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Everything posted by billyhoyle

  1. He won't be on the BIlls after the first round of cuts.
  2. Flo peaked 10 years ago. Everyone who launched the platform and made it what it was is gone, and now it is basically just a good resource for HS wrestling. Family of HS wrestlers can watch their kids wrestle at events, and there are technique videos. Do they produce any significant events other than WTT?
  3. I would not be surprised if this gets great ratings and goes viral on tiktok.
  4. Anybody say Jackie Robinson yet?
  5. I agree on the additional programs you identified that are likely safe. The reality is that we don’t truly know how bad this will be. I anticipate that if this becomes a free market and there isn’t a federal law that ensure funding go to nonrevenue sports, the 14 team requirement will be dropped and we will lose programs we never thought we would. Is there a big donor/alumni base funding Missouri? How about Wisconsin or Indiana?
  6. The NCAA could avoid antitrust simply by requiring all coaches to also be faculty members and that their pay fit the standard salary scale of the faculty. That is not fixing coaching salaries at a particular point, but rather requiring that they have a faculty appointment. Would this shitshow have happened if the coaches were making 200K/year instead of 20 million? The reason that we are about to lose a lot of D1 programs is simple math. The money that is going to pay the football players is going to have to come from somewhere. I don't know how many we will lose. I hope it is only a handful, but my expectation is we will have most of the B10 programs left, OKstate, Oklahoma, Arizona State, the Ivy league, and then anyone with a strong enough alumni base to raise enough money to survive.
  7. This is my mistake-I wasn't clear in what I meant by free. Not free to broadcasters, but free to viewers. So instead of being sold and broadcast on ESPN, the events could have broadcast somewhere with minimal commercials (e.g. the NCAA could have created its own network or shown it free online as they do for D2/D3). I agree that it is too late unless congress acts reasonably (which won't happen)-I don't agree that it was inevitable though.
  8. It's just my opinion as a fan. I think the Olympics are a great event because they showcase competition between different countries. If one country is better than the others at a particular sport, sending their athletes to compete for other countries takes away from this part of the event. If all country affiliation were to be taken away and the Olympics became a competition of the best athletes in every sport, it would still be a great event, but it would just not really be the Olympics. I don't blame the athletes for doing this though-they are chasing a dream.
  9. That's just not true. Many university jobs have fixed pay scales for positions that vary by factors including seniority. Universities are not for profit institutions and they could easily say only X dollars should go into salaries, while the majority goes back to funding student programs. How about fixing it by actually providing them an education...You know the whole reason that a University should exist. This logic can be applied to any illegal activity-it is not a good solution. I didn't say provide broadcast rights for less than what they are worth. I said mandate providing a significant portion of the content for free to limit the revenue. Is there a mandate that says a college football game has to air a commercial every time there's a punt? They didn't have to turn everything into a revenue stream whenrunning a not-for-profit..In fact, it's a bad idea to try to do so. University admins forgot that they aren't running for-profit businesses and in the process destroyed the good thing they had going. The cognitive dissonance is thinking that this change won't destroy nonrevenue sports and erode the brand of college football/basketball by making it entirely pay-for-play. How fun is it watching a Colorado football team where every single athlete is a transfer every year? Are we going to look back when only a handful of schools will be left offering D1 scholarships in wrestling, swimming, track, and hockey and think the change has been good?
  10. The Olympics never made sense to be for amateur athletes only-they are about seeing the best athletes around the world compete against each other. NCAA athletics does make sense to keep for amateur athletes only because Universities shouldn't have professional teams attached to them-their focus should be on education....And there already are professional leagues where athletes can go and make money. It wouldn't have been THAT difficult to avoid the level of greed that has brought us to this point, but the SEC has never cared about anything but $$$ and has brought the other conferences along with them.
  11. It was not inevitable if universities acted reasonably by: 1. Capping coaches/AD admin salaries 2. Actually providing an education to the athletes. 3. Not paying the athletes under the table. 4. Being less greedy on the revenue side. Providing some broadcasting free with minimal ads. Not monetizing the athletes to the degree that was done. They did not HAVE to make 100 million/year on TV deals. They chose to act recklessly and it has destroyed athletics. Turning college sports into professional sports is a terrible idea and will not work at all for non revenue sports. Thinking otherwise is a great example of cognitive dissonance. “Don’t look up”, the asteroid for NCAA wrestling is coming.
  12. You're right...This is going to be a huge windfall for the football and basketball athletes. For the athletes in non-revenue sports (everything else), it will be a complete disaster. Anybody suggesting otherwise is in denial. The other thing that I find funny is seeing people still claiming that very few D1 programs make money. Every P4 program (except Cal, Stanford, SMU) is now profitable with their new TV contracts (obviously they can't turn a profit so they invest the money in facilities and other sports). And the other schools with football programs are doing everything they can to get there, which is why they are investing in football and ignoring nonrevenue sports.
  13. The "haircut" will be the non revenue sports like wrestling. People who are fine seeing the NCAA tournament having 10 teams won't care, but it will be terrible for athletes looking to get a D1 scholarship.
  14. It depends on the job. If you want a job that requires a college education, then the degree is better. If you want one that only needs competitiveness/athleticism, then being good at sports is better. The idea behind college athletic scholarships was the concept that having both is better than having either. Your English literature degree is useful for a number of different careers that are important, although many probably don't pay as well as some high skilled blue collar jobs.
  15. The key change is going to be eliminating the 14 required minimum sports. It’s the only way the math makes any sense.
  16. I don't know? I think the cops in Mexico are armed as well because of the Cartels. just know Canada and Europe have very few police killings, so if you don't think police should be armed during raids, those might be the best places to be.
  17. It looks like Universities are about to owe a lot of money to current/past athletes in Basketball and Football. https://www.espn.com/college-sports/story/_/id/40200280/ncaa-board-votes-accept-antitrust-settlement-sources-say There is speculation that this will trigger the P4 conferences will further separate from the rest of D1. I don't see how they can maintain the 14 sport requirement with so much revenue going back to the athletes.
  18. If you resist/put them in danger, yes. Cops kill people during traffic stops. If you don't like it, you can move to Europe or Canada.
  19. Yeah, it may surprise you, but the police in the U.S. can use deadly force. There's a group of people who want to see them defunded/disarmed, but that brings a whole different set of issues.
  20. I don't want to speak for the motivations of others. I agree, that if the only reason a PSU fan doesn't want to support him is that he is representing Mexico and not U.S., it is pretty despicable given what he did to help the program. A perfect example is Franklin Gomez-I hope all MSU and PSU fans (and NCAA wrestling fans in general) supported him to some extent. However, there is a legitimate reason to dislike the way the rule is constructed because it allows athletes to quickly switch nationalities with minimal connection to the country. In my view, the Olympics are meant to represent the best of each country in competition. If an athlete can't make the team for their actual country and then starts to look for an old familial connection to make another team, it takes away from the credibility of this being a competition between countries.
  21. I watch Michael Jordan playing basketball, and I see somebody who is clearly one of the greatest athletes to ever live. I see something we'd never seen before and something we haven't seen since. Deion is great as well, but just not to that level. With Bo Jackson, I see what I see with Jordan-nobody was like him before and nobody has been since-he just never performed to the skill level of Jordan in either sport. But for greatest athlete ever without question Bo is in the same conversation as Jordan.
  22. If your reasoning behind this is because RBY is using the loophole that allows him to compete because he has a grandparent from Mexico and wasn't going to make team USA, I definitely see the logic there. If you have a general problem with a PSU athletes representing their country and refuse to support them because they aren't American, that is a huge issue. As you just said, it's because he is an American and using a loophole in the rules to compete. Just like many Russians or Michiganders do. It makes the Olympics a worse event, just like how the portal has made college athletics worse.
  23. I am sure Jordan could have been a great football player or world class high jumper. Jordan was a better athlete than Deion Sanders. I'd say Bo was more versatile since he was elite at two different sports, but was never as good at a single sport as Jordan was at basketball. Yeah Chamberlain is great too.
  24. They have an Olympic Gold Medalist for that. Wouldn't be surprised if they bring in some RTC guys after this summer too.
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