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Ohio Elite

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Everything posted by Ohio Elite

  1. I saw this earlier. Excellent news
  2. I'm not sure what we're talking about.. But I beg to differ....
  3. This is hilarious coming from the guy whose blue haired cult rides around on unicorns in rainbow land..
  4. No... Let's give the government more money. That sounds like a genius idea!
  5. Hey hey hey... Now we're getting somewhere.
  6. How about less taxes? Then we have more money for purchasing stuff. I don't trust either party with my money. You shouldn't either. Probably gonna all get sent to Ukraine anyway. If you want Elon and Bezos to pay more, I got no issue with that.
  7. So pay higher taxes for lower groceries?
  8. What and who do you consider middle class?
  9. I hope he makes it out of this ok.
  10. He was here just the other day I believe.
  11. Looks like Bouzakis got in, Hepner not so lucky. Guy from the Ohio Bobcats is one of the guys that beat him in. Lol
  12. I always thought of doppelganger as evil twin. Too many super hero movies I guess...
  13. Especially Mendez!! Just messing with ya man...
  14. A lot of doppelgangers in there..
  15. Is there a chance both guys get At large bids? Bouzakis was killing me over the weekend. Sheesh...
  16. Did you know we have a wrestling section here? We discuss college and International mostly.. Check it out bro, you might like it...
  17. He hasn't been here since Jan 26th. Hope he's doing ok! Anybody heard from him? Hopefully he's just super busy or something...
  18. The one and only. I think
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