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Ohio Elite

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Everything posted by Ohio Elite

  1. Mendez needs to get out quick
  2. This is a beat down.
  3. Hope it's a good one!!
  4. Threw the anklets on top of his head lol
  5. 8 minutes let's go!!
  6. I saw this the other day. It's like Biden wants to get rid of the middle class. Why else would you want all these people here? Votes? Anyone seen the cost of housing these day? Supply and demand.
  7. I wondered how he'd do against Kennedy. Is he going for 3rd later today by chance?
  8. Be nice to watch him wrestle some time..
  9. And he's gonna be around for awhile.
  10. Messenbrink is a freak.
  11. Gomez gets it done
  12. The next 40 minutes needs to hurry up..
  13. Looks like he's the real deal.
  14. I thought quarters was tonight? Shows what I know
  15. It was super close!
  16. Bouzakis is killing me...
  17. McCrone is killing me...
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