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Everything posted by Plasmodium

  1. On $12/hr pt in Chicago?
  2. No bail after conviction is fine with me.
  3. All of the above
  4. This has no precedence.
  5. What do you think of an income based scale for cash bail?
  6. More than zero. Also not the point. The point is a great many are acquitted by the court system instead of being sent there in the first place. Individual rights are supposed to be paramount.
  7. Ok. I thought they were having some storybook reading hour with a book unknown to me but condemned by the right as porn.
  8. That image needs context.
  9. FIFY Gone is the concept of innocent until proven guilty in a court of law?
  10. Help me out, I don't see any porn at all in that image.
  11. The bail system is inherently unjust and unfair to people who lack resources. On the other hand, it may work for people with resources. That is our justice system - a model of justice to people with personal resources but a steam roller for those who lack them. I assume cashless bail is designed to use the only tool available to even the playing field, but I don't know the minutiae. It will simultaneously increase crime and deliver justice.
  12. For practical purposes, what is the difference?
  13. MTG is mainstream conservative at this point.
  14. Thread is confirmation the concepts of personal accountability and responsibility are no longer tenets of Conservatism in the US.
  15. She wants some of that BDE!
  16. About the response I expected. Revenge porn from a private citizen's personal life is ok for public consumption on the taxpayer's dime, time and dignity, because there is false narrative on social media that somebody somewhere allegedly showed some children porn in some non specific school - special caveat that there is zero actual evidence of that happening. Note that it is revenge porn because Joe(not Hunter) Biden's latest campaign video is a straight up verbatim speech by MTG.
  17. Wouldn't surprise me if they are actors, nor would it surprise me if people who have no idea who they are hang a label like "illegal" on them for click bait. Question is - which political flavor is paying these actors?
  18. Was put on full public display by the right yesterday. Broadcast live from Congress of all places. Then emailed out to all constituents on MTG's email list - man, woman, child. I would declare we have jumped the shark, but I grew up in a culture similar to her home district. They absolutely love it and are enthusiastically demanding more. The depravity of it is 100% lost on them.
  19. My point is Denver is in the same boat and it remains a beautiful place to live.
  20. I don't get your point. The US oil market is not independent of the global market. Whether enough oil is produced domestically to supply domestic demand is beside the point. It may or may not mean that we don't import oil, but it doesn't mean that domestic oil is priced differently. A global shortage which drives up prices elsewhere will drive up prices here.
  21. Tongue in cheek. As an aside, I checked some crime stats. Denver - where I live - is worse than Seattle and Portland. FWIW, the mile high city is very livable.
  22. Looks like two can play this game. 10 worst states to live are red AF. https://www.statesman.com/story/news/local/2023/07/18/texas-worst-places-states-to-live-work-in-america-cnbc-business/70421581007/
  23. There must be some I knew there was an explanation for a drubbing of that magnitude. Over/Under would be dirt on McCain rather than money. Turns out he was captured in Vietnam and the Republicans don't like that.
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