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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. I can never understand how regulations automatically equals "THEY ARE ELIMINATING OUR RIGHTS" Every single right we have, rights much more directly relating to the right to live, are regulated. For example: The AIR we breathe, has regulations. The WATER we drink, has regulations. The FOOD we eat, has regulations. I have not heard one.....single......lawmaker.......propose the elimination of the right to bear arms. But, as has been mentioned above, having a straight forward conversation with nothing but facts. (Gun owner and life long conservative)
  2. I was disappointed in Comer's press conference. Was really expecting some hard dirt. The only evidence is nine people over the span of three years made a total of 10 million dollars in foreign business deals. I'm sure there are more to these deals than what Comer has shown so far, but I just don't see where this comes close to proving anything? What are they waiting on.
  3. I find it interesting that the most important aspect of this topic people are focused on, is Parrish's choice to use sarcasm. You think he doesn't know it was a different between assault and rape? Furthermore.....do you think he cares? I think he answered that with 'the title stands". If you all want to jump on the throat every time somebody uses hyperbole, whether it be here or with an exclusive audience on cnn....I hope you have a shitload of stamina. Best part of the town hall meeting.....he's going to have yet another lawsuit on his hands.
  4. Did he shoot you with his finger gun: "Bang bang" then grab his d*** and run off in the dark?
  5. I want to debate you, but I know having gone through the same experience S Lee has, you can speak coming from common ground. Particularly since….you were there.
  6. Ageeed. I’d argue it was the greatest Olympic performance of all time. Matter if perspective. Where one may say he got lucky of an early whistle. Another may say short of a 30 second brain fart with zero par terre defense….he absolutely dominated the bracket…a tough bracket with lots of gold medals. The brain fart just set up one of the most dramatic finishes of all time.
  7. I don’t even know what you’re trying to say here.
  8. I agree with 99% of that. I just don’t go so far ahead of myself to consider a guy world medal threat….who is not competing in the world championships. Countless upon countless examples of people who have beaten a medalist, yet never competed in a world championship, let alone medaled, keep me from taking that step. Maybe this will simmer everyone’s onions: Do I believe he has the talent and skills to win a medal some day? Sure. Do I consider him a medal threat in a tournament before he is able to put it together enough to qualify for said tournament? No
  9. You got the stickies…don’t you. No, I didn’t.
  10. it is one thing to beat a medalist, it is another to win a medal. That's all I said. Relax folks. It's okay.
  11. True, but really has nothing to do with the fact that there's a difference between beating a world medalist or champ at an open or grand prix, and doing it at the world championships. Not saying it's impossible for him to do so.
  12. thanks skippy
  13. I don't know if it takes anything away when comparing world championships from the past. There is a long history of ten weight classes. Comparing Olympics on the other hand...... I really think overall you have to give a little more weight to the golds and medals in the post soviet era, before even talking about weight classes. There's just so many damn Russians in the bracket. Then you drop down to six weights, making the bracket even more Russian heavy. Then you add in the new wave of free agency, where, not only do you have the Russian, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, and Belarus in the bracket......but the athletes from France and Arab Emirates are imported Russians. It's particularly tough in international wrestling to make good comparisons between eras. The mount rushmore in my opinion should be categorize your four eras, and who's the goat from each.
  14. Not for nothin, but there's a big difference between beating someone with a medal, and winning a medal at the championships. Especially for Americans, who tend to stay closer to 'peak' than other countries. Brent Metcalf????
  15. I love this selection process. I love that if you win a world medal, they have to come through you. I have no problem with that, that athlete has proven they are capable of winning a world medal. I also love the adjustments they made this year and the extreme importance of the national championship. The national champ will wrestle for the spot, guaranteed. To make the team you either have to win a medal, or win the national championship. I think that’s beautiful.
  16. None the less, did the ref forget who he awarded the caution too. Did the athletes and coaches forget who just back straight out avoiding just three seconds ago. I get was mass confusion I’m just again surprised that EVERYONE in the match forgot who just got cautioned three seconds ago.
  17. So what I’ve been wondering is how is it that everyone involved in the match forgot that there was a criteria winning caution JUST THREE SECONDS AGO. The caution was even marked on the board Seriously the ref, athletes, coaches all just……forgot.
  18. No offense but, then why did you bring him up and talk about him when the conversation had nothing to do with him?
  19. 55 -Nowry 60- Black 63- Jones 67- Nutter 72- Smith 77- Bey 82- Sanders 87-Stefanowicz 97- Boykin 130-Ruuuuuuulon
  20. Yeah I hear ya. I’m in Florida. We’re trying.
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