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Everything posted by CHROMEBIRD

  1. Gilman started his career at Iowa. Winning a title is hard.
  2. A crime committed upon us fans.
  3. Is Robbie trying to out-Manville Mason Manville? My real beef with Robbie Howard is that his first move off the whistle is to step backwards. I wish him the best of luck with his recovery.
  4. I mean really though
  5. Robbie Howard is 21 and still has 4 years of eligibility?!
  6. Nice, is it being broadcast somewhere?
  7. I couldn't take Hamiti serious at first becuase he's gangly and kind of a goof but then again I said the same thing about Nickal.
  8. Thanks. I like the confidence %s. Would you be willing to add a confidence rating that someone else in the field makes the finals? So they key would be: 1st (% Confidence they will win) / 2nd (% Confidence they will win) / Other finalist (% Confidence that someone else in the field makes the finals) / Other winner (% Confidence someone else in the field wins it all)
  9. I'd rather have an imperfect system that does the sport good than one that doesn't. The algorithm right now rewards ducking, penalizes conference strength, and sets up brackets with conference matches that we've already seen during the season. Even if a committe doesn't get the seeding right, it could fix some of these basic flaws in the formula.
  10. The seeding formula sucks. Askren is right that there needs to be a common sense committee so we're not so beholden to an algorithm that doesn't necessarily do the sport any favors.
  11. My first reaction too
  12. Great story. It would make a pretty good movie. Never encountered a Grizzly but I too have seen my share of Black Bears. Fortunately they tend to be less aggressive mind their own business and I've never had an incident, though I do give them every ounce of respect that they deserve.
  13. If my memory is right, Adam Coon was a grad student in Aerospace Engineering. The announcers used to joke that he was trying to design a space vehicle that he could fit into so he could be an astronaut. I believe Mason Parris is also an Engineering major. Not exactly a walk in the park at a place like Michigan.
  14. You serious? If a basketball team says they have trouble with size you don't tell the players to grow, you pack the paint with your biggest players and dish it inside. If O'Tools says he has a problem with reach, Hamiti should favor positions that take advantage of his length. Adjust stance and ties to make it harder to get at legs, gets arms out first from bottom, de-compactify body position when O'Toole forces scrambles, look for cradles, and so on. How you possibly concluded that Hamiti should grow his arms longer is beyond me.
  15. Practice shooting from space and hit it when he does that ridiculous boxing foot shuffle.
  16. Do you think he's still injured? He has not looked 100% in my opinion.
  17. March Hamiti is not the same wrestler as December Hamiti. March O'Toole is not the same wrestler as December O'Toole. I want KOT to win the weight but think the odds are not in his favor. Mentioned this in another thread, but O'Toole said that Carr's reach and length gave him problems. Hamiti will game plan for that accordingly.
  18. How do you feel about cheap tilts?
  19. Glory won't make the finals.
  20. I don't understand how an alternate could be subbed in at the last moment when there are other at large candidates out there who might deserve the open spot. Even they could wait until weigh-ins it would suck for the starter and backup to both be on notice to make weight, game plan, and be ready to go but not knowing for sure until the last minute. The potential return for all this hassle is low. Better to pull the trigger and make a decision and plan accordingly.
  21. Thanks for that. Does the policy apply to Div1? Looks like that's from the Div2 rulebook.
  22. I seem to remember Suriano withdrew from the tournament the day before NCAAs started. I don't know what you mean by replaced by an alternate though. The qualifiers and at larges have already been made. If my memory serves in Suriano's situation they left a hole in the braacket and just reseeded it.
  23. Get rid of ankle rides Get rid of ankle grabs Get rid of ankle bands The obvious solution is to get rid of ankles in wrestling, period. No ankled wrestlers allowed! Shinstumps only!
  24. No, but here's a video of Nelson taking a shot at a Grammy
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