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Posts posted by Dogbone

  1. I don't think Kerk is going to lose to a guy who hasn't wrestled for 3-4 years.  He looks to have jumped a level from last year, let alone to back when he was losing to Cass. 

    But it will be really interesting how Nash looks, where is cardo is at and if he can make a run at NCAAs.  His size and strength will certainly be challenge for most HWTs. 

    His ceiling is probably 5-8th, which would be really big for Nebraska. 

    • Fire 5
  2. Why does anyone think this changes AJ or any Ferrari from going to Iowa?  

    It will get downplayed, just some pushing and shoving, punch didn't even connect, it was the other guy who started it, even if by starting it that means not allowing your head to be pushed down after the match, it was only the one finger solute, come on the tournament's name was soldier solute, just a little misunderstanding.

    Nothing in Iowa's history suggest this behavior is so egregious that there would be even a hand slap.   

    Dust up with ISU after the match, Desanto's actions, Gilman body slamming Waters...

    Just add it to the list of things opposing fans will use to say Iowa is disrespectful thugs and Iowa fans will say is no big deal, only because it is Iowa that people are making a big deal about it. And move on until the next thing.


  3. I don't think Grey is lying directly just bending the truth to fit his narrative. 

    Are guys ever 100% healthy, probably not.  Every coach can probably make this claim, and no one is going to come out and say, "yep, it was a tough matchup so we ducked".  They all finished their previous match without noticeable injuries, notice Grey isn't saying they couldn't have gone.    Unfortunately, Grey can say it is what is best for the athletes and it probably is (no punishment for ducking and no risk of injuries, real or not), BUT it is bad for the overall sport.

    It is a bad trend.  If everyone keeps doing what is in their best interest, the sport will continue to suffer. The coaches might have too big a voice.

    Football and Basketball have people above the coaches who make the ultimate decisions.  FB coaches would choose to only play minimal conference games and cupcake non con schedules, if they were allowed/rewarded.   

    Most administrations/league offices don't have knowledge or care about wrestling so they just default to the coaches who should be experts, but they do what is in their best interest (natural) and are not actually good stewards for the sport (that isn't their jobs).

    • Fire 4
  4. 133 - Van Dee didn't have a great CKLV so that could of just been giving Burwick an opportunity after grinding in the room.

    174 - No real starter, might be Bubba going forward

    197 - Not everything is a duck.  call it a duck if you like but at this point Sloan is on a different level than Allred, who hasn't started the year off as well as he finished last year.   Usually ducks are when someone doesn't want to take the risk of a loss for seeding purposes, but that wasn't the case here.   Could be a number of things. 

    It appears Nash is going to try and give it a go but I don't see how that has anything to do with Allred bumping up in a dual that was already decided.

  5. 13 hours ago, Interviewed_at_Weehawken said:

    I think PSU started this though.  Multiple foreign wrestlers: Uzbekistan, PR,  Mexico, anyone else?? (and Micic doesn't train at U of Michigan; he has his own facility in Chicago)

    I heard the PSU rumors today too... seems somewhat unnecessary for PSU, but there is the RBY connect.

    This checks out, after PSU invented wrestling in 2010 their next move was start training with international wrestlers shortly thereafter.   🙂 🙂  

    No inside knowledge, but Gomez did sign with Cliff Keen.  I suppose a CK athlete can train and go to school at PSU but as you mention, somewhat unnecessary unless Cael is determined to break the scoring record.

  6. 1 hour ago, MNRodent said:

    Now all he needs is the signature of his last coach.  Shouldn't be a problem.  Who was that again?

    Come on now, it wasn't the coach it was the AD who had to sign off... The coach had nothing to do with it, remember, completely out of his hands.

    In all seriousness, I thought we already knew this was happening.  As a Grad Transfer he doesn't need a waiver so I assume this is just a procedural step.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Hammerlock3 said:

    I feel like the iowa style was born of an era when  not everyone was in shape. nowadays it seems like you break people with scoring not fatigue.

    The Iowa Style was fatiguing and scoring on guys with a high offensive pace.  Guys didn't just get fatigued because they were pushed to the edge of the mat while the crown yelled "Stalling".

    No one, including Iowa, really wrestles like that any more. Better defense and scrambling have made points more of a premium so guys are more reluctant to be overly aggressive. 

    I don't think its a failure of a certain style but more the evolution of the sport.

    • Fire 5
  8. While it would be great for the Huskers. Nash is listed at 330 and transitioned his body to be "lean" 330 last offseason.  His goal is the NFL and shirking his body to wrestle a semester doesn't really make sense.  

    Fun story but most likely he is using wrestling workouts to get better at football and stay in shape similar to Tanner Farmer. 

    • Fire 2
  9. I have enough confidence in the Cornell coaches that they wouldn't risk putting Shapiro in any unnecessary harm this early in his season/career.   If they thought he could "push through" then I suspect it is nothing serious.  

    He is a freshman. Sometimes freshman lose matches you wouldn't think they would.

    • Fire 1
  10. 1 hour ago, bnwtwg said:

    I don't love to hate on him, I hope he wins although it is an uphill battle against Brooks and nothing more than bid timing of having the same years of birth. The same for Hayden and Nolf. I simply pointed out that he loses and I wouldn't be surprised if he is a paper tiger by way of omg how could the #1 seed ever lose and everyone lost their damn minds. This is why they wrestle the matches instead of deferring to WrestleStat.

    It's okay to admit you either don't know what the phrase paper tiger means or you were wrong in claiming he was a paper tiger.   

    Of course, the #2 preseed could lose before the finals, but people didn't "lose their minds" because you stated he could lose to Allred. 

  11. I haven't seen Allred throw much.  He has a good leg attacks and finishes but I don't see him tossing Hidlay.    Most of his pins have come from top position, if I recall.

    Give me Hilday to win the whole tournament.

    • Fire 3
  12. I get the feeling that the contract to make trophys for the NCAA is similar to a government contract where it there is no checks and balances and hammers end up costing $10K.

    And no one at the NCAA is smart of enough to dig into or rebid the contract so they just cut the 4th place trophy = $1M savings = everyone in Indy pats themselves on the back.



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