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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. I have to play on both ends and respect an excellent post.
  2. Completely and totally in agreement here. Comes down to we the people. (And we could say this in each and every thread).
  3. There is always a need for legislating and governing. Times change, people change, things change……democracy changes. And each day…..shit happens. Legislating and governing is not automatically synonymous with “big government”
  4. I believe they lose the house, but I don’t think it will have to do with the speaker vote.
  5. Because you refuse to absorb (and repeat) any ‘news’ that is not completely accurate…..right?
  6. I have heard a number of republicans say they have one concession they will absolutely not bend on. He must admit that the election was not stolen, while also denouncing the efforts on Jan 6 to overturn. That's a pretty big ask of him.
  7. I will inform you when my goal is to convince you something about me, so you have the heads up.
  8. MAGA is fun right now MAGA elect McCarthy gets the speakership for the Republicans MAGA midget Gaetz doesn't like McCarthy so he gets him thrown out Republicans can't agree on a speaker, even with threats and attempts at bullying politics within the party, because control is starting to slip through MAGA's fingers So............McCarthy blames democrats the house doesn't have a speaker. This is beautiful. Hopefully the real 'draining of the swamp' is starting to begin.
  9. But you get lots of ice cream....right Lt. Dan??
  10. I couldn't imagine going through life with such a horrible view of life that some people have. That can't be enjoyable.
  11. Was hearing talk that his and his peeps chosen persuasive measures last night did him more harm than good.
  12. You lose them at ‘bi-partisan’. Most in that corner of conservatism are not capable. They’re too busy telling us how to make American great again….
  13. Trust me, I'm reading you clear as the Jamaican coastline.... Especially when you moved right off the 'wealthier than when they came in' line real quick in regards to Jordan. Enjoy the vote.
  14. and that behavior is strictly limited to republicans Trump doesn’t like For example Jordan won’t leave congress anymore wealthy than when he entered right? All the while not passing any legislation at all. Im trying to give you credit for being too smart to be this much of a lamb.
  15. It’s basically a way of saying not everything is going to go the way you planned, so get it together and figure it out.
  16. When all else fails, stand up and kick the shit out of somebody.
  17. Looking more and more this morning like Israel was in fact not responsible for that explosion at the hospital, and maybe even the body count has been highly exaggerated. Stay tuned....
  18. The whole RINO brainwash, created and perpetuated by the original RINO….got it. I’m out for the evening, suddenly I have the urge to go grill a leg of lamb…
  19. By that do you mean, republicans, that aren’t republicans?
  20. I appreciate the specifics. Man, that’s a pretty extreme, explosive view for a democratic speaker with a Republican majority. Hope that’s not how it would go.
  21. I’m sorry if you have confused my quoting Offthemat as a suggestion I was wanting you to answer me for him. Once again, you give me reason to encourage you to read more. Please do. Exercise those brain cells in a little more productive manner. If for no other reason than the future of America.
  22. Seriously curious why you think he’d be catastrophic (that is I’m curious if you have specifics, instances, etc). I don’t know much about the man other than he just took over the leadership.
  23. I mean, people can move the goal posts, wiggle waggle, and excuse the facts in any number of ways, and they will, people will for legislators on both sides of the aisle. The relevant facts here are that in 18 years as a legislator, much of the last few with increasing influence, he has never passed a piece of legistlation, is currently under and defying a congressional subpeona, and is somehow close to being named speaker of that house.
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