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Everything posted by billyhoyle

  1. Isn't it good to hold parents accountable if they don't give a shit about their kids being in school? It's not like this happened to parents if the kid was absent for one day, but if you have a 12 year old never showing up to school, that is 100% the fault of the parent and might indicate much bigger issues goin on at home. I don't get why "Lavern Spicer" thinks it is an effective strategy to attack her for preventing child abuse.
  2. Odds are that you won't have to.
  3. Wow. Well, at least he if he medals he will have earned.
  4. There's a guy named Robert Kennedy Jr. who might be right up your alley.
  5. Let’s not forget Lebanon, as Michigan ROTC found out in an embarrassing way.
  6. Maybe some would be outraged, but probably not most. The US did kill Bin Laden and many others involved in the planning of the attack. KSM they just had other purposes for (source of intel for CIA)-the consequences of which make putting him on trial in a death penalty case impossible. 2003 was a different time though, and we were barely a year removed from 9/11, so it’s hard to second guess the way he was handled. I’m sure Obama, Trump, and Biden would all have loved to have seen him put on trial, but 16 years after announcing it was something they wanted to do, it still hasn’t happened.
  7. To answer my own question: +160. This is free money, people! The guy never loses unless it's on purpose!
  8. Because old people listen to the radio. It's an advertisement. She's paying for it to be shown.
  9. KSM was originally charged in 2008 when Obama took office. Bush had held him without trial since his capture in 2003. His trial still hasn't even started yet. So that means between 2008 and 2024, including all 4 years of Trump's presidency, they couldn't bring KSM to trial. That seems ridiculous on its face, but it is a consequence of how complicated the case is both in terms of national security (what he might say publicly in trial, what CIA might have to reveal as part of the trial, what precedent it sets for the ability to hold detainees without trial in the future) and from a legal standpoint since he is the single most notorious person to undergo waterboarding. Given how complicated this case is, it would likely take many more years to be able to actually get him to face trial, and once he was found guilty and sentenced to death (which he 100% would be), it would then be decades before his appeals were exhausted. In a normal death penalty case it takes decades, but this case has so many avenues for appeals, I can't imagine it would be possible to ever have a death sentence carried out.
  10. Not only is Iran forfeiting not required, it is also against the entire spirit of the games, and those who engage in it should not be enabled to continue to compete on the international stage.
  11. There's no doubt that they would be great wrestlers. Same for the women's gymnasts as well. It takes elite athleticism and incredible work ethic to be a great gymnast.
  12. I think this has everything to do with J.D. Vance's connection to the VC community because VCs are some of the strangest people on earth. If you've seen the TV show Silicon Valley, Peter Gregory is based on Peter Thiel. David Sacks is another example of this. Other VCs are just as strange and in a way it has rubbed off on what Vance thinks is normal behavior. Trump's whole persona and part of why he is such an effective politician is that he can channel being a populist/normal guy who says things most people think but won't say. He is naturally funny. J.D. Vance is really antithetical to this and says things that most people don't think, and after he says them the reaction isn't generally very positive. I think Trump's political instincts are strong enough that he gets this and might end up replacing him.
  13. Thanks for the tip. Not going to work for her now after reading this.
  14. “In his 1947 classic Family And Civilization, Harvard sociologist Carle C. Zimmerman examined the way changing family forms affected the fates of the Roman and Greek empires. His historically informed sociological analysis concluded that civilizational collapse is presaged by a dissolution of families, as well as by a loosening of sexual mores, and a rise in both androgyny and homosexuality.” This "observation" is inherently a prediction that the "loosening of sexual mores" and "homosexuality" lead to "civilizational collapse." Well, the U.S. had its most successful period in history in the 80 years that we as a country have become less sexually oppressive. The countries that are the most oppressive to women and gay people have proven to be the least successful (Iran is a great example and the societal collapse that has happened since the revolution). Ironically, if the U.S. adopted similarly highly oppressive laws as we see in Iran and tightented "sexual mores" just as they did after the Iranian revolution, we would likely see a similar civilizational collapse. So this guy really was just simply wrong in his observation, and the collapse of the Roman Empire had nothing to do with the acceptance of gay people.
  15. Check back in a year. He has been wrong for 80 years. Maybe this will be the one!
  16. We have nuclear weapons-we aren't going to be invaded. My point is that this guy's prediction was wrong because the premise happened and the country itself is more successful than it has ever been by almost any measure. So yeah, eventually it all may go to shit, but the reason won't be for what this guy thought it would be.
  17. It's interesting that since he wrote this, the U.S. has been extremely successful relative to the rest of the world (1950s to present). When is the collapse supposed to happen? The countries that are the most socially oppressive tend to be the ones that collapse (Soviet Union, Iraq, Lebanon, etc).
  18. So the far right protests are in the wrong and the Israeli government is doing the right thing in investigating the alleged abuse. I'm not sure what you are trying to prove. The U.S. has had cases of abuse of power in every war-something that separates us from terrorists (or the Russian military) is actually being opposed to it and investigating/prosecuting those who commit it. So if Israel is doing the same thing, that is a good thing.
  19. 11 offense, 11 defense, 11 special teams (it’s actually more than 11 because you have punt, kick, punt return, kick blocking, kick return, but let’s just say 11). So 33 starters in football *3 = 99. 10 starters in wrestling * 3= 30. Then factor in that there are significantly more substitutions and injuries in football, and that football is a revenue sport, it makes sense that they would have a that number be the cap. With that said, it does screw over non revenue sports.
  20. Who is that? And what is the Sputnik international? Seems no different than sourcing themat forums message board.
  21. You’re more likely to have 0, 4 time champs than 3 or even 2. Spencer Lee, Mark Hall, Kyle Snyder, Dustin Schlatter, David Taylor, J’Den Cox…. Being a 4X champ rarely happens, and it’s not usually the guys you’d think it would be.
  22. Nobody needs more than 30 people in a room. What’s the point of that? Just start a club wrestling team for the 31-50th best wrestlers in the school.
  23. I don’t get why you believe something tweeted out by an anonymous twitter account. It would be like quoting something posted on this forum as true.
  24. This is true for a lot of smaller schools. But getting a degree from Iowa, Illinois, Oklahoma, etc, is still a great investment. And schools like that aren’t in need of more enrollment.
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