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Everything posted by DJT

  1. I believe so.
  2. MSU158 on the rivals forum:
  3. I won’t say I’m smarter than every three-year-old, but if I come across one that I’m not, I’m confident I can beat him in a fight. I fall under #3… and the horror stories of that dual put me off of getting a subscription for a bit.
  4. Fun Fact: A grizzly bear has the intelligence of a 3-year-old human.
  5. Jimmy used the qualifier of "PA-Born" in the title. That's all.
  6. Shit, didn’t realize he’s a Kenosha native… chalk up another one for good wrestlers from the Chicago suburbs.
  7. The girlfriend says it's only a "meh...average" problem for me.
  8. Lest we forget
  9. I assume it’s because mspart stated he secretly enjoys listening to Pyles. You’re right for deleting the thread, if that’s the case. We can’t have that smut on here.
  10. I’m not completely serious about “wanting” the scoring changed, but I could definitely see the upside. It’s more of a solution looking for a problem thing. 1.) The opponent that takes until later in the match to pin is probably better than the quick pin opponent, so it’s not really that far out to make it worth more. B.) A fluke pin is worth 6. A dominant pin is worth 6. A dominant tech fall is worth 4 or 5. When’s the last time you’ve seen a fluke tech fall? 3.) With an added layer of gamesmanship/ match strategy, the best wrestlers would stay on the mat longer trying to put up more points… win-win for fans. 4.) Outside of the “it would lead to coaches making wrestlers compete injured” crowd, there aren’t too many people who’d be against making forfeits worth more. That’s bullshit anyhow, especially with being able to use wrestlers without burning their redshirts.
  11. It’s best to have flexible morals… at least when dealing with mummies.
  12. We already went over this: Oklahoma Softball.
  13. Any relation to the Fugitt who fought in the UFC tonight?
  14. I had a tie with Marsteller/Richards and Koontz/Braunagel, then remembered I hate co-MOW’s…
  15. MFS - Marsteller - Knocks off the greatest WFS - Gray - Awesome turnaround GR - Koontz teched in match 1 and comes back to win the next two.
  16. Who is the Outstanding Wrestler for each style? Use your own definition (dominance/ surprise/ etc.).
  17. That’s one way to look at it
  18. If you can stand people from Madison...
  19. I’ve always seen mat (top) wrestling be more of an “equalizer” for less athletic kids, letting them go from bad to good… but they still lose to the kids who are great on their feet.
  20. I think you’re seeing a lot more of that now, given kids can graduate HS with 30+ college credits, allowing them to take a pedestrian 12-14/semester and still graduate in four years.
  21. Make sure you close your browser before your wife reads that…
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