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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. 2 things I will say. 1) I do not hate, period, full stop. I don’t have time for that in my life. I do believe however that he being in the White House again is very very dangerous. I also believe he was not nearly as effective a president as the smoke and mirrors will lead many to believe. 2) if you are truly, truly wanting to learn about Harris’ true vision, policy goals, etc. Do you honestly think intermat non wrestling forums is the best website for that? Do you truly truly want to learn them, or do you want someone to post them here so you can argue them? Honest question. It just seems like a reasonable person saying “I really want to learn so I’ll wait for someone to post them on a wrestling site” just doesn’t seem to square.
  2. Honest question. If you know a particular person has evolved into almost everything he says is bullshit, why do you then believe him when he says "I'm going to do this" in regard to policy. If you know a person is completely full of shit, why does that not come into play when they are saying something to try to earn your vote. Especially if a person says he is going to do one thing to a very large group of middle class americans, but then says a completely different thing to smaller groups of a different finanical demographic. I guess my question is, how do you decipher that, he is definitely lying about these nine things.....but telling us the truth about that one thing?
  3. Right forelimb might be a good description....
  4. I started a right wing echo chamber????? You obviously haven't been paying attention.
  5. Doesn't matter, this race is over and come January the GOP will have done exactly what I have been saying was going to happen the last 5 years............drive away enough moderate conservatives (like myself) to the point the democrats are going to have a strong hold on all three houses, and while MAGA plays their fun games, conservative policy goes by the way side in our government. You don't have to like or give any weight to my opinion, but I would recommend maybe listening to people who have been doing GOP polling a very long time and understands these things as well as anyone. Here are some quotes from Frank Luntz: “She’s bringing out people who are not interested in voting for either Trump or Biden, so the entire electoral pool has changed and if it continues in this direction you have to start to consider Democrats winning the Senate and Democrats winning the House,” “She’s got intensity now. She’s got an intensity advantage. She’s got a demographic advantage and I haven’t seen anything like this happen in 30 days in my lifetime,” he said. “Now my groups are broken up by young women saying, ‘I’m not voting for him anymore.’” He added: “The people who are undecided have all collapsed towards Harris. The people who are ‘weak’ Trump have all collapsed towards undecided.”
  6. We had Russians at the OTC for years for Greco.....but when you put zero emphasis whatsoever at the grass roots level, you can hire all the Russians you want for the senior level, but too late, too far behind by the time they can get their hands on 'em. 'we' are not banning russian athletes. UWW/IOC is banning the federation, and certain athletes that did certain things. There were a number of Russian athletes that were cleared to compete, and they/the federation chose not to.
  7. Lopez would be a legacy award. Strip away the history and he is no where close to the list of outstanding wrestler candidates for that tournament. Zhamolov absolutely should have been in the finals, it was absolutely the right call. Valiev was warned, then dinged, and he still continued to avoid wrestling. There is no where in the rules that says if you get dinged once you get a free 30 seconds, and there is nothing in the rule that says that call cannot be made in the last five seconds. It is very similar to the Mongolian situation in Rio….which, too, was the right call. Per style my vote would be Esmaeili, Elor, and Zhamalov.
  8. Ummmmm, Facts??? This statement reminds me of a leadership conference I went to, and walked out of when the following statement was made: Facts are not real, feelings are real.
  9. I don’t talk about him all that much (you can check the comment history if you like), he’s about three months away from being completely irrelevant to anything but the justice system…..I was just making an observation.
  10. While it may be true that he spent a life time serving the country and communities….he did tell a couple lies for political purposes. BUT DONT TALK BAD ABOUT TRUMP!!! Oh wait, I forgot….TDS
  11. A lot of the talk I am seeing here and on other SM is to the effect of not 'allowing' so much concentration of our team in one RTC. That's is where my comment comes from, not meant to single out your post, apologies not clear.
  12. I don’t understand this line of “spreading out across RTC’s”. What are we going to do, dictate to these guys where they train and earn their living?
  13. Dake beat the JPN last second the last time they wrestled. The JPN is ascending toward his peak, Dake descending away. There was also this guy in the bracket that teched him last time out. Thats not an overwhelming favorite, unless you’re wearing the American goggles. Brooks was a wildcard. We (and by we I mean those who are able to take a world wide perspectice this, not we wearing the American goggles) weren’t sure what we were going to get out of Brooks. He made one freestyle mistake in his first real senior level competition, came home with a medal and was one mistake from wrestling for it all. Saying Brooks underperformed is ridiculous. Snyder had two guys in the bracket that beat him within the last year. Again, two guys ascending toward their peak while he is descending away. He lost to them again, the first one much much closer than last time. Parris shit the bed. Can’t argue that. Don’t know what the hell I was watching. 57 certainly didn’t underperform and at 65 the world is much much better than we are. We’ve gotten used to that. Am I saying all is perfect and nothing needs to be done, of course not. Fortunately while we are hearing screaming from the cheap seats, the people in CoSprings are doing what they do at the end of each quad, evaluating and resetting.
  14. Heeeeeeeeeey. Winner winner chicken dinner!!! Let me guess, they have an equal focus on all styles, from the development stages all the way through?
  15. If the United States Swimming decided to put all their resources and heavy emphasis in the breast stroke, programming the event from youth all the way through college.......should we expect to be the dominant nation in the butterfly at the olympics? I mean, they're similar.
  16. Yes, look at how all the Russians do their strength training. Kettlebells, ropes, and boxes.
  17. I said I’m not arguing my context of ‘Russians’ with you. And wished you a good day. I still wish you a good day. If you would like to interpret that as a “resigning”, you are free to. But… Comprehension skills.
  18. Am I mistaken in that………?” Is an inquiry, not a statement. I advised you use some comprehension skills, the question mark is the first clue.
  19. 1) 1 did not think Japan was Russia, I think that’s clear and will just leave that there. Go back through with some comprehension skills. 2) In my mind, how I decide to evaluate the sport of international wrestling, yes, I do get to make that choice. In the context of wrestling, they’re all Russians. And I’m not going to argue with you about it. Good day.
  20. In the context of wrestling, they’re all Russians. To each their own.
  21. Okay so I was mistaken. He only wrestled three Russians
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