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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. Not trying to be a smart ass, but could it be you can't wrap your head around it, at least part of it be, that you are only focused on Biden got more than anyone, and not giving enough weight that more people voted in that election, by far, than any other election?
  2. I think it’s the right play. Why waste the time and man hours (and our money) when you know it’s going to be dropped. He still has sentencing in the NY case, and the Georgia case is on pause until the answer on Willis. Will be interesting to see how it all plays out. Does New York give him a 20 day sentence or something, so he gets out on 1/19?
  3. Can we start from the point that the subject of the thread is wrong. Jack Smith has not dropped charges. Go from the standpoint of the DOJ is looking at some processes.
  4. Thanks. Was looking all over including fox and couldn't find.
  5. The last dude that agreed to that left a sweat pool on my back porch, and told his wife on the way home they kidnapped my dog.....because he was holding her grey purse on his lap in the car. I'm just sayin....careful what you wish for...
  6. Well, I hang around people who, like me, understand that there is always going to be some ***ducked** up shit going on. Going on in our lives, going on around us, going around the country. And we realize that it's okay to relax about some of these things, and joke around, while maintaining their significance, so that it is more to us than just ***ducked** up shit. Who wants that? So yeah.....we have a pretty good time at parties.
  7. I don't see the sense in complaining about the results either way....they are what they are. But I do get your point.
  8. I've talked to a number of people who like me, couldn't stomach either one of them. I don't know if that's how those people voted, but I know that's how they were talking. I'd be curious if that many people actually stayed home, which would be pretty disappointing to not vote at all, particularly your local elections, just because of the one pick at the top of the ballot. OR- if there were a lot of people like me who voted, but not that line.
  9. You either have me mixed up with someone else, or have not been following along very well. I have stated, very clearly and multiple times “king dementia” has no business in the White House. I also have no idea what you are talking about in saying about abolishing the electoral college. I don’t even believe I’ve entered into a discussion on that topic.
  10. Where is all this “you….you….you” coming from. Relax.
  11. 5-4 split on the conservative side would be my ideal scenario.
  12. I'll agree to disagree, on both. Although I would have voted for Haley if she won the primary.
  13. Agree with alot of this, strongly agree with some of this. One big exception would be more conservative supreme court justices. I'm more conservative, but for the country as a whole we need balance. I'm not in favor of a 2-1 ratio in either direction, and certainly wouldn't be in favor of even more. It's not a country of me.
  14. I made the joke at work this morning.....we will elect a decrepit, corrupt, old man who can't form a sentence and can't walk a flight of stairs; we will elect a convicted felon with a long history of fraud, bankruptcy, and sexual perversion (not even getting into current unsettled allegations); we will elect a black man whose name sounds just like those of the people that had just blown up our buildings......but we will not, black/white/indian/doesn't matter......we will not elect a woman.
  15. Here to eat my crow as stated, I will admit I am surprised the United States has elected a man with this kind of history and record. But I still hold what I said before, the winner doesn’t impact my and my families lives nearly as much as so many other factors, myself being by far the biggest factor among those. I will also hold that where this country is in four years has less to do with the winner, and more to do with you and I, and how we are with each other. And that is 100%, totally and completely, up to you and I. There’s a lot of responsibility that comes with “We The People”, if you want to keep it…. (On the bright side, maybe we won’t hear from Saylor Willie)
  16. Pretty much agree with all this (although I’m not aware of the suppression of speech, just the lies in campaigning against)
  17. They were simple yes/no questions. You wrote words that have nothing to do with the question. You responded to the post, yes. You didn’t answer the questions. Don’t worry, not a big deal. Don’t want you to be uncomfortable. Go play.
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