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Everything posted by Plasmodium

  1. We need to take a trip back to the dictionary. conspiracy theory noun pluralconspiracy theories : a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators the conspiracy theories surrounding Kennedy's assassination also : a theory asserting that a secret of great importance is being kept from the public … is best known for … his conspiracy theory that a secret cabal of reptilian humanoids is running the world.—Simon Little … has often been criticized for promoting conspiracy theories such as "birtherism," the theory that President Obama was not born in the U.S.—Grace Segers Origin of COVID fits the definition. I need proof, as that is indeterminate in my view.
  2. The person I quoted. Do you also deny the existence of the definition I copied and pasted from the dictionary?
  3. I posted said definition for everyone's viewing pleasure. You can choose not to read it but you can't deny it's existence.
  4. No, the post of the thread said something about using the correct definition of words to follow a narrative.
  5. Can you refresh our memories? Specifically, which ones?
  6. The meaning words convey to speakers or writers of the language are enumerated in the dictionary. It is very simple.
  7. Not certain people. The dictionary changes to match the definition of words. Woke, for example.
  8. We are speaking English! The dictionary IS reality, whether it fits your narrative or not.
  9. assault rifle noun Synonyms of assault rifle : any of various intermediate-range, magazine-fed military rifles (such as the AK-47) that can be set for automatic or semiautomatic fire also : a rifle that resembles a military assault rifle but is designed to allow only semiautomatic fire
  10. I had some super hot chilli a few days ago. I thought I would pass. I wasn't wrong.
  11. Not guilty. I kid, just a plea. Judge doesn't like the plea deal and rejects it. The Big Guy is now sizing her up for cement shoes.
  12. He is dragging his heels because he has to agree to a abstention from drugs or alcohol plus testing.
  13. Not as funny as listening to people who refuse to read the dictionary................
  14. They all get sensational hype, then literally nothing. At most, Archer is going to talk about hookers and coke. That will be enough for MAGA.
  15. Interesting these vermin pea shooters show up on Christmas cards, t-shirts and congressional lapel pins. Somehow they wound up on a MAGA sponsored congressional bill to make them the "National Gun of the United States"
  16. I'll accept the definition in the dictionary. If that isn't detailed enough, let's go with the definition from the federal assault weapons ban in the 90s.
  17. Not to speak for WKN, but assault weapons most definitely fit that bill.
  18. Glorification, worship, casual attitude. A Christmas(!) card from an elected official where everyone poses with an assault rifle and prays for more ammunition is an example.
  19. I have no feelings or comments about the alleged racism. He is not cancelled - nor could he be - and my impression is he has done the opposite and made bank. Not a fan of gun culture though.
  20. Odd guy to celebrate guns and gun culture. But that is where we are at in society. Slow learners.
  21. The value of X is inertia, both in user base and market. No different than the other social media companies.
  22. Not so fun fact: Jason Aldean was performing when Stephen Paddock fired more than a thousand rounds on a country music concert from his Las Vegas hotel, ultimately murdering 60 people and wounding hundreds more.
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