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Everything posted by MPhillips

  1. Kamal gets Makhmudov of Kyrgyzstan, 2x world champ and 2021 silver. Joe Rau gets Saravi of Iran, 2021 World Champ and 2021 bronze. Sarah Hildebrandt gets Doudou of Algeria.
  2. Yes, we're aware... Ozaki is a two time world champ who is moving up a weight and can't be over looked.
  3. The Japanese wrestler (Ozaki) on the other side is very good.
  4. Elor stuck the #1 seed at Worlds in '22'.
  5. She is the #1 seed. Coon gets the #1 seed...
  6. There's always that short trip to Egypt, Turkiye, Tunisia...
  7. He only handles un-official medal threads...
  8. Only for music references. Although the dummies have invaded the wrestling forums...
  9. Not if any are affiliated with Iowa or Iowa State...
  10. Some people got facts and claims Some people got pride and shame Some people got the plots and schemes Some people got no aim it seems
  11. Thank you Tom Ryan for getting me here. I don't want to cause no fuss. But can I buy your Magic Bus?
  12. Like Judas of old... You lie and deceive...
  13. @Rassling Preach some more about publicly denouncing hate and everyone getting along. Talking out both sides of your suck seems to be your thing...
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