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Everything posted by JimmyBT

  1. IKR? It’s not quite as interesting as imagining having to post pictures of what you cooked for supper on Saturday is it??
  2. https://www.rentcafe.com/cost-of-living-calculator/us/ks/ what are your thoughts on the cost of living in Kansas since it’s 13% lower than the national average ?
  3. The crime would be lower without them
  4. Ummmmmmm. Your own government says it’s a security risk. Life is so hard for you.
  5. https://dailybruin.com/2024/01/29/california-experiences-increasing-trend-of-people-leaving-state# millions and millions of people have figured out how to leave California because it cost too much to live there. And they’re taking their money with them which doesn’t bode well for those left behind that now will have to pay higher taxes to offset the decrease in revenue. California is a model for failure and a perfect examle of what dems are doing to the entire country.
  6. Comment 1. Theres no reason to continue to engage with the likes of you proceeds to make comment 2 with the likes of me. bhahahahahahahahahahahahhah
  7. What movie star did I talk about? Make sure you’re talking to the right person as you’ve confused yourself……. Again
  8. Nah, 36 is still fewer than the amount of times I’ve proved you wrong
  9. https://dailybruin.com/2024/01/29/california-experiences-increasing-trend-of-people-leaving-state# millions of people have figured out how to leave California. Even with everything there is to think about. Must be those smart educated ones huh?
  10. Ya that’s it. You’ve been here for 36 comment jr. You might want to sit this one out.
  11. It’s almost like you can hear it talking to itself.
  12. The formula in California can’t work. Rich people leaving and replaced by people that need to be supported. Tax income is decreasing while spending is increasing. If they think they’re debt is bad now just wait.
  13. Nobody is forcing anyone to live in California. If they can’t afford to live there they can certainly move right??? There are plenty of places to go with a lower cost of living.
  14. Obviously they don’t. Government intervention kinda makes that a stupid comment.
  15. Gee, could it be that they can’t find workers now unless they pay the $20 per hour????? They’re screwed either way.
  16. Might not have been hard but it was for sure stupid and a waste for 99.5% of the population.
  17. You’re 100% weak and impotent.
  18. About why women don’t like having to see a Lia Thomas penis while they’re changing clothes
  19. You’re more of a bigot than anyone on here.
  20. This . It’s his go to when he gets owned. Which is a lot.
  21. You can’t even prove that it’s likely. I love how you always play the bigot card when you’ve got nothing. Carry on babble boy jr. The Bigot Brigade
  22. Again with opinions you can’t prove
  23. It’s amazing to me how many people think it’s ok for boys and girls to be in the same bathroom at the same time. Grooma Zoom Zoom
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