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Everything posted by Plasmodium

  1. Because the capitol building was completely evacuated and the certification process was successfully halted. There were no politicians to put the zip ties on.
  2. They controlled the crucial function of government for a period of time. They did so through force and bloodshed. They stopped because they couldn't do any more. Insurrection is the proper term. They are traitors and they earned their jail terms.
  3. Jim Jordan has entered the conversation.
  4. Technical question - how does one double vax? Is vaxxing a second time the same as a booster?
  5. They accomplished at least one of their goals and it ran it's course.
  6. What is "seditious conspiracy" if not insurrection?
  7. I don't why you're laughing. You asked a question and got an answer. Hope everything is clear now.
  8. You reacted to my post with a confused emoji.
  9. @Bigbrog, @Ohio Elite No need for confusion. Just think about the definitions of take, force and capitol. It'll clear right up!
  10. @jross doing his best @LJB impression.
  11. Minor point: They did take the Capitol by force.
  12. Are we all out of last chances?
  13. He was Hash Mutnacher on another thread, but Hash Nutmasher is 10000x better!
  14. Here is a database of all the Jan. 6 criminals and a few who aren't. https://www.npr.org/2021/02/09/965472049/the-capitol-siege-the-arrested-and-their-stories
  15. I meant dismissal from the team.
  16. Nicky Pushups and Daton Fix are in the conversation.as well. Is RBY also shooting for this weight? Should be a good bracket.
  17. So, 11 with an LDS mission. Throw in a RS in eighth grade and we have an NCAA final between 30 YO and a 21YO true freshman!
  18. It is not unusual for a school to announce the dismissal of an athlete. They typically use it as a prop to promote idealized values they fall pitifully short of. Perhaps his history prevented that.
  19. His track profile is interesting. So many firsts. I didn't see any marquee wins, but what do I know? Tony Cassioppi beat him when was a sophomore.
  20. Is he the one that made this call? It is possible Tina Lillard got this in front of the right person and took it out of his control.
  21. Yes. He WBF over Wyoming. Uni should be more interesting
  22. Ne/UNI might get get decided by hwt
  23. It ain't the Afton Quadrangular, but interesting things happening nonetheless Peyton Robb was upset. Hash Mutnacher made a triumphant debut. Wyoming was annihilated
  24. Is his eligibility exhausted this year? COVID year? If he has a year left, he'll probably find a place to land.
  25. Nothing happy about that.
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