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Everything posted by Plasmodium

  1. LOL In the age of advanced AI, sub middle school level photoshop skillz!!!
  2. Texas is making state law regarding migrants, which is sure to be quickly litigated in federal court. If the outcome of that is Texas can make law regarding international borders, NY and Illinois will be empowered to issue temporary work permits to migrants. That will alleviate the financial burden of hosting them. Win-win?
  3. I doubt there is a legal obligation to risk (e.g. give) your life. He is a disgraceful guy. Post intersection of the internet and smart phones/ubiquitous video, the honor of the police has taken a pretty big hit. Some criticism is accurate and warranted, some not and some shamefully inaccurate. This guy does a big, big disservice to the police in that regard. I often look at video of a mortal police interaction and think the police officer shouldn't be prosecuted but shouldn't be retained either.
  4. In your own words, what does this post imply? Do you agree with the implication? Did you independently check the veracity? Have you asked yourself why this information hasn't been litigated?
  5. It is crazy. Question is whether it is crazy enough to be true. Much like an end of the world prognostication, we’ll find out this week.
  6. This is the actual story. MAGA loses every time evidence is presented and cross examined. Not most times. Every. Single. Time. Hundreds of times.
  7. Read it how I like? I wrote it. I told you why I wrote it the way I wrote it. LOL When did "seems like the way" become "we should"? I 100 percent stand behind what I wrote.
  8. LOL. Everyone associated with he who shall remain nameless is eventually reduced.
  9. The emphasized words are all correct. Confusion is on your part. I did not, in any way, say this person was excused for his alleged crime. I pointed out the fallacy of blaming immigration on the crime and then used a literary tool called sarcasm to emphasize in a different way the relative crime rates of citizens and immigrants. No confusion on my part whatsoever.
  10. I'm listening and waiting for you to correct the record. Also, I checked the record and you were indeed asserting that people can steal up top 1000/day. I remembered you saying it was 950, but you didn't even get that part right.
  11. No confusion, your post is crazy town. What is confusing is people dehumanizing other people.
  12. I did not say it is ok. I either said or implied it is wrong to attribute an individual crime to immigration status, because it is not relevant. It is also ludicrous to imply membership in a group as a contributing factor in a crime, when in fact that group has a lower crime rate than a comparison group. I stand by that, which you will no doubt label a lie. LOL. Can you come up with another tweet for us to read?! Only thing I ask is for you provide, in your own words, what it means. Otherwise, you'll nut tuck when it's stupidity is revealed.
  13. How about that time you said people can steal up to $950? Per day. ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!! That has to be up there. I didn't say it is ok for felons from anywhere to come across the border. More fearmongering. I said our crime rate goes down when people immigrate here.
  14. Everything in this post is inaccurate, which you knew even as you typed it.
  15. No conundrums here. You don't even know where I stand on this issue. All you know is I pointed out Mayor Adams is not changing policy, in response to a video where your commentary was he is changing policy. That means you didn't watch your own video. Admit it, you're just phoning it in.
  16. https://ca.yahoo.com/news/b-c-woman-killed-while-032605284.html
  17. It doesn't provide any context, other than hate, bigotry and scaremongering. The crime didn't occur because of undocumented migrants, it occurred despite that. It would be more relevant to post an article of a murder committed by an American. No shortage of those. Relevant question is why are American crime rates so much higher than immigrant crime rates? Seems like the way for our society to experience fewer of these crimes is to encourage immigration AND emigration.
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