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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. Shit wrong thread.
  2. Just me, the pups, and football on Sunday. Smoked chicken fried rice, bacon pork tenderloin, and a big batch of pup food. Happy campers.
  3. I can help with that
  4. @Caveira, you seem very concerned with others frequency around here…are you okay?
  5. I didn’t miss it, I’ve been….doing things. Just a quick check in here before another wrestling session this morning. And I apologize but I was busy last night. To answer your question: if you’re seriously asking me that question, you haven’t been paying attention. Happy Saturday!
  6. Blah blah blah. The most basic foundation of our nation puts the power, and the responsibility, in our hands. But it’s easy to whine and blame.
  7. Well when you have a serious pattern of not paying the venues the bill for your campaign rallies, you’re bound to spend less money….no?
  8. I wasn’t saying that about your or me, just in general (remember when you said “Rasta is actually very equal opportunity” when it comes to these things? Is that only your opinion when you agree with me? We know you ‘mic drop’ when you agree with me but take a totally different tune when you don’t). As for the rest, I guess I got confused with how your input evolved during our conversation from “ I don’t really tune in because he’s cringe” at the beginning, to the full deep dive to seek out that you explain above now. You can see where that might be confusing. Again, as with my other friend above, it would be a lot easier to converse with yall if you stayed on even your own path. Have a great weekend. Till next time.
  9. Do I go with my pre-determined side's views......or do I ride the fence and can't take a stance. You're going to have to make up your mind. The changing back and forth is unbecoming (you seem to have a hard time making up your mind on something when your media can't tell you what to think about it)
  10. You forgot: and refuse to be open to anything or seek out anything that that may disrupt their pre-determined side's views.
  11. Achieving a PhD in anything takes a hell of a lot of commitment, time, and work. Much like I can’t address anyone from the Military as anything but Sgt, Col, etc….for me personally anyone who has achieved a PhD has earned the privilege of being addressed as Dr. If PhD only related to the medical field, it would have its own separate distinction.
  12. Neil Young definitely worth the mention!
  13. Ohhhhhh I see. You must have mistaken ‘doing the work’ as if having something to do with this anonymous message board. Let me clear up that little confusion. Tip: this board is not that vital to the operation of society. There is no evidence necessary, there are no decisions made here that impact society in any way. There is no obligation to back anything up. What happens here affects nothing. And it certainly isn’t work.
  14. Well, I mean, obviously I respond. How else would we get into these conversations? It’s doing the work I’ve already done for you, so that you can just rely on anonymous people, that I won’t do.
  15. Would those be the people he pushes his $1000 watches and really cool looking cartoon "cards" on, right after telling them they don't have money for groceries?
  16. If I wasn't interested in engaging, I wouldn't be on the site. What I have clearly demonstrated to you, several several times, is I am not interested in going back to dig up 'evidence' (a popular term on an anonymous message board for some reason), for people who are not interested in taking up the time themselves. You said yourself in the previous response, maybe you missed something because you don't tune in, (even though after I brought that up, you changed to "all the things I have watched and read, even the left leaning sites.....interesting change) and you want me to provide that information for you. Your stance is that it's up to me to provide knowledge to you. You shouldn't have to 'remember that next time' because you and I have been through this several times before. No, I'm not that interested in 'backing things up'. I don't know how more clearly I can make it that I am not interested in an anonymous person relying on an anonymous message board poster, I prefer people take the effort, with an open mind, themselves. I mean, I have literally spelled that out for you in the past, more than once, how is it so hard to remember? PS- My pot, and my meat, are top notch and for many many to enjoy.
  17. As per usual, I am not interested in going back and resurfacing things I’ve already read or looked into, and coming here to provide to people who don’t want to take the time. You just said you haven’t, and instead want me to provide the many examples for you. You and I have discussed this before, I’m not into that. I’m into encouraging people to make the effort to educate themselves, instead of relying on an anonymous message board poster. There are plenty examples over the last few months of each description you stated. And before you get into the usual “you just hate Trump”, you may recall I was saying the same thing about Biden. Neither is anywhere near fit to be President.
  18. It’s interesting the reaction you get when you agree (accurately so) that Biden was unfit, but dare make the claim that Trump is also unfit. Seriously has anyone even listened to any of his speeches lately?
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