I’m not completely serious about “wanting” the scoring changed, but I could definitely see the upside. It’s more of a solution looking for a problem thing.
1.) The opponent that takes until later in the match to pin is probably better than the quick pin opponent, so it’s not really that far out to make it worth more.
B.) A fluke pin is worth 6. A dominant pin is worth 6. A dominant tech fall is worth 4 or 5. When’s the last time you’ve seen a fluke tech fall?
3.) With an added layer of gamesmanship/ match strategy, the best wrestlers would stay on the mat longer trying to put up more points… win-win for fans.
4.) Outside of the “it would lead to coaches making wrestlers compete injured” crowd, there aren’t too many people who’d be against making forfeits worth more. That’s bullshit anyhow, especially with being able to use wrestlers without burning their redshirts.