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Everything posted by Husker_Du

  1. i mean, you're telling us you believe in the climate hoax and you've spent hours defending a terror state so i'm just doing the math.
  2. you're going to believe what you want. wear your mask and buy a tesla. get triple vaxxed. define 'woman'. fight for genocide. feel good about yourself.
  3. not 'in a nutshell'. that's precisely what is happening. so rich white people can feel good about themselves since they were raised on Al Gore saying the Earth would be destroyed by 2000.
  4. with forced/cheap labor rape the earth of rare minerals the runoff of which contaminates groundwater and local environment to pay more money to charge it electrically with power that comes from fossil fueled plants to stop fossil climate change which there i no data to support. lunacy.
  5. read the effin scientific papers he posts. or go look up the hundreds of vids of leading climatologists that all call this stuff for what it is - a hoax.
  6. follow these two accounts. might change your mind (particularly climate change as a result of fossil fuels)
  7. this was the point of starting the topic. it doesn't save money and it doesn't help the environment.
  8. no, but the number of meaningless deaths would be at a fraction. no one needs that horsepower.
  9. there's much more than 'accusations'. there's evidence. and plenty of it. you can't being effing serious
  10. well, then it's settled. b/c you say so. nothing on epstein is a giant miscarriage of justice. it's an enormous cover up by federal agencies. and i don't understand how anyone - be it on the left or the right - can't see that.
  11. explain. how would winning not be greater than winning 4? how would being the first (and only) to ever accomplish something be 'overrated' or subjugated.
  12. convict is a matter for the courts. it's not about convictions. it's about the process which is clearly corrupt. potential violations by people on the right get expedited; by people on the left go uninvestigated or uncharged. if people are guilty let the court rule. but the people on the left don't even get charged despite what appears to mountains of credible evidence. nothing on epstien is insane. nothing on hillary on a dozen fronts (including the fake dossier). nothing on hunter and DOJ clearly holding the process up.
  13. jfc. that's the point. that's what being 'weaponized' means.
  14. do i have to spell it out for you, dipshit? we had this whole convo in another thread. hillary did everything but murder people on camera....and nothing not one human has been charged in anything Epstein Island. do the math on that. how much more you want? it's not my fault you're a lefty douche that can't be honest with themselves.
  15. the DOJ and FBI are certainly 'weaponized'. check out the recent ledger.
  16. Bernard is not the dumbest. he's just a more articulate version of Ban Basketball. pretty much Ban Basketball before he got senile.
  17. pfft. that was the least of of the concerns. i know you know what was. so stop being a liberal apologist slap dick.
  18. we SHOULD have pulled out. everyone agreed with that. it's the 'how'. to be honest, Biden get the blame b/c he forced an expedited withdraw, but the military leaders deserve most of it, imo. how many people have to green light so many asinine checkpoints for a disaster like that to happen?
  19. you're going back to the why, not the how. it was a disaster.
  20. how disingenuous. the right didn't freak out over pulling out of afghanistan; the freaked out at the process which was an all time screw up. you have been criticizing the US military on these boards all over the place. some i find justified (and frankly i thank you for posting about them b/c i was unaware of some situations). but you don't want to criticize the Afghan pull out? from every objective standpoint it was a giant screw up.
  21. i literally gave an example in that post. Ukraine.
  22. wake up, boss. that may have been true a decade or two ago. there's clearly been an axis-shifting ideological flip. same as propensity for global conflict. the evidence is all up in your face. and the fact that lefties don't recognize it is clear that they are more tribal than they are vigilant or intelligent. your not voting or commenting on your values; you're blindly and without evidence, defending your team.
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