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Posts posted by Dogbone

  1. 4 hours ago, 1032004 said:

    I’m still confused why people keep simultaneously saying “OSU has been great” and “Iowa needs a change” when they’re currently projected to finish similarly at NCAA’s and I’d pick Iowa to win the dual…

    I also pick Iowa to win the dual and place higher at NCAA but the answer to your question is the perception that Iowa is trending down and OSU is trending up.    OSU coming off one of their worst NCAAs in the Smith era and does appear to be trending up.  Yet to be seen how Iowa will finish but they haven't had back-to-back dual losses like PSU/Michigan in a long while. 

  2. 2 hours ago, AgaveMaria said:

    Truax has the same problem as the last upper weight guy they had that came in. (Though that one did win a title one of his two years)

    He is not "A Penn State" wrestler. He does not show what many of the Cael guys do on the mat.

    Maybe more time in the room getting The System pumped into him is needed?

    Like sitting on the ankle in the top position?   or did you mean the mat in general and not mat wrestling?

    I recall Truax being good on top at Cal Pol but I might of misunderstood the comment.

    • Fire 1
  3. As someone who doesn't cheer for PSU, I don't think of myself as a hater but perhaps as a non PSU fan the shoe fits.

    I also have wondered this and think it is a combination of a few things

    1) PSU has a disproportionate amount highly ranked wrestlers who are in big matches that draw attention.  So it seems like they are involved in getting calls but others have benefited as well.  For example, Dean's win the quarters was big but not the only bad call at NCAAs that year or in other years but we remember it because he won the title.

    2) Because they have some of the best wrestlers, their reaction time/wrestling IQ/quick twitch, whatever probably create more 50/50 calls.  

    3) Stars do get calls and they probably get the benefit of the doubt on 50/50 calls.

    • Fire 2
  4. 29 minutes ago, KCMO2 said:

    He did, when Ben was a freshman and sophomore.  Might have been different if he wrestled him his last 2 seasons, when he went 87-0 with 54 pins and won 2 Hodge's.

    Ben went 87-0, partly because he didn't have to wrestle Pendleton anymore.  He was 65-1 in Fresh & Soph years when he wasn't wrestling CP so wasn't like he turned a large corner his Jr and Sr years.  His kryptonite just graduated. 

  5. 52 minutes ago, jajensen09 said:

    Idk. I don't see Nago being able to ride van dee. Van dee is tough to take down. I see it a 1 take down match

    Ragusin rode Van Dee for 1:57 seconds and Nagao is better on top.  It could be a 1 TD match but I think Nagao is better on the mat at this point in their careers.

  6. 125, 141, 157, and 184 are the toss ups, imo. 

    I don't think Robb over Haines would be a huge upset, but I am probably giving Robb a mulligan on his 4 match losing streak and think he is closer to the guy we saw last year and early this year.  Haines is the pick and favorite tho. 

    I know Van Dee just beat Ragusin but Nagao seems like a style problem as Nagao does the things Van Dee does but better.  To me that would be a bigger upset than Robb over Haines. 

    Taylor still seems undersized for 165.  Great win last week but that was the first time Amine had been on the mat in a while.

  7. 12 minutes ago, ionel said:

    You think stress doesn't age one?  Do you think the Ferrari fiasco didn't age John an extra 10 years?  

    Does Cael ever look stressed? 

    I don't think stress caused Gable to need a new hip.  

    I also never said stress doesn't age one.  I only disagreed with the claim that "every time a coach throws a fit matside (see Gable/Smith) it ages them more" 



  8. I don't think stomping your feet or "throwing a fit" matside ages anyone, especially high level matches.  So we don't acknowledge that.   Gable's body didn't breakdown because of his actions during duals.

    Brands isn't getting pushed out.  He still runs the 2nd best program in the country.  That was not the case for Zelesky who also didn't have a dynasty like PSU to go up against.   He took over after Iowa set the scoring record and 3 of his titles were his first 3 seasons after Gable left. 

    Never follow a legend.  There is a reason Alabama had to settle for their 4th or 5th guy before hiring Saban's replacement.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Hammerlock3 said:

    Yeah but style was relevant in your example. 

    To be honest I know adrenaline dumps are real, but I get the impression that the point of your example is to imply that losses under those circumstances aren't valid in some aspect. Feel free to correct me. 

     I just was trying to provide another example of "carvered" that had a different style than the one the OP gave.  Had nothing to do with validity just that Carvered can happen to anyone regardless of the style.  My bad if that wasn't clear.

  10. 41 minutes ago, TheDFP said:

    It will be interesting to see what weight Brands would want to start at.    Cael has always said start at 125.  Brands needs to get the crowd into it to have any chance of winning more than a match or two.  What weight does Iowa have the best shot?  


    Iowa always starts at 125 as well so that is what I would expect.

  11. 38 minutes ago, Hammerlock3 said:

    you're take doesn't hold cause Mark Hall was way less a shootout type guy than Meyer. 

    I am saying guys can get Carvered regardless of the style of the match (shootout/chess match, whatever) and not just in the shootout way like Guerrero/Schwab match played out.  It is not the match style but the environment. 


  12. 24 minutes ago, Hammerlock3 said:

    In that match or Kolat/Ironside, they basically forced super high paced matches because they could win a shoot out but not a chess match, in Ironsides case it was more impressive because Kolat was such a tough handifghter that ironside had to shoot from the outside to keep his offence intact. 

    The scary thing about PSU is that most of their guys you would favor in a shoot out or chess match. Who in this dual is gonna beat PSU on pace? maybe 133, 141, 184....not 125, 149, 157, 174, 197, or 285. Caliendo wrestles really hard so I won't put him as a 'no', but I'm pretty sure we're all sorta spooked by messenbrink.

    Alex Meyer beat Mark Hall his freshman year and Meyer wasn't a shootout type guy.    I believe as Hall has told his version his adrenaline was too high to start the match and he gassed by the end not because of Meyer's pace but the environment. Carvered.

    • Fire 1
  13. 14 hours ago, BAC said:

    Yeah, you and Vak could be right too.  It's certainly true that the guys Brooks handles most easily are the guys who actually try to win.  The question is, will Glazier wrestle to win, or to not get majored?  I'm hoping that in a dual in Carver he'll want to go for the W.

    I am guessing he will wrestle him similar to his approach v. AJ.   A lot of hand fighting and not a lot of shots hoping to steal a TD at the end.  

  14. My original prediction had Iowa only winning two but I now think either Messenbrink or Kasak get Carver'd and lose. 

    Can Arnold only go 1 more time?    I would really like to see him against Starocci after all of their trash talking but I doubt Iowa throws him out there at 174. 

  15. 11 hours ago, Caveira said:

    Seeing reports on the minnow page beau at 141 may be ducking woods to protect the #1 seed at big 10s.   Any insiders have any info?

    I don't see it.  Regardless, you have to win the B1G tourney to get the #1 seed at NCAAs.   PSU doesn't strike me as a team that cares that much about winning the B1Gs or their seed.  It is all about NCAAs so unless they think facing Woods twice is better than three times (highly unlikely), ducking doesn't provide a benefit. 

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