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Everything posted by Plasmodium

  1. No disagreement whatsoever. Wow!
  2. Never been a fan of hers. Too vulgar for a dignified office like the house of representatives. Big fan of AOC.
  3. Marriage is not a religious term nor are marriages performed in a religious ceremony limited to a man and a woman. Using a civil union definition will require new legal documents and definitions- "married, filing jointly" for example.
  4. It takes 14 Republicans to vote NP for Jeffries to win?
  5. Emmer looks like he might not make it out of the gate. He looked almost reasonable to me. Eventually we'll probably land back on McCarthy. Could be a blessing for him and whatever his agenda actually is. Won't be encumbered with all those deals he sold his soul for in January. Not often people get to buy their souls back, and at rock bottom price.
  6. The mustard and arugula aversion is highly indicative of the perils and threats facing this great nation of ours. Too bad the article predates avocado toast. Pretty much sums up the war on Woke.
  7. And, most importantly, immutable.
  8. Mildly surprised Hern is out with a whimper. Looks like it is Emmer's to lose. Doubt he can get to 217. So we'll be at least a week before another candidate has a chance to lose the vote on the floor.
  9. He'll never plead guilty.
  10. Plasmodium

    Bout time

    How did the fight go?
  11. Meh. He is stupid and wrong!
  12. Tomorrow is the third week. We all know happens on third date.
  13. ? I am familiar with what I am reading, which is credited to him. Maybe he has a lot of time on his hands and writes whole books of nonsense covering those topics
  14. His views ignore degradation as a desirable outcome of laws, culture and social policy. It is dumb.
  15. Sowell's view is absolute nonsense.
  16. This is crazy town. Is there another legislative body in the entire world that willfully votes themselves into non-functioning? I can't think of any, we are laughing stock. Is it even possible elsewhere?
  17. Can you clarify-McCarthy is a never-Trumper? Emmer got votes from Ken Buck during the Jordan nomination because "I don't like him". I suspect that was tongue in cheek.
  18. All the school board hoopla on sex Ed is the same argument as CRT was. Mostly imagination and even - hypothetically - if it weren't, it isn't wrong. Just parents who don't know the arse from a hole in the ground. Woodland Park, CO (mentioned above) is an interesting case. They elected some far, far right wing folks to the school board, which is their right. They then said they were going to "flood the zone" with changes so they would get at least some of their changes before law suits could stop them. Most of the carnival barkers at school board meetings can't even do this because it isn't what most of the parents want, plain and simple.
  19. I smell a bet cooking. I'll probably take some that action when you two get the details ironed out.
  20. Not constituents. Democracy in this country works with campaign financing, endorsements and primary support. As far as budgetary responsibility goes - no Republican camp controls spending but all camps cut taxes.
  21. The guy who runs the Country Clubs started MAGA. The closest semblance to the Republican party is, unsurprisingly, leading by a runaway majority in the polls.
  22. Gaetz looks like very childish now. He was just selfishly craving spotlight and fund raising. Worse than not having a path forward, which he didn't have, he didn't understand what he was creating. I wonder if there is a mechanism to rank the most squandered Congress? This could be it. Trump did a sort of denial of service attack on the Senate as well. He couldn't hire proper leadership so the Senate had to waste confirmation hearing after confirmation hearing.
  23. One of these guys is going to try and woo Democrats. Is Emmer mild enough to do that?
  24. The world needs Santos to step up. We all know it is going on his resume, may as well make him an honest man.
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