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Everything posted by JimmyBT

  1. This should have been done in Bidens first year
  2. Whether they mean us harm or not we can’t afford them in these numbers. Our systems aren’t capable. If our systems were capable they wouldn’t be bused all over and the sanctuary cities wouldn’t be pushing back as they are.
  3. You’re pretty adamant that them coming here is a boost for America. Even though statistics/facts show that it’s costing us yearly as a country over $150 billion dollars. Do you think the border needs to be fixed ? If not why? If so how? and tell me why Biden didn’t do everything he wants to do now when he had the capability in his first two years?
  4. I’ve yet to see your great idea(s) to fix the border. All you say is keep ‘em coming.
  5. Bleeding is happening now. There are over 11 million unlawful immigrants currently in our country (that we know of). The border patrol regulates the amount based on what they can handle. The more border patrol added then more they can handle. Give them what they need
  6. Remain in Mexico Finish the wall/barriers everything that biden is asking for from congress right now/plus what the border patrol is asking for this at least slows down the bleeding. which has to happen first Then a bipartisan policy that allows an amount of legal immigrants in yearly that our system can handle
  7. Democrats could have easily fixed the border in Bidens first two years when the Dems had total control. Yet they didn’t. Because they have no interest in fixing the border.
  8. Remain in Mexico was working just fine under Republicans.
  9. Did you really just call yourself a punk
  10. Way too early to tell
  11. Blueprint is there with The heavyweights at Nebraska and Iowa so I’d say yes.
  12. I think other programs (and their brilliant fans) should concern themselves with how they compare to PSU and not Iowa. Unless of course being better than a program you think sucks is your goal.
  13. Extend Bono. I love the impact he’s having.
  14. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/our-worst-fears-about-gender-treatment-have-been-confirmed-in-leaked-documents/ar-BB1jJANH?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=d33a678830e542778f2f84473d5a0894&ei=26 This ought to put TPTs thong in a knot
  15. It could be PTSD from being stuffed in a locker too many times
  16. It’s true. Ignore it though. You may not want to use dishonorable people as a source when you’re calling someone else dishonorable.
  17. And I comfortable knowing you’re WRONG more than anyone on here. Psycho babble boy jr
  18. Yep. Again. No evidence from you. None. Zero. Zip. Nada
  19. What evidence have you brought?????? We’ll ALL wait.
  20. Hasn’t the SPLC been accused of overindulgent use of its funding by its own employees ? Oh the irony.
  21. The same work you won’t and can’t do. Oh the irony.
  22. 7 pages of comments. Seems what they’re saying is working.
  23. Nothing to worry about https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/fbi-director-warns-of-dangerous-individuals-coming-across-southern-border/ar-BB1jJ3oD?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=fdddc582c2184ec8a357f1f9008d8625&ei=13
  24. Probably not. Bahahahhahahahahaha. But but but
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