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Everything posted by CHROMEBIRD

  1. Good on Dake for continuing to do what he loves doing. I wonder if he'll make his guys develop sun calluses and shield their heads from electromagnetic radiation while sleeping. Roy Williams would make his basketball players spit in a river before a game, and do all sorts of superstitious things.
  2. The other difference being that he's smaller than Spencer Lee.
  3. Don't worry, Clarissa is there!
  4. PK too, although I'd take Kennedy over Brands if it ever comes down to them wrestling off for it.
  5. A certain forum poster's kid could also fill the spot
  6. Maybe it'll give him the opportunity to focus on actually teaching wrestling and not get caught up in a lot of administration, recruiting, NIL, and fundraising. I can't imagine Davis is even close to being the oldest D1 active coach, but he is older than John Smith who just retired.
  7. Nice pickup for the Hawks. Kinda sucks for ASU and Rotchy.
  8. I feel like Hamiti is right there already. Looked like he got hurt late in the MM match, the way he hobbled off the mat.
  9. Back for U23s? Where would Nelson slot into the lineup? Siebrecht - Cal - PK - Gabe - Glaze - Keeter is looking pretty tough.
  10. Looks good. One question, what was the story behind Alvarez leaving? I wonder if he has transfer remorse. IIRC he left before Ol' Johnnie announced his retirement.
  11. Ah yes, that's a crucial bullet point
  12. There's also Jamill Kelly who I believe never was never a state or NCAA champion but won an Olympic medal. I think that's pretty rare in freestyle, but not 100% sure
  13. Also feels like Cenzo has relocated quite a lot since graduating.
  14. Looks like Cenzo heading to UNC to coach at the THWC. Solid pickup. Koll, Ramos, Darmstadt, Francois, and Cenzo all in the room ain't too shabby!
  15. Thanks... I remembered an interview where Cassar said he couldn't even qualify for states when he wrestled in high school, but it looks like he qualified and won a title during his senior year
  16. Did Cassar ever win a state title? I thought he didn't qualify for state tournament or something like that.
  17. Coach Recruit Train Compete Get into law school(?) Chop wood Carry water That's a pretty full plate
  18. You could also try the yearbook and newspaper route. I assume Larry appears in the OU yearbook wrestling team & class photos. Hard to tell if he's in the action shots, but there were only 10-14 guys on the roster so your odds aren't too bad. 1958 OU yearbook wrestling p.168-9 1959 OU yearbook wrestling p.340-1 and Varsity Club p.386-7 The OK Historical Society has the 1958-60 yearbooks and might be able to help you pull photos. I imagine there's more wrestling content in the '60 yearbook since OU won the title. A photo of Larry from his high school days might appear in the Feb 12 1956 issue of The Daily Oklahoman. Your local library may be able to track it down on microfilm. Good luck. Larry sounded like a great coach for all of his former students to come together like this.
  19. Maybe you should read the room and shut the ***duck** up.
  20. I thought the story was that Lee's dad offered Kizhan Clarke a job opportunity at his law office after their NCAA finals match. He finished law school but idk if he's working there. Or was Nick also planning on going to law school?
  21. RBY doesn't have a problem with guys who try to muscle him around (like ADS) but doesn't do well against length and speed (Vito, Gross). His gas tank could give Spencer some problems, but I don't believe RBY when he says his cut to 57kg is easy. He looked all right at the Pan Am OGQ but not all right enough to beat a healthy Lee.
  22. Thanks for the correction, I wasn't aware that the transfer rule had changed.
  23. Did he graduate? The portal dates don't apply to grad transfers.
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