  Did he expect all those enemies to chuckle and give him a big sloppy kiss?  He can't be that naive.


Seriously??  Come on Plas...you can do better...once again such a disingenuous statement and such a biased viewpoint.  You honestly think Trump is the first president to pay off someone..."allegedly".  You tell me he is the first businessman to tow the legal line on taxes for their business...including politicians??  You think Trump is the first president to use political speak when answering questions...aka, lied?  Again, think they all politicians should be held accountable...and I couldn't care less if Trump goes to jail...he won't...but for anyone to say this isn't opening a can of worms in terms of politicians using the legal system to go after people based on politics then you are definitely disingenuous, bipartisan and hypocritical.  Also, you don't think other presidents have had people part of their administration go to jail?  Had bad people part of their administration?  Did/do you hold the president's with D's after their name to the same standard as R presidents??  Would love to see what you would have done if Trump made some of the same gaff's Biden and his VP have made when talking...you and Mikey would have lit up these forums with links and videos...but nope...silence.  My point of all this is to address your tit for tat to demonstrate your bipartisan thought process.

Just don't understand how people can be so one sided and narrow minded that they paint a narrative in their head that they would "overlook" bad things people do because of their political affiliation and hold people that don't have the same political affiliation to a completely different standard.

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13 minutes ago, Bigbrog said:

Seriously??  Come on Plas...you can do better...once again such a disingenuous statement and such a biased viewpoint.  You honestly think Trump is the first president to pay off someone..."allegedly".  You tell me he is the first businessman to tow the legal line on taxes for their business...including politicians??  You think Trump is the first president to use political speak when answering questions...aka, lied?  Again, think they all politicians should be held accountable...and I couldn't care less if Trump goes to jail...he won't...but for anyone to say this isn't opening a can of worms in terms of politicians using the legal system to go after people based on politics then you are definitely disingenuous, bipartisan and hypocritical.  Also, you don't think other presidents have had people part of their administration go to jail?  Had bad people part of their administration?  Did/do you hold the president's with D's after their name to the same standard as R presidents??  Would love to see what you would have done if Trump made some of the same gaff's Biden and his VP have made when talking...you and Mikey would have lit up these forums with links and videos...but nope...silence.  My point of all this is to address your tit for tat to demonstrate your bipartisan thought process.

Just don't understand how people can be so one sided and narrow minded that they paint a narrative in their head that they would "overlook" bad things people do because of their political affiliation and hold people that don't have the same political affiliation to a completely different standard.

I said the opposite of that.  It has been happening since the first organization of anything.  Trump is not the first corrupt politician, won't be the the last and probably not the most egregious.  He is unique all the same, mostly because he has an aggressive divide and conquer political strategy.  Also agree Trump won't go to jail.  Forced to believe at least one jury member would refuse to convict under any circumstance.  Party before country, justice and everything else.  At least one jury member would continue to support him even if they personally saw him shoot someone on 5th avenue in broad daylight.

I do agree that all should be held accountable.  The Biden's are under political investigation now and have been for years.  I'm not crying.  Also, I think presidents, former presidents and even presidential candidates should be held to a high standard.

This is a political prosecution in a manner of speaking.  However, given the status of Cohen lets not pretend there isn't a high likelihood of guilt.

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1 hour ago, El Luchador said:

You can be openly corrupt when you control the system of accountability. 

The R's had their chance when Trump was in office, why didn't they pounce when they had control? Seems silly to me.

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Just now, BobDole said:

Too busy paying off porn stars I guess.


Have you not seen Rhino on Twitter? He's a decent memer.

i would rather eat ground glass than subject myself to twitter...

i am of the opinion it is the clearest sign of the apocalypse...



i have not...

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