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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. Do I think Biden is squeaky clean? Of course not. Do I think he’s any more corrupt than any other hundreds of people in Washington they could decide to take at least a tiny peek into (Kushner and 2 billion from the Saudi’s anyone?) No. Don’t mistake my opinion that these MAGA nuts are a one trick pony that is not only a complete waste of time but also more dangerous to the US than anything else going…..as a favorable opinion of Biden.
  2. So the date the article is written determines whether or not the subject of the article is ‘new news’?? Ya’ll are too easy. Night night.
  3. You say this in almost every post you are mentioning Biden, so I am sincerely curious where you get your confidence from? I follow a pretty fair balance of reps and dems, and a) I don’t see any dems commenting or acting in a manner that would give anyone confidence in this, and b) I see very very few reps sharing this belief. So I’m just curious is this something that you have a lot of info to lead you to believe this. Or is this something you just……’hope so’ (Maybe because he already beat trump once, even when trump was trying to pull off THE crime of American history to steal it????)
  4. I don’t hope so, I don’t care. I’ve said several times I’d prefer a different president. It’s another nothing burger because it’s just another item in the line of nothings burgers continuously put out by these MAGAS on the committee who can’t realize what a waste of time, and joke, they really are. A lot of screams to get media/social media attention, but what productive act have they taken this congress?? Can someone name one concrete item of work they have produced besides a NewsMax headline?
  5. I didn’t watch, did Tucker start sweating when talking about Putin’s balls, or was he able to control himself?
  6. You’re a little late to the party. That was the big news flash for the committee a little while ago. It fizzled out, seemingly as another nothing burger. Par for the course with these guys…
  7. On that note, anyone that likes to parrot all the time about how horrible our country is now, needs to spend some time abroad, in various places. We ain’t all that bad…
  8. Certainly coming at it from a completely different way, kinda like Charlie and Willy Wonka are both a story about the chocolate factory but not at all the same story... Big Floyd fan and it seems the darker side that Waters has seemed to have taken the last few years is coming out. Don't care for the vocal but the music is not at all garbage in my opinion, just different.
  9. Someone’s butttons got pushed. My apologies. That wasn’t my intent of sharing Rudy’s mugshot. I didn’t mean to offend.
  10. What…. In the hell…. does that have to do with Rudy
  11. And that…..is a good thing. For me and my ass.
  12. If I was Rudy…my ass would actually be a high level of concern in the near future.
  13. Don’t imagine there will be democratic debates. It’s more often than not the incumbent doesn’t debate, and contrary to what some say/believe, he seems to be pretty popular among the Dems.
  14. I feel sorry for all the wives of Russian officials this evening, all their men are going to have Twitter in one hand, and their dick in the other.
  15. Rudy’s mugshot under the RICO act he once pioneered. Whooda thunkit?
  16. Breathing is certainly a necessary aspect of competing. There were a few states that did that, I think it may be the stand all dumbest thing to come from Covid.
  17. It does certainly seem dumb, and for all practical purposes it is, but I can explain. (I had to do some ‘bring sports back’ policy writing) In that situation we’re looking at what can we do, whatever we gotta do, to get the sport(s) back to playing. And one of the things we look at is eliminating any contact/interaction throughout the course of an event that is not necessary to complete the competition. As stupid as handshakes, Jersey exchanges, etc seem after just competing against said person, it’s still a contact/interaction that is not necessary to complete it. So it’s eliminated. And you have to cut the line. If you get into, “well it’s not necessary, but……” then you have a convoluted mess of differing judgements on your hands. Black and white, it’s either necessary for the competition or it’s not. And if it’s not it was eliminated.
  18. Are these the oven ribs you were speaking of?
  19. Honest question, can you go a little further into ‘don’t work against Covid’. Do you mean they are not 100% effective; do you mean they are 0% effective. Or to ask in application….30 people in a classroom for an hour and a half. When you say doesn’t work, would you say: it may cut down transmission but there’s still potential for some to get through; or would you say it doesn’t matter, mask or not, it’s going to be the same level of transmission?
  20. That would be relevant if: a) we were in a court of law; or b) I was trying to win an ‘argument’. But …. neither. Bye Felicia
  21. I prefer not to go the insult route, but open doors get walked through…
  22. Nothing to do with conspiracy theories dipshit, try again. Documents, emails, and his own words. Look into it.
  23. Has less to do with level of medical training, and more to do with the ability to read documents. Neither of which has anything to do with where one lives/lived.
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