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Everything posted by Plasmodium

  1. AFter reading/watching or whatever a tweet, anybody else feel compelled/conditioned to click on the 'X' in the upper right hand corner?
  2. Silly question. Names are fluid and subject to change upon final gender selection.
  3. I know a military that formerly used an AR. Does that count?
  4. Is that a photoshop of Bezos?!
  5. Not quite. "resembles" is far from equivalent to "looks"
  6. Just so we are clear - the AR acronym is independent of it's assault rifle classification.
  7. It took you seven minutes to Google that?
  8. Keyboard clicking .., Googling "violent rap song" in 3, 2,1.......
  9. This is rich! How many of you bozos have even heard a rap song, let alone a violent one?
  10. For a chuckle, google "Florida Man xx/yy" where xx/yy is your birth month and day. There are some wacky men in Florida! Changes often. Mine is "Florida Man impersonates a cop, holds hostages with an AR that was actually an air soft gun."
  11. Thomas Jefferson thought it ridiculous for one generation to impose it's will on another, so he thought the constitution should be rewritten every 20 twenty years. Now we are up 11 or 12 generations. The 2nd amendment refers to muskets, for crying out loud!
  12. That would be change? lmfao
  13. You don't see that every day!
  14. Is that one real?
  15. The problem with our government is steadfast resistance to change.
  16. Let's just say I've sat in on my share of Bedminster press conferences.
  17. No and that is not in every rap song. I can say that with authority because it is not in Lil Wayne's B#$@ Love Me. That one is pornographic and misogynist, but not violent.
  18. A song is just a song. I haven't even heard it. For the sake of discussion and independent of the song, people are onboard for violence in response to cussing out a cop or burning a flag? Doesn't seem very mindful of the constitution to me.
  19. No. I have never said that Trump is guilty, let alone should be executed. I have said that evidence against him is overwhelming in the classified docs case and I have said he gets his day in court in all of his many cases.
  20. I'll reserve judgement on this until I see the actual plea agreement. By any plea agreement, Biden certainly will be immune from any additional federal charges on 17-18 taxes and the gun charge. Dollars to doughnuts, that is all that is in the agreement.
  21. You are free to write your own dictionary.
  22. What did I call a call a conspiracy theory that turned out to be a conspiracy theory? I am interested in the proof of covid origin right now.
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