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Posts posted by Dogbone

  1. 2 minutes ago, nhs67 said:

    The reasons are overhead.  When I say an independent review team I mean a full set of guys, not just another ref.  If you watch any reviews on the international circuit you see a full three gents looking at the monitor while they do it.

    You can't do that at any level aside for the B1G... maybe ACC/B12 as well, but the rest won't have the resources to do it.  The reasoning is that when/if they were to do it, it would need to be done the same way across the board.

    Duals now have video review so we don't need more cameras, but 3 people sitting somewhere together to review and the ability to communicate with them and stream them the replays. Most venues have internet so my question is what is the actual cost to try and have independent reviews?

    Why couldn't the same 3 guys do all of the NCAA D1 duals from an offsite location?  Yes, there would be some overlap but not many reviews happen at the exact same time.  It would also provide some consistency if the same 3 officials (probably more to rotate but still a smaller number) were reviewing most questionable calls.  Would eliminating the 2nd ref offset these cost?   And does it really matter if some schools/conference can't afford to participate in a joint 3rd party review system,  it wouldn't be a competitive disadvantage to the participates any more than someone getting screwed by a bad call now?

    To be clear, I agree with your position on independent reviews and I probably don't understand the entire cost necessary, but it seems possible, if there was a real desire to solve the problem. 


    • Fire 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, nhs67 said:

    Which is precisely why there should be an independent review team.  I understand not doing it for duals, because that is a lot of extra overhead, but for large tournaments.

    On the international level you see it.  It keeps refs honest.


    Agree! I'll go a step further and ask is it really unreasonable for duals?  There is a second ref on the mat and I honestly do not what value they actually provide.  Have the 2nd ref be an independent video reviewer.  Almost all duals have a video now.  I get smaller duals may not have enough angles but just use whatever you have and if it is not conclusive, keep the original call.   Better than nothing. 

    • Fire 1
  3. 125 - Iowa dec.

    133 - Iowa dec.

    141 - Iowa tf

    149 - toss up, No TD match but lean VV as he has more experience winning 0 TD matches.

    157 - Iowa dec.

    165 ISU dec.

    174. Iowa dec.

    184 - ISU maj.

    197 - Iowa dec.

    Hwt - ISU tf.

    I got Iowa winning 7.  ISU needs to win 2 of the 3 toss ups at 133, 149, 197 to pull the upset with 125 also in play.

    Should be a good dual.


    • Fire 1
  4. Bono's issues, whatever they are, that led to them getting shutout by ISU go beyond Askren IMO.   

    He was unable to keep his two best wrestlers in Gomez and Wick from finishing their careers at Wis. let along staying post grad to train.  I get that outside factors may have played in there but if you can't keep your best around to wrestle post-grad it is not a good sign. 

    Braxton Amos was as blue chip as they come and he hasn't sniffed AA status yet.

    What's going in on Madison??

    • Fire 2
  5. 35 minutes ago, BlueWolverine said:

    Ragusin is redshirting. Lemley is the plan for 141. I think Gilcher is the plan for 149 if/until Gomez.

    197 is between Yatooma and Striggow as he wrote. 184 is Rogers/Bullock as he wrote.

    I appreciate the work that InterMat and Flo (and others) put into covering the sport. This guy, Mark Spezia, does a nice job and doesn't deserve a whole thread labeling his work "stupid" when he probably got this projected lineup directly from Michigan.

    Welcome to the board, Mark. 

    • Haha 3
  6. 40 minutes ago, headshuck said:

    Well that part may be related to his wwe bosses. Maybe they gave him a couple days off to do what he loves? Maybe together they wanted him to do it to see where his heart was at?

    Maybe, possibly, but who really knows.  

    Maybe Mason Parris is paying Gable to not compete so he could win an NCAA title, Hodge Trophy, World Bronze and be the one to qualify the weight for the Olympics. Where was Conner Stalions in all of this?!?! 

  7. I am guessing Lenny could of chosen in the off season to go 174 or 184 and stuck with 184 so he must think it gives him the best chance. 

    Van Tressel at 184 doesn't score more points at B1Gs or NCAA than Wilson/Jagger (if healthy) at 174 so put Lenny wherever you think he can score the most.   Since he didn't shrink his body in the offseason, I would keep him at 184 and just deal with the hole, best you can. 

    • Fire 1
  8. The 24-25 season will be Wilson's 6th year as he is only a Jr this year (with the covid free year).   No idea if he will take it. 

    I think the confusion is because the website doesn't list him as a "redshirt junior" like it does with Ridge.   Not sure why they are inconsistent but if you click on the bios the website does a really good job of laying out each year, including how @Gus laid it out for Wilson.


  9. 22 hours ago, jajensen09 said:

    Agreed.  Wilson at 174 might be better for the team but it may not be what's best for Bubba. He has a redshirt available I believe. Also don't forget Bubba lost wrestleoffs last year and ended up back in the lineup.  Also is there any word on jagger comiditi?

    According to the Husker's website Bubba used his redshirt in 19-20 season.  He may not do much at B1Gs or NCAAs but if he wants to start, I think he should bump up.  

    Who knows, he has a decent gas tank, maybe if he bulks up, doesn't cut, he might be able have a similar season to last year.

    Regardless, 174 and HWT will be holes for the Huskers. 

  10. 2 hours ago, The Reaper said:

    That’s why I think he’ll be at 174. I’m not sure that he’s a fridge AAer though. There’s a reason they brought in multiple 165 portal guys this past spring and summer.

    They also poked around Truax and both Pinto and Allred are AA contenders.   Just because they are trying to upgrade doesn't mean the current guy on the roster is "bad"

    Having said that, I do agree that Wilson is not a fringe AA guy.  Could he make a run on the backside or pull an upset, yes, but I don't know if he can get to the round of 12 or AA. 

  11. I thought I heard McDaniel and Kael were talking a gab year in Colorado Springs, but I could be wrong on that.

    Is Jagger Condomitti still recovering?  He beat Wilson last year at wrestle offs but was talking time off after multiple concussions, I figured he will be in the mix at 165, if healthy.

    Good to hear about Robb, guessing if Taylor is going up then he already knows he doesn't have a shot at 157 which speaks to where Robb is at.

    Guessing with Penz gone it will be Harley Andrews.

  12. Good recap. Thanks for putting it together.

    Not that surprising.  I expect the margins of victory to look different but the results to be similar.  Generally, if someone gets more TDs they typically win.  I know there a few exceptions but 1 out of 30 seems about right. 

    My fear is we will see more stalling in the 3rd since the margin will be wider and the impact of a stalling call will be less severe.  Hope that isn't the case.

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