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Everything posted by Plasmodium

  1. That happens now, so we are constitutionally obligated to rid ourselves of this tyranny!
  2. Creating nifty flags and license plates.
  3. These are the best words!
  4. This is the normal course of opponents. This guy beat TreSean Gore who was supposed to be his last opponent. Never been a fan, but I think he goes very far in MMA.
  5. Only time that flag has flown in the US Capitol building. Can't speak for you guys, but I used to pick up all my K3 gear at Obama rallies! Good times!
  6. Charter schools are public schools in my state.
  7. Could be you're loaded and the teachers are just making bank.
  8. Government has always been involved. Has the ratio of students in publicly funded schools to private schools increased significantly since 1976?
  9. I know they do. Duh. They're Marxists. How about Murica?
  10. Those PISA rankings are dominated by Communists, Marxists and Socialists. Are we sure Murica wants any part of that?
  11. The better question is if it will roast people I don't like.
  12. There is none. He cut taxes, took deficit spending to a whole 'nother level and put us on our path to insolvency. Happened to be president when Gorbachev was in office, so they milk the sh** out of that.
  13. You millennials always have an available safe space. You'll be fine.
  14. That was his media moniker when he was dealing with 9/11. It was honorable.
  15. I didn’t say MAGA invented anything. MAGA simply is.
  16. Poor Rudy, FAFO. A sad journey from America's Mayor to unscrupulous and infinitely disposable fall guy.
  17. It is not ridiculous. It is fact.
  18. Or as a convenient, practical implementation of the 3/5ths compromise.
  19. It is unjust because it amplifies the voice of some at the expense of others. For example, a voter in Wyoming carries the same weight as about 4 Californians. The majority shouldn't be subject to the will of the minority. Crazy. There is no tyranny of the majority, but there certainly is a tyranny of the minority. In our time, it is quite literally MAGA. Decidedly minority, but running the show. I felt oppressed and highly resentful when Trump was in office. The electoral college also suppresses the vote by removing incentive to vote. Pointless to vote for president in Oklahoma or California. Additionally, there is potential to override the outcome in an entire state as the GOP was and is threatening to do. We shouldn't be so naive as to think that won't happen. Most of the people on this BBS probably want it to happen.
  20. I don't know enough about constitutional law to keep up with the experts on this here BBS. I do know what has happened so far is legal, binding and happening in parallel all across the country. It is very consequential. Personally, I prefer Trump on the ballot. However, SCOTUS is the authority and all will accept their decision because the law is the law and it applies to the stoner state as much as it does to Trump.
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